Dual Tent Grow - 2 x Secret Jardin DR150W


Well-Known Member
yay, pics.
I've been taking pics here and there, but have had trouble finding the time to actually post them. I am currently in Day 25 of flower. Here are some miscellaneous pics from Day 18 - Day 24. It's hard to get pics now as the plants are so close to the light.

Day 18 in one of two Secret Jardin DR150W tents.

Day 18 in the sister tent.

Without a trellis these plants can still be removed for maintenance at Day 24 of flower. The lights are just 37" from the top of the pots - so even the lowest, hidden, growth is budding nicely.

At Day 24, all plants have a well defined center section and a nice cola crown.

Resin production is on the rise. At day 24 things are still on course.

Select leaf removal allows more light to reach the lower buds. Any open wound is easy access for spores and disease. Defoliation is a controversial method with pros and cons.

Currently there are 7 plants in Tent 1 and 8 plants in Tent 2. They are doing great! They stopped stretching about 17 days into flower. They may have a growth spurt, but I think this is pretty much how they will end up; 24 - 30 inches tall and just as big around (though constricted to 1 sq foot each in the tents).



Well-Known Member
On the 1st of March I took some cuttings from plants 12 days into flower. They were very small and delicate and I was not sure if they would root or not. The first roots appeared about 9 days, and at day 15 about a dozen or more are showing. When young, all had bright green stems. They have since all turned bright red, but the roots (the part that counts) are quite sizable for such a small plant. I have found the most productive plants have the highest ratio of root mass to plant mass (large roots on small plant). I have also found that the most productive plants are not always the most tasty... which is another conversation.

Chocolate cupcake media at day 13 of rooting: This flowered cutting has some thick, fuzzy, roots.

Remember those bright green stems of days gone by? This is a shot taken at sticking.




Well-Known Member
those tent plants are so nice!! im looking forward to seeing flowers on mine. the clones from the flowering plants are impresive also. is it a truth that clones from a flowering plant have more branching than one cut from veg?
nice job!!!


Well-Known Member
those tent plants are so nice!! im looking forward to seeing flowers on mine. the clones from the flowering plants are impresive also. is it a truth that clones from a flowering plant have more branching than one cut from veg?
nice job!!!

Yes, flowering clones have quite a bit more branching. The cuttings I originally received were taken from plants that were likely cloned during flowering too; there were too many hairs showing and they displayed very nice branching. I don't know the strain well enough to say, but this would account for the different looks they all have/had as youngsters. In flower, I can tell they are the same bud - even though they looked so different (remember I removed the super plant male - which naturally will look much different than a female). Crazy stuff. I know Stinkbud purposely flowered some OG and then reverted her and got some crazy branching. I'm not really a fan of trying to make my plants branch excessively as this will diminish flavor (IMHO hahaha) - but it's not the worst trait. In general, flowering plants are not the best source material for starts; many contend such cuts are prone to disease, hermaphrodism, and slow growth. I have had success with material up to two weeks into flower.

UPDATE: just about the whole tray is rooted now - 24 I think in all. I'm gonna grow em out in a 2x2 flipped at 1 week. May even Solo em throughout! I really have no place or nothing to do with these cuts but they are so intriguing - the roots are great looking. Just like their Moms', they display vigorous growth and a desire to live.


Well-Known Member
At the turn, I am still on course, though I see some issues I must deal with soon. I have neglected canopy management and still don't have a trellis or support system in place. I have been removing leaves here and there to allow light to the lower canopy, but short of that I have let this grow run amok. (read that as lazy) In the end, my yield will be slightly diminished, but I still have another 30 days to go and I will do some bending and such to make a nice path to light for as many bud sites as possible. The natural stature of this plant will likely hold itself upright on its own for another 2 weeks, but the home stretch may require some support. We shall see.

Day 28 of flower is the half way mark for 8 week strains.

Sorry about the white balance in the photos. I didn't adjust as I should have. They looked OK in the viewfinder, but I see now they are orange! haha It makes the plants look kind of pale.

Day 29 of flower is closer to my halfway mark.

Day 29 cola shot.




Well-Known Member
I almost forgot about the bathroom zone. Things have been up and down over there while the caretaker adjusts to the garden. Things are on course now with the addition of a CAP AIR-1 Atmosphere Controller. This is a simple temp/humidity sensor to fire the ventilation system.

Environmental control has been lacking in the bathroom zone. The CAP AIR-1 has put our hands back on the reins.

The plants in the bathroom zone are in Day 1 flower. They were veg'd an extra 4 weeks and they are bushes. I will take cuts and clean them up next week. I can easily take 100 cuttings from these 8 plants.

Day 1 of flower in the Bathroom zone. Sometimes Eight Is Enough!




Well-Known Member
Plants are looking incredibly healthy and vigorous. What are you using to water?
Thanks, G37! Your grow is looking great too! In the Bathroom zone I am using Heavy16 now, though many of their original feedings were of Soul Synthetics.

In the tents, I just switched to the Soul Synthetics 'Hard Flowering' schedule which is now down to just three elements:

  • Bloom - 15 ml
  • Infinity - 10 ml
  • Big Swell - 15 ml
The above ratio per gallon is approx 1200ppm before PH up. My last feed was 1240ppm, and the feed before that 1313ppm, around 5.9ph. I peaked at 1500 ppm for the last feed of the 'Early Flowering' formula.

The tents are actually feeding at different rates, and for the first time I watered just Tent1 tonight. I usually water with 2.5 - 3 gallons per tent, or 1000 - 1750ml per plant. Unlike many people, I don't like to let my coco media dry out too much... If you water, and the water floods the pot without soaking right into the soil, then you probably should have watered the night before (if not the night before that! haha) It's hard to over water an arid coco/perlite/etc mix, but as soon as it dries out you kill any microbial activity you had going. This microbial activity and an active nutrient charge is what you want. With these 2.5? gallon pots, I am currently watering every 2 - 3 days with ample runoff at each watering (20% minimum).

The Roots Organics Soul Synthetics feeding schedule is a breeze to follow. I skipped the Grow-N, but used everything else.


