the chitown sourkush thread


Well-Known Member
and hotdogs too.... i promise you ... go grab you a vienna beef hotdog on a poppy seed bun with sport peppers, tomatoe, onions, mustard, and a pickle and tell me that shit aint fire!!!!!

and dont get me started on the italian beefs with ghardinera booy.... i can feel my cholesteral going up!
dam,i only been to "chicago's pizza",but them dogs sound good,what they come from street vendor?


Well-Known Member
dam,i only been to "chicago's pizza",but them dogs sound good,what they come from street vendor?
maaan hell naw... this aint new york... you go inside da joint to max out... and the dogs come with fat ole school cut fries.... some places got skin on fries!!!


Well-Known Member
sup all.

I think I'm gonna go chemical again this grow... I seriously can't afford the bullshit of ridiculously over-priced organics... atleast not this year. gonna try to go mostly organic for veg as I suspect they'll grow faster in veg with organic...
im going organic.. powderd bat guano pellets all day.....


Well-Known Member
im going organic.. powderd bat guano pellets all day.....
its just too damn expensive and doesn't guarantee the results I got last year...

I mean why the fuck would I go organic if I'm short on cash and 1 tub of 20 dollar super bloom will cover my ENTIRE guarden for the whole year....

maybe next year...

I"m still adding the super good organic soil to my tilled area though, so it'll be like 30% organic or something...


Well-Known Member
and hotdogs too.... i promise you ... go grab you a vienna beef hotdog on a poppy seed bun with sport peppers, tomatoe, onions, mustard, and a pickle and tell me that shit aint fire!!!!!

and dont get me started on the italian beefs with ghardinera booy.... i can feel my cholesteral going up!
forgot the green relish


Well-Known Member
Jack's Classic baby. It'll never treat ya wrong.

Damn dude, that hotdog straight up sounds like the fucking tits. I'm sooo hungry now.


Well-Known Member
pops i know you'll like this [video=youtube;LHdaIKgzXhE][/video]


Well-Known Member
pops bat guano is affordable.... mexican bat guano for veg is like 8 bux for a kilo... 3 tablespoons per gal. once every other week.. and jamaican bat guano for bloom for indonesian.. about same price


Well-Known Member
poplars... be sure to flush like a full 3 weeks man!!!

that's what I did last time bro no reason I wouldn't do it again...

I did a taste test side by side my buddies organic and my flushed chemical grow... taste quality was literally the same...

pops bat guano is affordable.... mexican bat guano for veg is like 8 bux for a kilo... 3 tablespoons per gal. once every other week.. and jamaican bat guano for bloom for indonesian.. about same price
problem is, there's no guarantee I will find that shit in my area for cheap, and if I wanted to get it shipped for a 20 pound bag of food it would be over 30 bucks shipping...

honestly this shit is just getting ridiculous... I just can't handle going completely organic this year... I can handle going part-way organic and chemical nutrients for flowering and shit.... but I'm definitely not ready to convert over completely.


Well-Known Member
tested cured and uncured, no detectable difference to me which is all I give a fuck about.

jeb that video was cool but that fool straight abuses
when i use chemical nutes the weed burns my nose when i smoke it freshly dried...... and the ash is a blackish ash... when i smoke freshly dried organic nugg this is not the case has much {outdoor nugget still has that harshness slightly to me} has would be... but good luck bro... im sure it will be proper looking no matter what nutes you do up


Well-Known Member
if something changes for me that this is all suddenly easy to pay for I'll go for it... but at this point it seems like way too big of a stretch, hundreds of dollars I don't have that would be better spent elsewhere...


Well-Known Member

If anyone is interested. Riddleme and his crew has done a bit of research on the subject. Definitely one of those drama filled subjects I'll tell ya.

truly changes nothing for me.... unless I can find a cost effective local organic nute out here that's not gonna rob me of all my money this year I'm going with chemicals...

I really want to do organics but man you guys have no fucking clue how expensive this is gonna be to do it on the scale I'm doing... to do it POTENTLY is gonna be hundreds of dollars....


Well-Known Member
truly changes nothing for me.... unless I can find a cost effective local organic nute out here that's not gonna rob me of all my money this year I'm going with chemicals...

I really want to do organics but man you guys have no fucking clue how expensive this is gonna be to do it on the scale I'm doing... to do it POTENTLY is gonna be hundreds of dollars....
i hear ya...... you could do all you veg under chemical nutes and switch to bat guano in flower... but thats if you could even find the shit since im getting the picture you live out in the boonies.... lol....... you should start a compost pile....