Bump If You Are On Something!


Well-Known Member
So true... I've been sitting on my laurels far too long.

Side note, mxe is short lived. I could see myself re-upping quite a bit. I'll save the rest for a rainy day with proper college effort.
Special K is short lived also if bumping. Well if slammed you'll have a good hour of dissociation. Then probably another two trying to reconfigure what you just witnessed.

How short lived is MXE?
Umm, I still feel it a little after about 3 hours. I wasn't paying attention to the time during the good part. Maybe an hour. I only did a little to start. Next time will be more. :D


Well-Known Member
I, unlike you, don't pass judgment until I get a firm grasp of the subject at hand.
I have the right to judge from the side lines. Ready plenty. Lets say 30 percent of what I read was pure garbage.... well, my mind may reflect that garbage and block some of the good information I hear about mephedrone. And its still that garbage that strays me away! Hearing about bluing limbs is not funny.

And I know the accounts may have been propoganda to fight agaisnt the use of the drug... and it was used in mad amounts. But if something damages you a in substantially large dose I think it still does critical damage in smaller, regular doses.


Well-Known Member
Umm, I still feel it a little after about 3 hours. I wasn't paying attention to the time during the good part. Maybe an hour. I only did a little to start. Next time will be more. :D
Yeah 25mg bumps is my favorite when it comes to Ketamine. The experience last about a good 3 hours..... and the head afterwards is a little heavey but really no hangover to speak of :D


Active Member

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
I have the right to judge from the side lines. Ready plenty. Lets say 30 percent of what I read was pure garbage.... well, my mind may reflect that garbage and block some of the good information I hear about mephedrone. And its still that garbage that strays me away! Hearing about bluing limbs is not funny.

And I know the accounts may have been propoganda to fight agaisnt the use of the drug... and it was used in mad amounts. But if something damages you a in substantially large dose I think it still does critical damage in smaller, regular doses.
I think that's pretty funny. I could crack jokes about Smurfs non-stop. It's only not funny, to you. The day cracking a joke results in an embolism, then we can talk. ;)


Well-Known Member
A joke cracking like a egg is more like it! The harder shell is for the people in tune or relative to the subject manner... once cracked, some people may laugh or they may still be clueless as to the subject manner! Once the yolk is meshed in the bowl, might the whole crowed clap and give cheer. You're that shell ;)

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
A joke cracking like a egg is more like it! The harder shell is for the people in tune or relative to the subject manner... once cracked, some people may laugh or they may still be clueless as to the subject manner! Once the yolk is meshed in the bowl, might the whole crowed clap and give cheer. You're that shell ;)
While you remain the vitelline membrane. Signal Transduction allows for a truly abject fate.


Well-Known Member
Indeed I can! I was born without an addictive personality.
The light shines bright 24/7!.. well almost
Ah the debate whether addiction is instilled or is it a trained action, is the puzzling question!

This pretty much resembles any humane cycle that requires action or abstinence.

And to BUMP it:

Yes. First time, got like 40 adderall tablets at my disposal. Quite charming. Not rough. And the euphoria is minimal enough to concentrate real good. No jaw clench to speak of :D


Well-Known Member
LOL That's awesome. Did you do the whole 3g?
Nah, I limit myself to 1g per session, never more, it literally is too addictive for that. I snorted 120mg, I then regretted snorting it, because the duration lasted so long, put 320mg in a capsule swallowed, then 3 hours later took another 300mg in a piece of toilet paper (to absorb faster). So, .75g is about what I did.. I actually promised myself after my first oral dose (320 in the capsule, that I wouldn't redose the rest of the night) The super addictiveness of this compound got a hold of me and I redosed once more.. (this is really pure, doesn't look like it degraded at all)

To ndangerspecimen: The comedown is very mild compared to MDMA especially from one dose, the only way it can equal an MDMA comedown is to have at least 1.5g+ in a session (8 hours-12), but it really depends on your specific body chemistry, but this is in my experience, and what I hear on average. Remember, there are always extremes for every situation. I am sure some people feel like they're dying come off of MDMA, and some don't feel any noticeable negative after effects. \
You've still never tried?? You shouldn't let the stimulation scare you away, I HATE stimulants, but the stimulant effect of meph is so calm and un-pushy that I love it, it doesn't give me any anxiety at all, and a little bit of ritalin sets my anxiety off real well..


Well-Known Member
Ah the debate whether addiction is instilled or is it a trained action, is the puzzling question!

This pretty much resembles any humane cycle that requires action or abstinence.

And to BUMP it:

Yes. First time, got like 40 adderall tablets at my disposal. Quite charming. Not rough. And the euphoria is minimal enough to concentrate real good. No jaw clench to speak of :D
I have always wanted to try adderall, 40 would last be for months maybe.. depending on how charming they are.
Do agree with you about addiction being developed, having strength within your mind helps... most people fall pray to most addictive substances because they don't recognize the outcome until its to late.


New Member
High dose. Say hello to Lucy for me. She should shine hard and present you with new problems.... resolutions in disguise if you piece them the right way :D
Twas a glorious and highly defined encounter...such glorious geometric gem bath....then the long deep thought was so endeavoring.... was quite the beneficial paradox of emotions but always on the pleasent even when intense....especially enjoyed that close eyes and open were so very similar...so vivid....and oh...let us not forget the little people and their mischievous selves...and the dark underlings ...thank you jethro tull...quite the torn realm...think I felt your presence too endangered....lol...:twisted:

btw...lucy misses you:twisted:

all in all...I LOVED IT...as always..... now to colorful dreams........
