Libya: No Fly Zone is a Go! International Effort and No Troops on the Ground


New Member
Well, I wonder what our flag would look like today were it not for France in 1778.
and to think usa watched germany take over france and did nothing kinda sad really who really are allies a brother that when someone gets picked on by a few should be there to back you up so anyone living near the stature of liberty just think about france and if you think for one moment if it wasnt for france what color flag would you be supporting on government hill

if you think for one moment really when few years back russia was killing there own what did usa do but start sanctions lmao the real truth is usa will always pick there fights wisely for instance you dont see them pickin fights with other countrys with power Russia , China pakistan, saudi arabia North korea
cause in all reality if they did only god would know the outcome


Well-Known Member
So you are saying we should be picking fights with Russia, China, etc? Did we pick on Libya? Were we picking on Iraq when Kuwait pleaded for help after Saddam's incursion and pillaging and after Saddam's army was amassing on the Saudi border? Are those fights we picked? Did we encourage North Korea to attack the people in the south? Did we welcome the terrorists of 911 in with open arms? Did we dare the Taliban to fuck with us?

I don't understand why you think the way you do. You are constantly painting America as the bad guy, when in reality, we always end up being the good guy footing the fucking bill at the end. Even though Iraq was fucked up, it is what it is, a dictator was overthrown and a repressed people now free to vote and run their country as they see fit.

Do you really think that poorly of this country and our military forces? For real?

and to think usa watched germany take over france and did nothing kinda sad really who really are allies a brother that when someone gets picked on by a few should be there to back you up so anyone living near the stature of liberty just think about france and if you think for one moment if it wasnt for france what color flag would you be supporting on government hill

if you think for one moment really when few years back russia was killing there own what did usa do but start sanctions lmao the real truth is usa will always pick there fights wisely for instance you dont see them pickin fights with other countrys with power Russia , China pakistan, saudi arabia North korea
cause in all reality if they did only god would know the outcome


Well-Known Member
To Doc,

I've just had my morning meds... I apologize for taking anything you had to say seriously in the politics forum. you are a friend because you a nice person, just a little mis-guided on Obama, but I'll work with you on that. :)

I apologize


New Member
i sit here thinking all great nations fall romans , mongolia they ruled the world even hitler all great and powerful nations if you think for one moment usa is lucky most of there resources meaning missiles ( invented in germany ) most scientist defected there countrys and brought technology to usa dont think usa made all of it your dead wrong

so as usa again starts wasting there ammo on something that in reality doesnt pose a threat to our home land and as other countrys bank an build there ammo for the day there going to need it
i can say one thing tho thank god china has interests in usa why bomb your own land in reality


Well-Known Member
I bow to your ultimate wisdom and sense of justice. :)

i sit here thinking all great nations fall romans , mongolia they ruled the world even hitler all great and powerful nations if you think for one moment usa is lucky most of there resources meaning missiles ( invented in germany ) most scientist defected there countrys and brought technology to usa dont think usa made all of it your dead wrong

so as usa again starts wasting there ammo on something that in reality doesnt pose a threat to our home land and as other countrys bank an build there ammo for the day there going to need it
i can say one thing tho thank god china has interests in usa why bomb your own land in reality


New Member
serapis yes i believe 100 percent when some country invades another for no reason then by all means fck them up the invader that is

I don't understand why you think the way you do. You are constantly painting America as the bad guy, when in reality, we always end up being the good guy footing the fucking bill at the end. Even though Iraq was fucked up, it is what it is, a dictator was overthrown and a repressed people now free to vote and run their country as they see fit.
if you think you are the good guy your dead wrong there buddy cause when it war time there no good buddys at the end

if you think your the good guy have you bin to cuba lately, hell always adviserys on american citizens over seas why is that being a good guy ???? if any country hated the most in this world is probably usa why IMO they stick there nose in other peoples business
serapis lets go on holidays together you sporting a american flag on your shoulder me a canadian flag on mine

just look at that bus incident were they americans ???


Well-Known Member
Uh, then why are all the Cubans trying to come to America? We didn't put Castro in power and turn him communist....

Even our own citizens hate us, you are proof of that...

Wait a sec, you are a fucking cannuk and are bad mouthing the USA? LOL.. say it ain't so, lol

That perfectly explains your disposition


Well-Known Member
To Doc,

I've just had my morning meds... I apologize for taking anything you had to say seriously in the politics forum. you are a friend because you a nice person, just a little mis-guided on Obama, but I'll work with you on that. :)

I apologize
Apology accepted bro. I admit I can be a bit harsh on Obama. Unfortunately I wasn't here when Bush was prez or you would've heard the same harshness directed at him. I'm pretty frazzled myself. I've got jetlag and can't sleep............and I have no meds at all right now!:cuss:


New Member
lol serapis not bad mouthing the usa just can't grasp why in the fck bother
thinking usa has enough crap on there plate to deal with rather then trying to be a hero if they think thats good enough reason to waste tax payers money and leap further into debt by all means giver chit usa :))

but anyone that owns a company and his books show a deficiet would it be wise to borrow more money i for one any many of the wealthy wouldnt invest in bad investments like usa is doin in libya it just Bad practice
as for obama or anyother person sittin in the oval office talk is cheap and far as i am concerened any person running for office that in some way re nagged on there purpose for running meaning i will do this i wil do that and dont should be hung on live TV

but in reality the problem runs further back in time i think there will be no president that can make a change they sure will say they can but jumping into this mess there no way they can but get another bailout plan after another but IMO there will be a time and soon when foriegn investors like china will call usa on there debt to pay it off then what ???


Well-Known Member
Aren't we kinda broke? Aren't our forces already committed on 2 fronts? Didn't people scream about the "Coalition" invasion of Iraq? Isn't this kinda similar, only Gaddafi is virtually ZERO threat to us, whereas Saddam had gassed the Kurds, had invaded another sovereign nation without provocation, had hindered UN inspectors for years? I could go on, but in a nutshell, that's why not.............IMO, of course.;-)

All that "expensive equipment" is going to injure & kill a lot of people too. :sad:
The poll I heard about was Against 45% In favor %43 % 12% undecided : American people


Well-Known Member
We are still awaiting Canadian assets that were promised to help assist in the no fly zone.... as usual, you guys will get there last.

lol serapis not bad mouthing the usa just can't grasp why in the fck bother
thinking usa has enough crap on there plate to deal with rather then trying to be a hero if they think thats good enough reason to waste tax payers money and leap further into debt by all means giver chit usa :))

but anyone that owns a company and his books show a deficiet would it be wise to borrow more money i for one any many of the wealthy wouldnt invest in bad investments like usa is doin in libya it just Bad practice
as for obama or anyother person sittin in the oval office talk is cheap and far as i am concerened any person running for office that in some way re nagged on there purpose for running meaning i will do this i wil do that and dont should be hung on live TV

but in reality the problem runs further back in time i think there will be no president that can make a change they sure will say they can but jumping into this mess there no way they can but get another bailout plan after another but IMO there will be a time and soon when foriegn investors like china will call usa on there debt to pay it off then what ???


Well-Known Member
Let's jump ahead a little bit. Suppose Gadhafi and his sons are killed or captured. Then what? Everyone is asking but no one knows. And, there will be troops on the ground before long, bet on it. Will we have pro Gadhafi insurgents, or al Quida insurgents? Once there are western troops on the ground, the latter will appear just like they did in Iraq. Recall, there were no al Quida in Iraq before we were.


Well-Known Member
It's open ended.

So what is the rebels advance and Gaddafi retreats then what?

But, from what I can tell Gaddafi is out of his head crazy. Like some tweeked out Meth-head crazy.
Are you guys listening to his speeches?
Do you remember that for a week of so he was physically unable to address the people and his Son was doing the talking for him?

He is really out there in a fog.. He is not fit as a leader from what I can tell.

But hey.. when the rich powerful guy has to shell children in their two room houses for 10 people then it's way beyond a simply slap on the wrist..
I'd hope they kick his ass all the way into his bedroom and have him as humbled as Sadam was. Serves him right for what he has done to common people in his country.


Well-Known Member
Per the AFP: "The Arab League on Sunday criticized Western military strikes on Libya, a week after urging the United Nations to slap a no-fly zone on the oil-rich North African state. "What has happened in Libya differs from the goal of imposing a no-fly zone and what we want is the protection of civilians and not bombing other civilians," Arab League secretary general Amr Mussa told reporters." We wonder what the Arab League will say when reports of innocent civilians, up to a million of whom have been forcefully armed by Gaddafi, being butchered en masse begin emerging. And how long before the entire operation is deemed a total failure... to be redeemed only by a full scale land invasion?


Well-Known Member
Per the AFP: "The Arab League on Sunday criticized Western military strikes on Libya, a week after urging the United Nations to slap a no-fly zone on the oil-rich North African state. "What has happened in Libya differs from the goal of imposing a no-fly zone and what we want is the protection of civilians and not bombing other civilians," Arab League secretary general Amr Mussa told reporters." We wonder what the Arab League will say when reports of innocent civilians, up to a million of whom have been forcefully armed by Gaddafi, being butchered en masse begin emerging. And how long before the entire operation is deemed a total failure... to be redeemed only by a full scale land invasion?
I just saw this reported on CNN too. Un fkn believable. What did they think a no fly zone was, that we simply declare it, and it is so? Un fkn believable.


Well-Known Member
Egypt is distracting us from Bahrain and Saudi Arabia.. They are killing folks and putting down protesters and we USA are looking the other way..
The Arab League deal may be to look the other way not that everyone was really on board with a no fly..