
i was wondering if i got some seeds from a friends of mine, if they would be good to grow? his seeds are just ones he has collected(there about a couple weeks old) thanks


Well-Known Member
Any seed put in the ground is good, they want grow if they are not in dirt. Welcome to RIU lots of help here just ask

Carl Spackler

Well-Known Member
i was wondering if i got some seeds from a friends of mine, if they would be good to grow? his seeds are just ones he has collected(there about a couple weeks old) thanks
If they are indeed only 2 weeks old (taken off a female at time of harvest) then it might be a good idea to put them in the fridge for a few days. This will simulate winter and improve germination rates in some cases. Of course you will still have to germinate them, then vegetate for a few weeks before putting them through a "12/12" cycle to determine sex and cull out males and/or weak plants.


Well-Known Member
Germination is never assured with unknown seeds.....but as the above poster stated, seeds need to be dried and "cured" too.....


Well-Known Member
Best way I heard of to germinate is hit the seed with a hammer roll it in a napkin piss on it and throwit in ur front yard.Supposed to be chronic everytime.