Uncle Ben's Topping Technique to Get 2 or 4 Main Colas

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What is all this crap, and why is mod favoritism being played out? Potroast would not behave in such a way, he's a stand up guy. Guys like dlively come into my thread and insult me but get a pass. WTF?

Enuff. Let's get back on topic, and that includes you FDD. Do your job, and take out the noise, and I don't mean selectively either. Pretty please with sugar on top.


did you approach potroast for help with dlively?

if not, why not?
if so, why is there still a problem?

what can i do as a mod to help you all stop treating each other so ugly like? it has become a big problem lately. i am here to try to make this place as ENJOYABLE as possible. i am always open to valid input.
did you approach potroast for help with dlively?

if not, why not?
if so, why is there still a problem?

what can i do as a mod to help you all stop treating each other so ugly like? it has become a big problem lately. i am here to try to make this place as ENJOYABLE as possible. i am always open to valid input.
A hash forum,pie and prolly some brownies would werk for me....................ty.
Do what was done to me.... More than likely if you have to infract someone in one post, they are having trouble in others as well. It seems some people's attitude isn't just with one person, but many. Chances are they have at least 2 infractions waiting for them, and that will give them time to think, like it did me.

It's unfortunate how as humans, we are nice to people we meet in person, but treat each other like shit online. Does the lack of face to face contact online really make us reach out and attack one another? People need to realize that there is more than one way of doing something. They shouldn't feel offended if someone points out another way, or a better way, in their opinion. If you disagree, say so, but keep it polite and lose the names and labels...

did you approach potroast for help with dlively?

if not, why not?
if so, why is there still a problem?

what can i do as a mod to help you all stop treating each other so ugly like? it has become a big problem lately. i am here to try to make this place as ENJOYABLE as possible. i am always open to valid input.
did you approach potroast for help with dlively?

if not, why not?
if so, why is there still a problem?

what can i do as a mod to help you all stop treating each other so ugly like? it has become a big problem lately. i am here to try to make this place as ENJOYABLE as possible. i am always open to valid input.
Okay big guy got ya
did you approach potroast for help with dlively?

Of course not, I'm not that petty plus you're supposed to be watching. Soon found out where that was going. Dlively is not important to me. I don't mean that in a derogatory way, it's just what I've learned along life's path - there are some people that are important to you like your father, mother, son, pastor, etc. and there are some that are not.

what can i do as a mod to help you all stop treating each other so ugly like? it has become a big problem lately. i am here to try to make this place as ENJOYABLE as possible. i am always open to valid input.
Valid input? Right, like minutes ago giving me an infraction because I won't bow down to you? Fdd, you're digging youself a hole, you're abusing your mod powers, and karma is gonna play out on you.

NOW fuckin' NOW, can we get back on topic and/or at least split the noise out to the appropriate forum? I shouldn't have to be telling how to do your job fdd!

Wow, what an ungrateful person...... I don't see this one lasting long ;)

Since when do you get off telling a mod how to police the forums?

Of course not, I'm not that petty plus you're watching. Soon found out where that was going. Dlively is not important to me. I don't mean that in a derogatory way, it's just what I've learned along life's path - there are some people that are important to you like your father, mother, son, pastor, etc. and there are some that are not.

Valid input? Right, like minutes ago giving me an infraction because I won't bow down to you? Fdd, you're digging youself a hole, you're abusing your mod powers, and karma is gonna play out on you.

NOW fuckin' NOW, can we get back on topic and/or at least split the noise out to the appropriate forum? I shouldn't have to be telling how to do your job fdd!

Of course not, I'm not that petty plus you're watching. Soon found out where that was going. Dlively is not important to me. I don't mean that in a derogatory way, it's just what I've learned along life's path - there are some people that are important to you like your father, mother, son, pastor, etc. and there are some that are not.

Valid input? Right, like minutes ago giving me an infraction because I won't bow down to you? Fdd, you're digging youself a hole, you're abusing your mod powers, and karma is gonna play out on you.

NOW fuckin' NOW, can we get back on topic and/or at least split the noise out to the appropriate forum? I shouldn't have to be telling how to do your job fdd!


i dropped my ax and came at you sincerely and this is the way you reply?

proves A LOT.

that infraction was given to you before you were unbanned.

once again, i am here to make things ENJOYABLE. is there anything i can help you with to achieve that?
Wow, what an ungrateful person...... I don't see this one lasting long ;)

Since when do you get off telling a mod how to police the forums?

Based on your sideways anger that you always express every time you smell an Uncle Ben gangbang ramping up, you're not welcome in my thread. Keep your negative comments to yourself or stay on topic. This thread is about my topping technique. Get with the program.

Last time I looked it was a public forum... I'm not being negative at all.... I'm positive you won't last the week...

and it isn't "Your" topping technique. The art of topping has been practiced for centuries.... the fact that you call it yours boggle the mind...

Have a great day...

Based on your sideways anger that you always express every time you smell an Uncle Ben gangbang ramping up, you're not welcome in my thread. Keep your negative comments to yourself or stay on topic. This thread is about my topping technique. Get with the program.

once again, i am here to make things ENJOYABLE. is there anything i can help you with to achieve that?

I'll take a double double all the way, no maters, mustard AND mayo with cheese on a toasted sesame bun..... fries on the side. Modelo Especial to wash it all down por favor. And since I won't be here next week, make it snappy. ;)

Back on topic; Topping..... Here is an interesting article about prunning and topping that was posted on the internet in 2006, 3 years before this original thread was created. The author never mentions or gives credit to any specific person, it's just a technique that has been used for ages... It doesn't belong to any one person in particular. Perhaps a better subject line would be, Proper way to prune for 2-4 colas BY UB..... Cause the way it reads now is kinda like back slapping one's self...

Here is a great read from 2006 on pruning for higher yields and topping for colas... Enjoy... :)


Sorry, forgot the link
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