Deficiency, burn, or nothing serious?


Active Member
This is the same monster plant from last week.
She's doing pretty good. Week four of flower. Nice and strong shoots, buds are getting super hairy and I can see trichomes starting to form. Along with the good signs there is one thing that has caught my attention.
Some of the fan leaves are starting to get these spots on them. From the top they look brown and are pretty hard to notice but looking from under the leaf they look like black spots. After a while, the affected leaf starts to turn crunchy.
The first to get these spots on them were the massive leaves towards the bottom. Now this characteristic has moved up towards the top. However, the top of the canopy looks healthy as ever.
Obviously these spots don't look healthy. The reason I'm not very alarmed is because there are only a handful of leaves like this. I just want to get an opinion from the ganja masters on here.

Thanks in advance!



Active Member
The first pic is just to serve as an overall idea of how the plant is doing. If you look at the second pic you can clearly see the spots and there is also a healthy leaf directly above it that can be used as a reference. I know HPS is not the best lighting for pictures, its just all I had at the moment.


Well-Known Member
The second pic is the one I'm talking about. I can see the spots, but not the rest of the leaf surface and color. Pluck the leaf and take it under a fluoro somewhere. Also let me know where on the plant it came from.


Active Member
did you check for spydermites? The eggs cause dead spots on the leaf the eggs are black if you look closely you might be able to see them crawling around if they are there. Seeing you have carpet as a floor for your room it also is home to several species of bugs :( if you have bugs most likely its cause of the carpet but thats my guess hope you find out whats wrong soon?also if you get spyder mites they will web up your whole plant within a week if not taken care of


Active Member
This has been going on for almost two weeks so I highly doubt its mites. Plus around here mites don't start appearing till way later, maybe middle of summer. I'm gonna cut a leaf and take some more pics when I get off work.
Thanks for the replies!

Buddy Ganga

Active Member
Looks like mold from what I can see.

Might want to check humidity levels as well as whether the room as the proper air flow. Not just air flow, but proper air flow.

A lot of the time this can come from the plants own over growth.
To much foliage will prevent the plant from properly breathing/drying.

What is the grow room temp averaging ?
What about humidity level ?
Do you have an osolating fan on them ?


Active Member
I took pics yesterday but unfortunately RIU was down all day so I couldn't post them. Ill get them on here when I get off work. I don't think it's mold either. Its almost a mistery hehe


Active Member
These are the only two out of seven photos that the uploader actually let me upload. It's kinda starting to piss me off, the upload will get to a random %done and then a red exclamation sign pops up.

Anyways, see what you guys can make of it. The first photo is to show where the leaf came from off the plant ( the bud that you see is the very top of that shoot)


Jack Larson

Active Member
Looks like mold from what I can see.

Might want to check humidity levels as well as whether the room as the proper air flow. Not just air flow, but proper air flow.

A lot of the time this can come from the plants own over growth.
To much foliage will prevent the plant from properly breathing/drying.

What is the grow room temp averaging ?
What about humidity level ?
Do you have an osolating fan on them ?
and the award goes to .................................BUDDY GANGA!!!!!!


Active Member
Its not too hot in there, I would say 75-80ish. I leave the doors on my closet wide open the entire time while the light is on. I really need to invest in a hygrometer soon. All I know is that this plant is drinking a gallon and a half of water per day so all that moisture is released in my room. I always thought mold would be more of a powder/fungus. These spots on the leaves are actually dried up tissue. Still think its mold? If so then would it be a good idea to cut the affected leaves and also thinning out the vegetation?

Jack Larson

Active Member
(LOL)........Thats more water than you need for 20 plants in 5 gallen containers!! for a week!!!!!You must be kidding right?


Active Member
Haha I thought there was something strange about this plant from the get go but I'm dead serious. I don't know what strain this thing is, its bag seed. I wasn't joking when I said its taking over my closet. I started with 5 plants in that DWC system. I ended up cutting down the other 4 because this one was just taking up all the light. I try to keep the water level in that tank at 10 gallons and every day i get home from work I have to add at least a gallon to the tank to bring the water level back up. When the weather is warmer I have to add a little more cause it just drinks that water like crazy.

Jack Larson

Active Member
WOW I wonder what the RH is withuot the plant in there? That just seems to be a hell of alot of water for one plant. Something is a miss ! no runoff? how does the plant flush out impurities?


Active Member
well there shouldn't be any impurities he should be using R/O water with a nute solution and some cal/mag. as long as he empties them once every couple weeks and adds new water.(thats if all the water doesnt get used up) The RH shouldnt be that bad if theres good airflow im running 6 in my flower room right now and it never goes above 55% and thats only on rainy days.