Libya: No Fly Zone is a Go! International Effort and No Troops on the Ground


Well-Known Member
French collected recon for targets with aircraft.
Which is always a big part of gathering intel and finding targets, but there are things that are hidden or cannot be verified by air, which is where the guys on the ground come in.;-)


Well-Known Member
110 Cruse Missiles fired on targets and much more.

Gaddafi now knows what his own boot up his ass feels like.

Just watched the Press conference:

Sounded to me like Gaddafi is saying he is upset that we are messing his toys up.

Check out the story below.

Analysis: Finally outgunned, survivor Gaddafi plays for time
Ok, I'm no fan of Gad-daffy, but am I the only one who sees the problem for the U.S. with these strikes? What does the rest of the muslim world think of the "Great Satan" lobbing missiles at yet another muslim nation?:fire:


Well-Known Member
Friend you are not up to speed.

This may be the first World Police effort that includes U.N. Security council and the Arab League.

May I suggest you start monitoring since the "Blow by Blow" on the ground, right up front and in the face reporters are doing a really good job to tells us even the small details.

I'm really buzangin' to the show.

Means Hangin' with a buzz.


Well-Known Member
Gaddafi has just made a phone call to Libyan State T.V. and is saying he is opening the weapons depot to all Libyan citizens to fight the foreign invaders.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
My biggest worry is the civilian casualties. I can't help but feel this is wrong. Saudi Arabia has a well equipped military complex. Why are they not leading the assault? Why aren't other middle eastern countries not helping out? If things go really bad (and I'm sure they will), we'll be the ones blamed. This is fucked up.


Well-Known Member
Saudi Arabia is very busy coordinating the repression of people in and around Saudi Arabia and has troops and is bringing in more troops and equipment to Bahrain which is not a part of Saudi Arabia.

I ran has been sabre rattling over Bahrain.

So Libya is worth watching it is also a grand diversion of Media eyes away from Bahrain and the area.
Saudi Arabia has been handing out money to keep their people in line for the most part.. Well that and a threat of cutting off any finger raised against it.
My Google search term was
Saudi Arabia + money for citizens
to see that Saudi citizens are being paid in several ways.

But Back to Libya..

Carney Seca Lets take a look at where Libya actually is physically.

I am downloading Google Earth right now: Google Earth is free to download and install.


Well-Known Member
My biggest worry is the civilian casualties. I can't help but feel this is wrong. Saudi Arabia has a well equipped military complex. Why are they not leading the assault? Why aren't other middle eastern countries not helping out? If things go really bad (and I'm sure they will), we'll be the ones blamed. This is fucked up.
Exactly!!!!!!!!!!! If the Arab League is so Gung Ho about this invasion, why are Western forces leading the assault? They've been bitching and moaning about Iraq and Afghanistan, and I don't blame them, for the better part of a decade. We could be part of the "coalition" forces and still not be involved in frontline combat operations like this. I'm sorry, but I think this is bullshit! This has got me really fired up but I'm reserving final judgement until we see how the U.S. role plays out in all of this. Taking out Saddam was a stretch but this guy has no weapons program, has been contained for over 2 decades and we really have no current beef with Gaddafi! :evil:


Well-Known Member
Easy to be an armchair quarterback on this, but it seems to me that the quickest path to resolution would be to take out Gadhafi and his sons. Heads of state normally aren't targeted even in war, but I would think they'd make an exception for Gadhafi. I wonder if they would do that if they got sufficient intel.


Well-Known Member
Exactly!!!!!!!!!!! If the Arab League is so Gung Ho about this invasion, why are Western forces leading the assault? They've been bitching and moaning about Iraq and Afghanistan, and I don't blame them, for the better part of a decade. We could be part of the "coalition" forces and still not be involved in frontline combat operations like this. I'm sorry, but I think this is bullshit! This has got me really fired up but I'm reserving final judgement until we see how the U.S. role plays out in all of this. Taking out Saddam was a stretch but this guy has no weapons program, has been contained for over 2 decades and we really have no current beef with Gaddafi! :evil:

Saudi Arabia is putting the protesters down in Bahrain and in Saudi Arabia.. Libya is working as a distraction for them..
That may be the actual deal with the Arab League.


Well-Known Member
The president does not have the authority to wage war against other countries, no matter how crappy a leader that country has. Congress is the only authority, we should not be involved over there, but who cares what the constitutions says right? We only use that document to justify everything when it is in our best interest. Obama is also spending us into oblivion. What is the difference between Obama and Bush? I don't see any.


Well-Known Member
They didn't have the authority to do this kind of War until the Patriot Act.

The Patriot Act is a set of "uber-laws" Laws that overlay the laws we had before and grant much more police powers than the Constitution allowed for before. From what I understand.

So this is just the face of modern imperialism.


Well-Known Member
Gaddafi is going to need to step it up a notch, so far I have not been impressed with his war effort, all I saw was one of his planes being shot down and I heard he lost some anti aircraft stuff, thats no way to supress civil unrest and show your athority