Tafbang Ceiling Light Grow Part 2


Well-Known Member
Care to elaborate on this or just state its untrue? Cos I dont see how xx and xx can make Xx, but I always accept if Im wrong.
a hermy is a genetic mutation. a defect. hermies bred with each other make more hermies. hermies are most UNdesirable. i would NEVER breed with anything that had any hermie traits. i would risk ending up with more hermies.

a hermie is NOT xx.

you forgot the Y. ;)


Well-Known Member
i do not have time to read EVERY post on this site. i respond to ones i see and ones that are "reported". i have no personal issues here.


Well-Known Member
Well I didnt put in the Y because the human male gene isnt the same as the cannabis male gene. Herming is a plants reaction to stress, it doesnt represent an actual change in the genetic code of the plant, even remarkably stable plants can herm under poor conditions/overripening/etc, it doesnt mean they've radically changed their genetic structure tho. They still pass on female genetics, regardless of what sex organs they might have.


Well-Known Member
Well I didnt put in the Y because the human male gene isnt the same as the cannabis male gene. Herming is a plants reaction to stress, it doesnt represent an actual change in the genetic code of the plant, even remarkably stable plants can herm under poor conditions/overripening/etc, it doesnt mean they've radically changed their genetic structure tho. They still pass on female genetics, regardless of what sex organs they might have.

i think there are plants that won't hermy(true breeders). i think to hemry you need to be carrying the hermy trait. i think if you breed a hermy you will get MORE hermies. i do not understand how using a hermy will magically get you all females. what about the hermies?

if i grow seeds from a hermie plant i get hermies.

why don't we all just grow hermies?


Well-Known Member
I thought feminized seeds came from hermies bred with girls
the shitty ones do. ;)

to get the good ones you need to find a female that will NOT hermy under ANY conditions. then you have to use an outside element to create male flowers, such as colloidal silver. without the silver the male pods will never form. the plant itself doesn't carry the needed traits to produce the male flowers, since it took the silver to get them, so they should not be carried on to the next generation. by theory.


Well-Known Member
Nice, I have huge bottle of colloidal silver, but that information sounds good to me. it makes sense because the seed I got this hermie from was from some what I believe was a hermie, to have found 1 seed in the middle of just 1 of the buds. I'm going to feel bad getting rid of these "souvenirs"


Well-Known Member

Most breeders make feminised seeds by this method.

EDIT: And just for the record, any proof that intersexing is caused by a hermie gene or a genetic susceptability to stress the same as its parent? Ill be glad to read it.


Well-Known Member
i'm not here to prove anything. i've grown out seeds and even bred a little. all i am trying to do is save someone the trouble of having to deal with hermies. if you all want to breed hermy plants that's entirely up to you. all i can do is offer my experience with what i've seen and move on. i wish you all the best of luck.


Well-Known Member
I never suggested specifically breeding hermie plants, I was more talking about late in flower hermies for breeding. I wouldnt grow out anything that hermies early in flower because its an indication of a genetic weakness as opposed to a (fairly standard) late life compulsion to preserve the species. My only pickle with you was that two females cannot make a male. Female pollen makes female plants 99% of the time.

EDIT: And I dont care who Soma is or whatever, I dont care much for worshipping "cannabis legends" (or even knowing who they are/arnt really), I just love to grow and smoke the plant and his method has been proven to work, so it is of assistance to me or whoever else wants to use it, so regardless of whether you like or hate the guy, that article is useful.


Well-Known Member
I never suggested specifically breeding hermie plants, I was more talking about late in flower hermies for breeding. I wouldnt grow out anything that hermies early in flower because its an indication of a genetic weakness as opposed to a (fairly standard) late life compulsion to preserve the species. My only pickle with you was that two females cannot make a male. Female pollen makes female plants 99% of the time.

EDIT: And I dont care who Soma is or whatever, I dont care much for worshipping "cannabis legends" (or even knowing who they are/arnt really), I just love to grow and smoke the plant and his method has been proven to work, so it is of assistance to me or whoever else wants to use it, so regardless of whether you like or hate the guy, that article is useful.
female pollen is hermy pollen. why can't you see that? hermy pollen CAN make males.

hermy is hermy.

yeah, lets go ahead and not worry about male flowers 5 weeks into flowering. :roll:

i'm talking about NO hermies at all, EVER. it's called "stable genetics".

keep using hermies for breeding and keep growing hermies. i already said i don't care. i have my own seeds. ;)

soma is laughed at in the breeding community. from what i've heard. i don't care, i have my own seeds. the minute i see ANY hermie traits i feed them to the birds and stop breeding them.

Burger Boss

Well-Known Member
This is a CFL grow
Well for goodness sake, how could anyone NOT know that this is a very serious CFL grow show?
I mean it's epic, and actually classic; and NOT to be demeaned by uniformed advice or opinion!
I will wait patiently for the upcoming photos from the OP.
Peace, Love, + Good luck & good grow.......BB

Shrubs First

Well-Known Member
No offense man, cos I usually really listen to everything you have to say, but do you care to back up ANYTHING your saying? Why do you ALWAYS assume your right and jump on people even when stuff is unproven, like about a hermi gene? Noone knows if theres even one. And again, it seems you didnt read but I said not to breed with hermies, I just told him that he will always get females, my logic is sound, your the one offering wild assertions and expecting everyone to believe you just for the sake of it cos you're you.
So you wouldn't breed with a hermie even though you don't believe it will carry it's hermaphroditic traits.

Which it will.. Proof? Read some books other than marijuana specific horticulture.

A plant expressing hermaphroditic traits is still a part of it's phenotypic expression, no? And it's phenotype is based off it's genotype. So theoretically, I mean I have no proof other than whats offered in my textbook here the fact that the plant is able to self-pollinate feels like to me is a genetic determination. Where do Genes come from? Ones parents.


Well-Known Member
So you wouldn't breed with a hermie even though you don't believe it will carry it's hermaphroditic traits.

Which it will.. Proof? Read some books other than marijuana specific horticulture.

A plant expressing hermaphroditic traits is still a part of it's phenotypic expression, no? And it's phenotype is based off it's genotype. So theoretically, I mean I have no proof other than whats offered in my textbook here the fact that the plant is able to self-pollinate feels like to me is a genetic determination. Where do Genes come from? Ones parents.
Actually, phenotype is the expression of genetic traits based on the enviromental conditions it grows in...it doesnt modify the genes in anyway tho. And I never said generally to breed with herm plants, I said if you were to breed with the pollen of a herm plant you'd get feminised seeds.

But I think its ok to breed with a plant that has hermed as a result of being let go over-ripe. This is a common trait in most of the cannabis population and from research has shown to produce the most stable seeds possible from herm breeding (feminised seeds I might add). Research has also show that plants that herm early in flower tend to pass on a "herm gene"/genetic weakness to intersexing under stress and are known as "genetic hermies" which are bad to breed with.

Hope this helps.