Shrigpieces 4 Plant Top Dawg Grow!


Well-Known Member
a friend of mine send me the seeds. he didnt want any seeds for them, so i offered him a spore print. gave him my list of what i have and he picked 1. so i'll send the print out today. we've traded prints and different kinds of seeds a couple different times.


Well-Known Member
Nice guy, me personally don't have friends that know about the grow apart from on here. Loose lips sink ships as they say. I had a bobby snooping around when i was at my last address. So now no one knows.


Well-Known Member
Had an unwanted guest in the veg room last night. Queen mother wasp making a nest in the corner. Glad i found it before it breed and all that. Don't wanna be assing around in there and have a swarm on my ass.:lol:
Pheww, Just thought id share that.:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Eeeck, wasps in the grow room. Mofo's, I had a nest in the garage at an old house were I had stored a load of paper....messy messy it was.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, hard lil thing as well. Stood on it about 20 times. Thats how much it needed to die.:fire::cuss::finger:
Lol i did feel sorry for it afterwards:-(


Well-Known Member
Ahhh...Shrigs....there's a little "Ghandi" in your soul.............Beautiful!!...............BB
Well it was alive at one point, I was only looking for a home:sad: Shame wasps have a tendancy to be volatile. If it was a bee i would of let it be. Bees are cool.:-P


Well-Known Member
Im not gonna update for a week or so, My baby boy winston the bulldog was killed on thursday. I will prob be around the website but can't be bothered to take pics and go through looking at my boy in my posted pics thing. Iv begun harvesting the lemons on another note and will get some update on that. I may post some pics but not yet. Camera is loaded with winston pics and im to heartbroken to see em. He was beautiful and my best friend

Burger Boss

Well-Known Member
Oh shrigs, I truly feel your pain. My 17 yo cat, Darth, passed about a week ago. It feels like a great chunk of my heart has gone missing. Strange how our 4-legged friends can become like our "children"!
Buck up my friend, in 6 months or so, you just might come across a "new" Winston". I know that seems like a ridiculous idea now, but life truly does "go on". And up in that big "kennel in the sky", Winston would "smile", because his whole life was about YOUR happiness.
God bless & good grow.......BB