Lowryder 2X Ak47 Feminised 250 watt Hps Grow Re_Run


Well-Known Member
DAY 18
View attachment 1499047View attachment 1499037Ms.Assult
View attachment 1499042View attachment 1499044Ms.Suppressive(her secondary growth is AWSOME)
View attachment 1499040View attachment 1499039Ms.Flank( Is she over watered is that why she is drooping?Cause its either that or my fans I just got...i think its over watering cause she small and dont need watering everytime i water the other 2...cause ive been doing that...idk let me know guys THANKS
View attachment 1499035AND MY WALL/DOOR MOUNT AND FLOOR FAN :)

It does look like you overwatered that plant a little. Mine are now 23 days in and I have had to start watering mine basically every single day at least once or twice. I only water when I see that the top of the soil is kinda crusty looking. Not very hard to see. I have a little squeeze bottle with distilled water in it that I use to water my ladies with so I'm not just dumping water on them its easier to regulate how much. This strains very strong though so your plant should bounce back quick..nothing to worry about. I'll have new pictures up of mine today!


Well-Known Member
its amazing what they can take- On one of my soil grows I actually snapped the main stalk. I just wrapped it up in duct tape and hoped for the best, she was set back a few days but the shock didnt herm her or anything. It may be worth keeping an eye on it- shocks when they are young can lead to herming and then you may end up with seedy weed. not necessarily a bad thing considering this is meant to be the year of the guerilla grow! :D

**edit** Oh my god I think I jinxed myself! I was doing some work on my scrog just now and put too much pressure on one of the main branches and cracked it right at the stalk. I got a cable tie holding it together atm. hope it'll be ok, pics to appear on my grow in a few mins. what an absolute twat I am! lol! :D
I did the same as that mate, was trying to lst and snapped the main stem... so close to breaking off... I knew it would pull thru though! I just masking taped it up and she wilted a bit but bounced right back... now I've got two monster main colas - it worked out amazingly!


Active Member
DAY 21
Pistals are starting to show on the girls not to much on ak3 tho but she is showing. Secondary growth is just awsome lol im just soo amazed by its growth speed its hard to believe lol the leaves on AK2 and AK3 are a little twisted and such from the fan i left on the floor next to them "I know this cause it was only blowing on them 2 and not AK1" Hence she is a babe and best "LOOKING" one I must say :) ill be on for a bit if you guys have questions about them that i know I prolly didnt cover on here yet lol this threads POPING by the way THANK YOU EVERYONE ;)
Roll 019.jpgGROUP
Roll 021.jpgRoll 020.jpgRoll 022.jpgAK2
Roll 023.jpgAK1
Roll 025.jpgAK3
Roll 024.jpgAK3


Active Member
Ladies are looking lovely Killeroxx!!

AK2 is looking rather lovely:weed:

Keep up the great job mate.
wish I hadnt left the fan like I did but no harm no foul they will perk up still deformed but will work out alright"im hopeing" :) thanks for stoping by


Active Member
OH YA I gave them nutes today 2 tbls to a gallon...we will see how it turns out :) 625ml to AK1-2 and 450ml to AK3


Active Member
The AK's have some brown spots on there leafs and a little crunchy at the tips think its heat stress...I raised the light a few inches I wonder if its the reflective insulation thats causeing the spots???I should turn them more often but I like to keep it natural...Any Ideas Guys?? Its not the nutes this started before I applyed...im hopeing the nutes will help tho :) will post pics later but like i said there kinda crusty at the tips here and the and on the edges not all over just on some leaves mind you :) Thanks Guys


Active Member
I know everyone say not to trim but I do here and I kinda think it helps a lil, idk much, but how high is ur light from the top of the bucket and go from there.......do the general run down of possible issues, whuts the ph of ur run off also check that also idk if soil uses ppm test or not ( I grow waterfarm), but if so check that even if U havent used nutes yet check ur run off ph.....I check mine twice a day morning and night...plus res temp and RH and general closet temps for the day and write it all down.....i keep a written and typed log of everything so I know where to say ok this is where things started to go wrong or she liked it when I rubed her this way ya know...this lil book I keep helps me alot..dont know about u, but.........food for thought i guess and idk about the reflective material's my grow closets walls r white and I think it works just fine, so if u find it is ur reflection stuff there, try out another kind, maybe panda film, or mylar, if that is not whut u r already using...lol


Active Member
OMG about time I can get on lol I kept getting an error code while trying to get on roll...anyway ive been tieing down secondary node growth so it can get out from under the canopy AK2 is strong in her traits I wish I could clone her :( she is going to be the hoochie mama of the bunch...AK1 is just an inch or two shy of AK2 but she seems compact :) I like it she is also showing more pistols then the other 2 :) AK3 is still kicking back from the wind torment and heat stress :( poor girl she is just to tiny and needs attention all day :) ill post a few pics quick for yas in a min


Active Member
at least Iknow I wasnt theonly one who got that message...mine was 403 forbiden same as urs or no?????? prolly updating the sys or something


Active Member
do u like how LST-ing ur plant works????????
OMG about time I can get on lol I kept getting an error code while trying to get on roll...anyway ive been tieing down secondary node growth so it can get out from under the canopy AK2 is strong in her traits I wish I could clone her :( she is going to be the hoochie mama of the bunch...AK1 is just an inch or two shy of AK2 but she seems compact :) I like it she is also showing more pistols then the other 2 :) AK3 is still kicking back from the wind torment and heat stress :( poor girl she is just to tiny and needs attention all day :) ill post a few pics quick for yas in a min