Man Shot and Killed While Watering Friend's Lawn


Well-Known Member

that motherfucker is eight months old in the oldest picture!!
hes the fuckin boss!


Well-Known Member
even coke dealers?lol
Some coke dealers got caught up in life. Not so easy for spoon fed bitches living in the middle of nowhere to really understand. Some of the best people I have ever met in my life are coke dealers. Would kill or die for people they love, just like other people. Pay for all the kids in the family to go to school so they don't go the same way. Guys that don't sell crack on the corner, they just go from point A to point B.....get paid, and don't even touch the shit themselves.

And some of the worst people I have ever met are public officials. Or pot growers.......Drunk assholes that beat their wives and kids. Or they go to Sunday mass. Far more evil than some of the coke dealers I know.

I mean we're not generalizing I thought.......

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
some of the greatest people on earth do coke. linsdy lohan,charlie sheen,kenny rogers, and the list goes on. oh ya and john belushi. epic.


Well-Known Member
hahahaha nice start a list of greatest people on earth with linzi lohan!!!

all kidding aside mr sheen is fucking hilarious and thats all i ever wanted from him. i tip my hat to the man.

grow plenty

Well-Known Member
Actually... the cop probably saved the life of those 3 kids... and himself. Had he not fired and magically fallen off the car and survived, and called off the pursuit, the driver of the car probably would not be aware of this and would've continued driving like an idiot until he wrecked at an intersection or on a turn, like we too often see on police chase videos.

However, since the cop DID kill the driver, the car stopped safely, and 3 kids + a cop are alive due to his actions... bravo!

I negative repped you not because you didn't like what I said, but because you didn't even comprehend what I said and instead twisted it around and added false meaning... my post was about respecting those that live around enough not to do dirt around them.

Sorry, but I still have hurt feeling over being called a creepo for projecting my respect for my neighbors... my goal is to better the life of my neighbors, not destroy or endanger it by bringing unnecessary police presence to their homes.

Yes, I'm the douchebag because I believe in treating people equally and not generalizing against a specific profession...

In that case, is there an award I can win for that?

And devil dog... you're the one getting angry on an internet forum, while I'm the one stating that no matter who I've argued with on these forums, I'd gladly sit down with them, laugh, and smoke with them... because I understand that everyone has different opinions and that those differences shouldn't stop anyone from finding similarities...

So really, who's the mentally challenged individual here?

And, I always leave my name behind reps, positive or negative... just ask mongo.
who said the cop fell and pursuit called off??? not how it went down at all. see sacata,you dont even get the whloe story and already your puttin that cop on a pedistol. the cop created the whole situation when he violated dept. policy by grabbing ahold of the car. he endangered him self as well as those kids...and automatically you conjure up a senerio where the cop was a hero. you surely are the biggest pig lover in riu history. sad sad sad.


Well-Known Member
fair enough, great dog. but i cant take your wife. no disrespect, but i cant handle 2 wives ones hard enough.

right thats what i told her about the subject of bringing in another woman.

i fucking cook and clean and bust my ass catering to your every whim in bed AND NOW YOU SUGGEST I DOUBLE UP THE WORKLOAD? no fucking thanks talk to me when i grow two dicks.


Well-Known Member
Cmon now, America is growing some fire strains of weed. I don't see why we still have foreign cocaine... Just saying...


Well-Known Member
who said the cop fell and pursuit called off??? not how it went down at all. see sacata,you dont even get the whloe story and already your puttin that cop on a pedistol. the cop created the whole situation when he violated dept. policy by grabbing ahold of the car. he endangered him self as well as those kids...and automatically you conjure up a senerio where the cop was a hero. you surely are the biggest pig lover in riu history. sad sad sad.
Please use better reading comprehension skills... I was talking hypothetically... stating that had he fallen off and called off the pursuit, the driver more than likely would've continued to drive like an idiot until he wrecked and killed everyone in the car.

HOWEVER, since the cop DID kill the driver, the car stopped safely, and 3 kids + a cop are alive due to his actions... bravo!


Well-Known Member
Made it back, what'd I miss? ;)
basically our dogs are all fucking awesome, johnny depp hates airplane guy and me and mongo only have one dick each.

edit: also airplane guys a lil masochistic and the more names you call him the more he wants to smoke you out ;)