Rubbermaid Auto BlueBerry Grow of Doom


Well-Known Member
I hate foxfarm but i know that their is a modified feeding chart for cannabis plants on RIU. i would use that, and when you runn out of nutes get some Pure beld organincs from GH, it yeilds a lot more. bottom line is i think the dossage u gave ur plants is a little too high.
Hmm, I'll have to hunt for this chart, thanks. Yeah I think it may have been too much. I checked on her this morning and she seems to be fine so I hope it wasn't as bad as I thought.


Active Member
for your question about nutes, I have read of people using 1/4 for the first couple times. Its not uncommon for autos to be a little nute sensitive. Good luck man


Well-Known Member
for your question about nutes, I have read of people using 1/4 for the first couple times. Its not uncommon for autos to be a little nute sensitive. Good luck man
Thanks for the ratio. Yeah I just checked her and seems it was indeed a bit high. She has a small yellow burn mark on one of her fan leaves. But other then that she's good, so, lesson learned on that one.


Well-Known Member
Nice grow man, I have my first grow going and its in a rubbermaid container too, but I'm doing a micro grow. So I'm using the small container.


Well-Known Member
Nice setup and grow. I'm doing a rubbermaid grow myself. Subbed. +rep
Thanks. I'll be sure to check yours out.

Nice grow man, I have my first grow going and its in a rubbermaid container too, but I'm doing a micro grow. So I'm using the small container.
Thanks as well. Yeah I thought about doing a micro-grow since I am using an auto but it ended up being a pretty good size bush so I'm glad I didn't. It probably could have been trained but I wasn't really sure when since it just took off. But good luck to you on your micro grow, I'll have to check it out.


Well-Known Member
Been awhile since the last update again as we near the half way point of Week 4. She turns 1 month old tomorrow since she first sprouted. And it looks like she's right on track for harvesting right on the 60 day mark in another 30 days. Since I've added in another 2 lights, and a carbon filter, it's been a bit hard to get the temps under 83-88 during the day. I've been wanting to add another 6 lights but I'm not sure if that would be catastrophic in terms of heat with out adding a yet even higher CFM fan or figure out a way to lessen the restricting airflow the carbon filter creates. Which brings me to ask a few questions to all of you wonderful RIU people out there. Is it worth it to bump up the lights from 6 to 12 ? And based on the photos below, should the buds be swelling more?

Day 30


King Blunt

Well-Known Member
Bro, your plant looks pretty good. As for your question, i wouldnt put more lights in, but thats just me. I have a rubbermaid grow goin on now and im using 4 lights and the heat is still a lil high. And as for the buds, the way your plant looks stretched, the buds will fatten up a lil slower. Nice grow tho. Respect man.


Well-Known Member
I don't think it's going to be worth it to add more light if you can't control the temps because the good you will do with more light is gonna be screw up with the bad temperature conditions which is going to affect your buds.

The plant is looking nice and healthy so just try to keep the temps under control for her and don't worry that much about light ;)


Well-Known Member
yea do not add 6 more lights that is going to increase your heat problems drastically but like he said above, looks a little stretched but healthy overall. good job


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the comments and recommendations. The stretching portion seemed like it couldn't be avoided. As she hit flowering she shot straight up and I kept having to lower her so she didn't burn herself. She did manage to burn herself a few times and I had to rebuild the light fixture so it would come down from the outside of the tub. It seems as if she has stopped going up and now she can hopefully swell up over the coming final weeks.


Well-Known Member
Today is the start of Week 5. With only 3.5 weeks remaining. Not much to report on other then she's really starting to smell and may need to get a second carbon filter just for the room. Slowly swelling up and can only watch and wait for her to keep budding out and hope she keeps getting fatter. Using nutes every other watering at 1/4 strength. Temps averaging around 72 at night and 84 during the day.

Day 35



Well-Known Member
3.5 weeks? looks like at least a good month left. i would let them go till 9 weeks at least. autos do a little bit of color changing right at the end of their life cycle


Well-Known Member
lookin good man!!
Thank you!

She is looking great Sevren!
Yes she is starting to shape up quite nicely, thank you.

3.5 weeks? looks like at least a good month left. i would let them go till 9 weeks at least. autos do a little bit of color changing right at the end of their life cycle
At least a month to 9 weeks? I'm honestly just going by the 60 day life cycle note that I read about the strain. Unless I read it wrong, which I very well may have. I'm getting quite anxious but if she takes 9 weeks to fatten up, I will definitely let her. And I was hoping she would change color, I've been thinking of setting up a AC box to blow cold air on her during the day to see if she would change color but if she's going to on her own then that's even better. I tried a blueberry strain about a year back, not sure which it was but it had blue hairs all over it. Craziest damn thing I'd ever seen.


Well-Known Member
nice man, i wanna do 3 or 4 autos in the u-haul box for my next grow, im subbed man!!
Thank you very much Concord! I hope to do the last auto's I have for my next u-haul project.

Damn those autos grow so nice. The buds are lookin sick dude!
Yes she is quite the little weed. Thanks!

Another week, another update. Today is the start of Week 6 and may or may not be entering the home stretch. The hairs have slowly started to go amber one by one as she starts to build up her frost. I had to go through a few carbon filter options over the week and finding it to be a pain to find one that works. Ones that work best, restrict the most airflow and drive up the heat. So I have a nice battle trying to keep the temps below 88 during the day. But it's nice to watch her fatten up.

Day 42
