Just like israel's deliberate attack on The USS Liberty so many years ago right? That was also in the name of defense? Americans killed by the israelie military opening fire with machine guns and rockets. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Liberty_incident
Dean Rusk, U.S. Secretary of State at the time of the incident, wrote:I was never satisfied with the Israeli explanation. Their sustained attack to disable and sink Liberty precluded an assault by accident or some trigger-happy local commander. Through diplomatic channels we refused to accept their explanations. I didn't believe them then, and I don't believe them to this day. The attack was outrageous.[SUP][59][/SUP]
He doesn't belong to a group of people that allows child molestation. That's just wrong. There is no defense for that kind of behavior.that was in error, actually.
by making it known loud and clear that you are a holocaust denier, you have forfeited all hope of being taken seriously by anyone.
blame yourself, ya shit stain on humanity.
You really have to question any race/religion that condones the sucking of a baby's penis.
The chosen people choose baby penis for the win!!!!
He doesn't belong to a group of people that allows child molestation. That's just wrong. There is no defense for that kind of behavior.
Keep that baby's penis out ya mouth buck!!
I don't accept child molestation unlike you. Whatcha gotta say 'bout dat homeslice?....hmmmmm..I'm listening.a holocaust denying, white supremacist (who was fired from his burger king job for calling people by racial slurs) talking about acceptable behavior is just the pinnacle of FAIL.
Hey this your tribe G-money, not mine....Keep on truckin.the fact that you went and searched for videos of this really makes me question what else you spend your time doing.
jews never lived there prior to the 1940's?
your take on history is not only slanted, but incredibly limited. jews have lived there as long as anyone else has.
how exactly were the jews attacking nazi germany? as i recall, the attacks went the other way.
might does make right when you are defending yourself..
Derp....Houston we have a diversion....alert alert...uncle buck supports child molestation...Divert divert divert..Must divert attention!a holocaust denying, white supremacist (who was fired from his burger king job for calling people by racial slurs) talking about acceptable behavior is just the pinnacle of FAIL.
That doesn't give them the right to have a massive exodus of hundreds of thousands of Jews from around the world pouring into Palestine to set up an apartheid theocracy in a land "which they buildedst not".
Nothing could be worse or more digusting than a person who condones child abuse!! Uncle Buck's biggest fail to date.has anyone else noticed how nice it is to have this batch of stormfront neo-nazis hanging around?
they are just such a valuable contribution to every topic whatsoever.
Are you SURE about that?
Maybe the palestinians don't like child molesters living so close to them? hmmmmm...I know I wouldn't...Keep your herpe invested mouth away from those innocent children!i thought you said they were building settlements? so they built it and they didn't?
again, maybe if the palestinians stopped lobbing bombs at israel and using their own children as human shields, things might be different.
War is war - japan retaliated against the United States because of an oil embargo on their country. But like you say, might makes rightyou're another holocaust denier, i have no doubt that you'll dredge up some bizarro version of events whereas the nazis were just innocent folks defending themselves from marauding jews.
The Talmud tells them it's okay so they do it. The Talmud is the "Oral Law" (literally) hahaI will take holocaust denier any day of the week! You go ahead and justify child molestation...perv.
Nothing could be worse or more digusting than a person who condones child abuse!! Uncle Buck's biggest fail to date.