Libya: No Fly Zone is a Go! International Effort and No Troops on the Ground


Well-Known Member
Gaddafi is going to need to step it up a notch, so far I have not been impressed with his war effort, all I saw was one of his planes being shot down and I heard he lost some anti aircraft stuff, thats no way to supress civil unrest and show your athority
Tee Hee!:-P


Well-Known Member
This cracks me up.

I thought that here is a person who has an avatar that references 1960's & 1970's Talk about cultural uprisings.
I'm thinking that we know nothing about the people of Libya.
any Libyans care to post?
I know people from lybia, and what does my avatar have to do with this? Its me in front of a portrait of me, isn't that awsome that I have a mural of me, bob marley is their to


Well-Known Member
Eyes open. Things are evolving in a Pan-Arab way..



Well-Known Member
I know people from Libya, and what does my avatar have to do with this? Its me in front of a portrait of me, isn't that awesome that I have a mural of me, Bob Marley is their to
Not what it does for you, what it does for others.

Wow this is the worst wind storm I've known.. anyway you have an image if you are like me you know your side of it better than you know the other side..
Jim sang : Break on through to the other side.. I sing that at Karaoke.

Other than that I think I have been curt with you already so no point in being curt today.


Well-Known Member
Not what it does for you, what it does for others.

Wow this is the worst wind storm I've known.. anyway you have an image if you are like me you know your side of it better than you know the other side..
Jim sang : Break on through to the other side.. I sing that at Karaoke.

Other than that I think I have been curt with you already so no point in being curt today.
Don't be upset maybe someday someone will paint a mural of you.


Well-Known Member
Has to be a post over 10 Characters.

Maybe I am way over-speed here.

What is it? Travelling twice the speed of sound it's easy to get burned?


Well-Known Member
Libyan State T.V. is the running the psychotic dictator show.

Voice of Gaddafi, and no video since the first strikes into Libya, in a rambling "we will get you" speech.

I think he has no clue what is happening.
He thinks all the people who he was just trying to kill are going to die for him.

It's early morning in Libya as I type.

It's history friends.


Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2003
Bush: "American and coalition forces are in the early stages of military operations to disarm Iraq, to free its people and to defend the world from grave danger..."

Mar 19, 2011
Obama: "Today we are part of a broad coalition. We are answering the calls of a threatened people. And we are acting in the interests of the United States and the world..."


New Member
you see how many coalition forces saying they didnt sign up for this a no fly zone to average person is anything in that fly zone being a aircraft shall be shot down funny how so many cruise missiles started hammering strategic locations gets me wondering

i my self really dont care its not in my backyard sometimes just let them kill themselfs most countrys that do this do it for a reason to get recognized as so other countrys go in and guess what peeps after a few years our own money is goin there to rebuild it look at yemen there kiling civilians, government is doin same thing yet yemen and usa are on same page as yemen is working against terrorism what you think is goin to happen there ????

USA should be working on budget not starting other wars that are costly and only goin to bring deficet to greater problems just watch.
People in the usa are against this war stats are saying this

capitalism, comunism, mosliem etc all these which is really better china is striving there comunists , usa is not really what is better ??

And what is concerning me is in the future when the united states governement gets run by there civilians whats goin to happen there cause peeps just matter of time when the people of usa say united states go fck ur self what will they do start killin there own ???


New Member
“The Three Trillion Dollar War” talks about two types of war-related expenses: budgetary and social. Budgetary costs include operational spending on Iraq and Afghanistan, which they estimate will total from $1.7 trillion to $2.7 trillion. (Throughout the book, the authors put forward two sets of figures: one based on a “best-case scenario” and one on a far more likely “realistic-moderate” scenario.) This figure includes the expense of keeping armies in the field, paying veteran-related costs, replacing equipment ($400 billion for this alone), and paying interest on the vast debt we have incurred to fight the war. So far, Congress has actually appropriated $645 billion for Iraq and Afghanistan since 2001, plus the $200 billion Bush asked for in 2008. As the authors point out, this is more than the U.S. spends annually on Medicare and Medicaid combined. And the monthly “burn rate” to pay for the wars has gone steadily up, from $4.4 billion in 2003 to $16 billion today. This means that every American household is spending $138 a month on the current operating expenses of the wars.


Well-Known Member
We got all this expensive equipment why not use it for a good cause for once?
Aren't we kinda broke? Aren't our forces already committed on 2 fronts? Didn't people scream about the "Coalition" invasion of Iraq? Isn't this kinda similar, only Gaddafi is virtually ZERO threat to us, whereas Saddam had gassed the Kurds, had invaded another sovereign nation without provocation, had hindered UN inspectors for years? I could go on, but in a nutshell, that's why not.............IMO, of course.;-)

All that "expensive equipment" is going to injure & kill a lot of people too. :sad:


Well-Known Member
“The Three Trillion Dollar War” talks about two types of war-related expenses: budgetary and social. Budgetary costs include operational spending on Iraq and Afghanistan, which they estimate will total from $1.7 trillion to $2.7 trillion. (Throughout the book, the authors put forward two sets of figures: one based on a “best-case scenario” and one on a far more likely “realistic-moderate” scenario.) This figure includes the expense of keeping armies in the field, paying veteran-related costs, replacing equipment ($400 billion for this alone), and paying interest on the vast debt we have incurred to fight the war. So far, Congress has actually appropriated $645 billion for Iraq and Afghanistan since 2001, plus the $200 billion Bush asked for in 2008. As the authors point out, this is more than the U.S. spends annually on Medicare and Medicaid combined. And the monthly “burn rate” to pay for the wars has gone steadily up, from $4.4 billion in 2003 to $16 billion today. This means that every American household is spending $138 a month on the current operating expenses of the wars.
I'm not sure if this figure is correct or how it's even figured, but if this is true this is mind boggling! :o


Well-Known Member
I for one say we send an invoice to the "Broad coalition" and the Arab League for every fucking ounce of jet fuel and every single tomahawk launched and the man hours behind them... We are not going into this eagerly, as some claim. Had that been the case, Hillary Clinton would not have turned the rebel leaders down last week when they asked for us to implement the No Fly zone that the Arab League had voted in favor of.

The ONLY reason we are now engaged is because the mad man called a truce, then began shelling and killing innocent civilians, after he was warned not to and AFTER nearly unanimous worldwide consent. My only problem with the action is that we should only be taking out anti-air and airborne targets, not tanks and ground troops. By France attacking ground assets, they have taken sides in an armed conflict. Remember, this is not a group of peaceful demonstrators, they have taken up arms against their government. I'm not criminilizing them, but this is a civil war action and we should only enforce the no fly zone as dictated. Let the battle on the ground be determined by Libya and her people.


New Member
read this

The media and the Obama administration have forgotten that we are supposed to be broke: there’s no money for quality public schools, public employee pensions, roads, bridges, high speed rail, Social Security and Medicare, but there’s always money for bombs and missiles.

Let’s call on Congress to require a daily report to the American people on how much our 700 military bases around the world cost us to operate per day!

How much does one tomahawk missile cost? How many have been fired at Libya thus far? How much does one day of our useless war in Afghanistan cost? How much does it cost us to fire missiles from Predator drones at civilians in Pakistan, per attack? What is the day to day price tag for our nation-building in Iraq?

Why does the Establishment media consistently fail to provide the cost of these wars and military bases?

Let’s call on the Tea Party, Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin and the neocons to show us where in the Constitution does it say our armed forces are required to police the world? I challenge these mountebank “Constitutionalists" to show me one line in the United States Constitution authorizing this socialism for the military-industrial complex.

But Hoffman, we must protect the civilians in Libya. Don’t make me laugh! We want to install our own Hamid Karzai type of puppet in Libya, that’s all. Ghaddafy was our puppet, but not enough of a puppet. We desire a 100% puppet. If protecting innocent civilians was the goal of the US government we wouldn’t launch missiles at jirga meetings in Pakistan or fund the Israeli massacre of Palestinians in Gaza (we provided the arms and the cash for the killing of 1600 people, mostly civilians). In Bahrain, civilians are being killed. The U.S. Seventh Fleet in based in Bahrain. We could stop the killings at any time, but since these are Shiites beings murdered, we approve.

The bottom line that must be emphasized is the cost of our two-faced policing of the world —we can’t afford it, yet the Obama regime is doing it anyway, because there is no democracy in America. The people’s will is not done.

The American people desire quality of life first and foremost for our own. We don’t want our elderly eating out of garbage bins. We don’t want our poor denied medical care. We demand high speed rail to get us off the dangerous highways and off our addiction to $4-per-gallon gasoline. We want top quality public and private education for the next generation; expansion of libraries, parks and green space; a living wage and a decent pension for all workers, but we can’t afford these things because Bush Jr. and Bush III (Obama) have blown the treasury on war and more war, in perpetuity, and the cost is not an issue for our media and politicians. If it were, they would report the cost, but they don’t. They’re afraid to report it because it would wake us up.

I write from Idaho, where the governor and the superintendent of schools seek to increase classroom size to "save money." The size of the class is a determinant of the quality of the education the child receives. This fact is not subject to debate. Hence, the governor of Idaho and the superintendent of Idaho’s schools are knowingly degrading the education of our youth in order to pinch pennies. Idaho, once a peace-loving state with senators of the calibre of Frank Church, is now a right wing “patriot” enclave that gives a blank check to useless foreign wars of the kind endorsed by neocon Charles Krauthammer, liberal Sen. Charles Schumer and Sarah “Half Term Governor” Palin. Penny-pinching Republican misers encourage unlimited government spending on foreign wars. We must make this an issue.

Ask questions and demand answers! Start with this one: If there is a budget crisis why is there always taxpayer money for useless foreign wars?


Well-Known Member
This means that every American household is spending $138 a month on the current operating expenses of the wars.
If your numbers are right their bad, but its actually even worse because we are not really paying the 138$ in full each month, we are actually taking on that debt, because whatever high amount tax payers are paying each month we are not close to covering our expenses so these things serve to put us even further into debt