Libya: No Fly Zone is a Go! International Effort and No Troops on the Ground


Well-Known Member
look at all the flying cars and trucks Libya has, they had to shoot them all down don't you know?

Watch out Hovercat!! You are next!!!


Well-Known Member
I appreciate that sentiment, and I feel the same. I do stand by my principles however, regardless. As for nicknames of the previous president, I did not engage in any name calling nor did i have a nick name for him. Besides being disrespectful, it serves no positive purpose, other than to divide the nation. I'm sure others used choice words to describe his failed policies and inept decisions, but you will never catch me calling him names. ;) But I understand your point...

Bro, as long as you don't personally attack me, I am in no way going to be offended, ever. It seems kind of petty to me, but again, just my opinion. Would you like to get into the nice "liberal nicknames" given to George W. Bush? I've got a link for ya if you want it! Just say the word!;-)


Undercover Mod
Things are taking a bad turn. Gaddafi is arming civillians in an effort to crush the rebellion. He has opened arms depos to any civilian willing to fight.


Well-Known Member
look at all the flying cars and trucks Libya has, they had to shoot them all down don't you know?

Watch out Hovercat!! You are next!!!
Has the Obama administration and numerous news outlets not said the U.S. is suffering from an "Image problem", especially in the Muslim world? How is this helping? Fuck the U.N.!:finger:


Well-Known Member
I've stated in this thread and others that targeting ground troops and tanks is reckless and is taking sides in the conflict, which we should not do, so why are you pointing this out? either you don't bother to read completely what i write, or you could care less and just like to continue out of context for the sake of a post count? ;) I think the 'rebels' are legitimate targets of Gadhaffi's forces, as they have taken up arms in an attempt to overthrow their government. If they are willing to shoot Libyan troops, they should expect return fire. We should not be taking sides either way. Was that a fairly clear statement?

look at all the flying cars and trucks Libya has, they had to shoot them all down don't you know?

Watch out Hovercat!! You are next!!!


Well-Known Member
Maybe it's helping because the Arab League already held a vote and ASKED for assistance?

Has the Obama administration and numerous news outlets not said the U.S. is suffering from an "Image problem", especially in the Muslim world? How is this helping? Fuck the U.N.!:finger:


Well-Known Member
Maybe it's helping because the Arab League already held a vote and ASKED for assistance?
Have we not learned how wishy washy the Arab League can be? Yeah, they're all behind it right now. I don't take war lightly. People will and have died as a result of this "conflict". Committing U.S. forces in any capacity is a very slippery slope. You can't lob missiles into a country without taking sides. They have to punch in coordinates which are usually enemy positions. Who is the enemy again?:o


New Member
why is china germany russia not there

thats it usa keep depleting your weapons and ammo just keep looking over your backs cause me thinks when your real down maybe someone will decide its time to go after usa

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
So if we're doing this with minimum civvie casualties, how do we plan on stopping the civilians with guns who're pissed off that some folk are trying to destroy their country. That is their view, they are sitll civvies, so do we suddenly classify them as militants because they hold a different view to what we think is correct for the situation? Or do we turn our backs and walk away knopwing it's sweet fuck all todo with us. Why the UK and USA?? Have we signed contracts with the UN saying that any military or peacekeepoing and fuck it, we'll foot the budget and supplies for it every time, no bother.

I would love to see somewhere like the UK or USA accepting another country imposign a no fly zone over them, i mean cops are out killing folk willynilly, seems perfectly fair, but nooo, military action and that lot, totally unacceptable, we're the western world, they're just sand rats, blowing up their cities doesn't mean shit does it :lol:


Well-Known Member
why is china germany russia not there

thats it usa keep depleting your weapons and ammo just keep looking over your backs cause me thinks when your real down maybe someone will decide its time to go after usa
I think this is a valid concern as well. How do we know this isn't part of some grand strategic scheme? The military should be used primarily for the defense of the nation. I agree with military assistance in humanitarian crises as well.:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Obama and I agree with you 100%.... in fact, several news stories reported that Obama "regrettably" launches military action to enforce resolution. He talked to Gadhaffi early on, he later warned him several times against harming civilians and peaceful protesters. You are correct Doc, this whole thing sucks, we don't need it. However we are there to support our UN allies and the Arab nations that requested something be done to prevent the continued loss of innocent lives.

What gets me is half of the consevatives on talk TV this morning are blaming Obama for acting late and half are blaming him for taking action at all..... I wonder what the general consensus of the conservatives will be come election time? Too late or at all.... let us know when your party decides.... the only one's calling him an aggressor or a war hawk are people online in forums... lol

Have we not learned how wishy washy the Arab League can be? Yeah, they're all behind it right now. I don't take war lightly. People will and have died as a result of this "conflict". Committing U.S. forces in any capacity is a very slippery slope. You can't lob missiles into a country without taking sides. They have to punch in coordinates which are usually enemy positions. Who is the enemy again?:o


Well-Known Member
look at all the flying cars and trucks Libya has, they had to shoot them all down don't you know?

Watch out Hovercat!! You are next!!!
Dude, I lol'd hard at the Hovercat pic!:clap:


Well-Known Member
I've stated in this thread and others that targeting ground troops and tanks is reckless and is taking sides in the conflict, which we should not do, so why are you pointing this out? either you don't bother to read completely what i write, or you could care less and just like to continue out of context for the sake of a post count? ;) I think the 'rebels' are legitimate targets of Gadhaffi's forces, as they have taken up arms in an attempt to overthrow their government. If they are willing to shoot Libyan troops, they should expect return fire. We should not be taking sides either way. Was that a fairly clear statement?
Well, I wonder what our flag would look like today were it not for France in 1778.


Well-Known Member
I saw on the news last night that Gadhaffi has allowed his compound to be swarmed by loyalists, or as some would say, 'human shields'. Gadhaffi has already stated that Allied strikes have killed 48 children..... maybe he should not have built SAM sites on top of a school yard or playground? :roll:

So if we're doing this with minimum civvie casualties, how do we plan on stopping the civilians with guns who're pissed off that some folk are trying to destroy their country. That is their view, they are sitll civvies, so do we suddenly classify them as militants because they hold a different view to what we think is correct for the situation? Or do we turn our backs and walk away knopwing it's sweet fuck all todo with us. Why the UK and USA?? Have we signed contracts with the UN saying that any military or peacekeepoing and fuck it, we'll foot the budget and supplies for it every time, no bother.

I would love to see somewhere like the UK or USA accepting another country imposign a no fly zone over them, i mean cops are out killing folk willynilly, seems perfectly fair, but nooo, military action and that lot, totally unacceptable, we're the western world, they're just sand rats, blowing up their cities doesn't mean shit does it :lol:


Well-Known Member
The whole thing sucks, I think Arab nations should foot our bill and this needs to be over with VERY quickly.... IRAN is loving this, as they attempt to fuel the fire in Bahrain and we are now involved in military actions in 3 other Arab countries, 4 if you count limited actions in Yemen.... If you don't know, ask any of your brothers serving aboard the USS Cole how it felt to give retribution to targets in Yemen... :)


Well-Known Member
Obama and I agree with you 100%.... in fact, several news stories reported that Obama "regrettably" launches military action to enforce resolution. He talked to Gadhaffi early on, he later warned him several times against harming civilians and peaceful protesters. You are correct Doc, this whole thing sucks, we don't need it. However we are there to support our UN allies and the Arab nations that requested something be done to prevent the continued loss of innocent lives.

What gets me is half of the consevatives on talk TV this morning are blaming Obama for acting late and half are blaming him for taking action at all..... I wonder what the general consensus of the conservatives will be come election time? Too late or at all.... let us know when your party decides.... the only one's calling him an aggressor or a war hawk are people online in forums... lol
I try real hard not to play politics when it comes to war. That said, I have very strong personal feelings about this "regrettable" action. The "conservatives" of late have been pissing me off almost as bad as the fucking progressives! Both parties suck and most politicians need to be voted out. Of course this only delays the problem until the system corrupts the next batch of eager, idealistic legislators. There is no solution.:sad:


Well-Known Member
The whole thing sucks, I think Arab nations should foot our bill and this needs to be over with VERY quickly.... IRAN is loving this, as they attempt to fuel the fire in Bahrain and we are now involved in military actions in 3 other Arab countries, 4 if you count limited actions in Yemen.... If you don't know, ask any of your brothers serving aboard the USS Cole how it felt to give retribution to targets in Yemen... :)
I had friends that died on the Cole.:sad:

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I saw on the news last night that Gadhaffi has allowed his compound to be swarmed by loyalists, or as some would say, 'human shields'. Gadhaffi has already stated that Allied strikes have killed 48 children..... maybe he should not have built SAM sites on top of a school yard or playground? :roll:
The responsibility lies on both parties... Or are you saying that it is perfectly acceptable to shoot human shields if it means you will be able to shoot at the "militant" as well? And you say loyalists, they are just civilians angry that their country is being torn apart.. civilians. Or as i stated, does their classification change when they don't think in the same way as the foreign powers do? They're still civilians in my eyes. Or is this gonna be like Diego Garcia when we simply classify a population of civilians as contracted workers to give legal justfication in forcing them all off the island at gunpoint so they could turn it into a big US military base instead of someones home.