Libya: No Fly Zone is a Go! International Effort and No Troops on the Ground


Well-Known Member
Fuck Libya, we got nuclear reactors on the verge of fucking lots of Shit up.

Damn the reactor this country is borrowing 5 billion dollars every day to pay our insterest on our borrowed money. And the congress is going on vacation, my senators know what I think about their sorry asses. Emailed them last night and again this morning.


Well-Known Member
This was not for America to do alone. As far as the right is concerned, it is a no-win for Obama, nothing new there. If he had taken any action whatsoever unilaterally, or even in concert with allies but without UN approval, they would be saying, "there he goes again, blah blah blah". So we waited for the world to agree on action. Of course conservatives are going to say he should have acted sooner. Pathetic bs.

Hey, I am no fan of any of them frankly. Yeah, I voted for Obama. I still think it was the better choice. I'm still only about 40% happy with his presidency so far. But these attacks just for the sake of attack is total bs, and much of what is wrong with America. You will never admit it, but if Obama had acted sooner you would have been lambasting him for it.

I would like to know what that 40% happiness with obama is. Is it his golf game or maybe his top 4 pick or maybe his way of running away when there is important business to get done. Just wondering what this idiot has done that you are so proud of.


Well-Known Member
It's just a general statement about satisfaction. They poll that all the time, and you know it. What I am so proud of? I would not say 40% is beaming with pride about his presidency. All I said is it beat the alternative, and it did. McCain? He checks polling before deciding which tie to where. Don't even get me started on Palin, good Lord.

So, no, I am not crazy about Obama. And I have no intention of picking apart is administration, decision by decision. All I was pointing out with my post is that he cannot win with conservatives, no matter what he does. It's true and you know it.


Well-Known Member
Who said I was conservative? Or liberal for that matter? It's not a republican or democratic issue. It's an issue of leadership ability, and he has none. The man has never ever held a private sector job and has always lived off the taxpayers. He has zero experience in anything really. McCain was far better suited for the job, despite his running mate, and our country would be in much better shape. This is the kind of president you get when everyone wears blinders and glosses over the details of a person running for office because he has a nice smile and a smooth delivery. He's all style and no substance. Palin was scrutinized in minute detail and is demonized to this day. Obama was given a pass because the media wanted him to win. It is the media of this country that is screwing us. Their coverage of everything sucks. They are supposed to be the guardians of democracy but they are nothing more than unprofessional idol worshipers. If you take an unemotional view of him and the situation you will come to the same conclusion. The American people need to start using their heads and not their emotions when picking any politician or we will most certainly go the way of the Roman Empire. The only way to stop the downward trend we are on is if the American people are truly honest with themselves, see the situation the country faces, and put the welfare of their country and fellow citizens before the needs of any one political party or politician.


Well-Known Member
The last thing a Despot does to "Stick it to us" is sabotage all the oil production facilities. Think the price of oil will go even higher?


Well-Known Member
The No-Fly zone is going into effect and Gaddafi's forces are still fighting but we are waiting to see if it is just a delay in communication.

Cease fire has been declared by
Gaddafi's forces so it looks like they pressed on until the last minute.

Now what will
Gaddafi do?


Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
World Policing has unintended consequences.....careful what you wish for.
For once I agree with you Rob. No matter how you look at this it's an act of war and we are being drawn into yet another conflict. "All Means Necessary" means civilian casualties.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
The No-Fly zone is going into effect and Gaddafi's forces are still fighting but we are waiting to see if it is just a delay in communication.

Cease fire has been declared by
Gaddafi's forces so it looks like they pressed on until the last minute.

Now what will
Gaddafi do?

That was a smoke screen to try and make the U.N. waffle on their resolution or at least repeal it. He has no intention of stopping. He's a mad dog that needs to be put down. But I still don't believe we need to get into this. Send Saudi troops in there. They were eager to invade Bahrain.


Undercover Mod
Its not the U.S. primarily under taking this, It is the 10 countries that voted yes to "Defend civilians by any means necessary" including force beyond a no fly zone. Meaning they the U.N. can take out any target in the country including artillery, Armour and ground troops.


Well-Known Member
For once I agree with you Rob. No matter how you look at this it's an act of war and we are being drawn into yet another conflict. "All Means Necessary" means civilian casualties.
If we would have done it 2 weeks ago when the rebellion started and it was turning in their favor, all we would have had to do was provide them with a little bit of aid and they could have easily won. We could have operated much more behind the scenes.


Undercover Mod
If we would have done it 2 weeks ago when the rebellion started and it was turning in their favor, all we would have had to do was provide them with a little bit of aid and they could have easily won. We could have operated much more behind the scenes.
The world should not heed a call for help? They asked for it and we should abandon them? This isn't Iraq or Afghanistan, these people are being slaughtered by a heartless dictator and we shoudl stand by and watch?


Well-Known Member
The World isn't standing by.

I can't imagine what it's like to live in Libya but I have to ask myself if I would be as brave as these people have been.


Undercover Mod
The World isn't standing by.

I can't imagine what it's like to live in Libya but I have to ask myself if I would be as brave as these people have been.
This is what the guy is advocating. It's not our problem.

What if you were getting your ass beat on the side of the street. Would you want on lookers to walk by and say that's not my problem like you, or help the decent thing to do.


Well-Known Member
The world should not heed a call for help? They asked for it and we should abandon them? This isn't Iraq or Afghanistan, these people are being slaughtered by a heartless dictator and we shoudl stand by and watch?

Where in my post did you get the idea that I think we should abandon them? I think this should have been done two weeks ago, rather than engaging all this weak ass flopping around, hope it goes away, waiting for the completely useless U.N. But, hey, better late than never.


Well-Known Member
We still have Bahrain and Syria going..
Syria may have 4 areas in revolt.

Those are as ugly as any but Bahrain is one we are looking the other way on I fear.

I hope this helps these people.