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Well-Known Member
I suppose it would be, I am not doing that, it was a story I read. It floored me. The article said the would sometimes have a whole group of people waiting in the office buildings for delivery. After they closed him down of course some one else would try to take the business. Regular customers were upset about the quality from the new folks. At $30.00 per gram it better be good. VD has also been suggested as a change, not sure. VV


Well-Known Member
I agree, in principal. I'm not sure McCain would be as quick to ignore the Constitution as Bush has been. What do you make of all the flip-flop talk against Obama, I think have an answer. VV


New Member
I agree, in principal. I'm not sure McCain would be as quick to ignore the Constitution as Bush has been. What do you make of all the flip-flop talk against Obama, I think have an answer. VV
It's probably those idiots that still think he's a terrorist, Osama, Obama, you know, only one letter away. The fear factor still going strong. That will be the big repuke push, Fear, watch out there is a terrorist in your neighborhood. If not, we'll put one there. One with the name Obama, or osama or Hussein or harak or Barak, or any of the similar sounding names, yeah he will be the great terrorist. In the south of course, he'll just be black. I still think he can win if McCain is the rival. Choice, Obama, or more Bush. If the people vote in McCain, Im lookin for another country to abide in.


Well-Known Member
JS Online: Multi-state marijuana operation derailed

Federal agents have broken up a drug ring they say grew more than 2,000 pounds of high-grade marijuana in California and sold it in Milwaukee, Chicago and elsewhere, according to federal court documents unsealed Friday.
Another one hits close to home. It has been dry around here for so long, i think this is the second huge bust that has been conducted in the last 6months.


Well-Known Member
29 years old and met in 1990. That makes him 11 years old. This is another reason for states that have the ballot initiative, to legalize MJ. Keep it from being imported. VV


Well-Known Member
Two men admit role in botched robbery - Latest from the Ann Arbor News - This gentleman is a memeber of Michigan Norml so of course we have been following this action. Seems these the young people knew he was growing Marijuana and decided to rob him. I understand they had to overcome several security devices. In the homeowners opinion they had to know he was home at the time of this attempt. The admitted they intended to rob him, three of them. Such bullshit. VV


Well-Known Member
thats why u gotta shot to kill! hell yeah, keep your shotgun loaded for these shady mother fuckers.


New Member
thats why u gotta shot to kill! hell yeah, keep your shotgun loaded for these shady mother fuckers.
My theory is stealth is best, but just in case, I keep my .45 auto handy. My dad said that the reason the US Army went to the 1911 .45 in WWII was the standard .38 lacked the punch to knock a man back out of a foxhole if he was coming in, as in the enemy, but the .45 would get the job done. I really don't believe a .45 slug would lift a 180lb man up and out of a foxhole, but I believe it would sure slow his ass down. A well placed shot with a .45 ACP auto would definently stop a 180lb man in his tracks, hell, it would probably stop a 300lb man, and then you have 6 shots left.


Well-Known Member
My theory is stealth is best, but just in case, I keep my .45 auto handy. My dad said that the reason the US Army went to the 1911 .45 in WWII was the standard .38 lacked the punch to knock a man back out of a foxhole if he was coming in, as in the enemy, but the .45 would get the job done. I really don't believe a .45 slug would lift a 180lb man up and out of a foxhole, but I believe it would sure slow his ass down. A well placed shot with a .45 ACP auto would definently stop a 180lb man in his tracks, hell, it would probably stop a 300lb man, and then you have 6 shots left.
I have been told that natives in the Philippines would smoke dope (I wonder what kind?). Then they would wrap bamboo bindings around their legs and arms. They would then attack a foxhole and take a few 38 slugs. They felt no pain. They would hack Americans to death with machetes. However, a .45 cannon ball will blow your shit in the weeds. Period.


Well-Known Member
Steves, ACLU join forces for pot law reform I want to see this show. I had heard of this man's efforts before. Washington State may beat Cali and Oregon. Be interesting. VV

"Is it fair to impose these penalties on adults who want to use marijuana in the privacy of their homes?" Steves asked. "In Europe, people smoke marijuana, and nobody is facing hard time. We just want to talk about new policies."
sounds interesting only airs on comcast on demand for now.


Well-Known Member
I am hoping someone will post it on U tube, etc. Also in the news yesterday, the American College of Physicians have come out in favor of Medical Cannibus. On the surface Physicians Group Urges Easing of Ban on Marijuana this looks like good news. I caution every one, think about all of the things they say about control. What is happening here, in my opnion is that they see they are losing control, thier patients will 'self-medicate' if they don't jump on the wagon they will not be able to steer it. Educate,legalize, regulate and write your own proposal. VV


New Member
So now the total number of junkies hated by the Left is two. 1. Rush Limbaugh. 2. Cindy McCain. All other junkies are "understood" and treated with "compassion."

Its a moot point anyway. There's no purpose in discrediting John McCain or his wife. Obama will be the next president no matter what McCain or the media do. Obama is appealing to the "I want something for nothing" crowd, and unfortunately, that's the majority of Americans these days.
