Bushy Bush Art Thread (Drawing Under the Influence)

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
Bushy you have such a fun thread here, I love it!!!!!!!!! and thanks for the sweet remarks about mine!!!!!!
I used to live in the ghetto scene like you, east coast and west coast.. the seedy ghettos from PHilly to Oakland.. I sometimes miss the electric energy that those places possess, but not enough to go back. I hope you take care and pack when your crusin the steets! I would really miss you if you went down!

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
The little dog I have though....She eats nugs off the floor and will take leaves I just cut under the bed to chew on. She jumps INTO your lap when you grab the bong! :)

listening to this album and painting......Check out this dudes sweet "wolf howl"[video=youtube;Z5SG8LlIqoY]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z5SG8LlIqoY[/video]
Wowowowooooooo Bushy... now thats what i call REAL STONER MUSIC!!!!!!!!!!!!
i loved it!!!!!! Thanks for turning me onto a new band... I never heard of them before..
Are you familiar with Hawkwind.??. kinda reminds me a little of them!


New Member
I am not! But I shall be by the end of the day! Hawkwind? They HAVE to be badass with a name like that!!!

And thankfully, when I roll the streets......BUSHDOG HAS MY BACK! hahaha (but no really, she's saved my ass a FEW times at 3am while drunk....Yes, I shouldn't be out drunk at 3am anyway, but.....ya know.)


That album above is in 5 "parts" the songs are part 1-5 and kind of seemlessly meld into each other. this is #1, but part 3 is THE BEST. I only found them out because someone played it on the juke in my local watering hole. Once the dude did his awesome wolf howl, I HAD to get up and see what the band was!!!


Well-Known Member
Havent done anything in a few years, this thread makes me wanna start again...

Awesome man. Heres a couple i have on my pc saved.
The bottom one has gotten quite scratched in the last ten years or so. it was airbrushed. the top is just painted on sketch paper.


New Member
14654_1092923023838_1849432515_181503_7518088_n.jpgIt's been a long, hard, violent and shitty weekend. I fucking hate birthdays. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRG. :)


New Member
awww man, what happened?

AYE AYE YAY! Stoner B! stupid crazy brawl happened inside the place where my GF's Bday was. Her "older" brother and his knucklehead "former gangmember" friends can't handle their alcohol, or being around women. Damn filipinos! hahah :)