The Grow Shack


Well-Known Member
I have always been on RO water until recently and have always had this problem but it got worse . I think I was getting sulper from the organic soil and Peace of Mind nutes . The N def. is similar to Sulpher deficiancy .I going to apply epsom salt and see if it clears up . And I'll have to check and see if cloramine is in my tap for now.


Well-Known Member
So I checked with the water dept and they treat with chlorine no chloramine . I also found out that the two cannot be used together . So if your tap has a chlorine (bleach) smell to it no chloramine is present. They also say chloramine makes the water have a slight green cast to it. On top of that chloramine poses several health risks . I also read how to treat your water for chloramine. Simply put pool chlorine in at 10ppm . The clorine strips ammonia from the chloramine causing it to vape off . Seems ammonia binds chlorimine from vaping somehow .

So cool , It is a sulphur def . Will be treating with epsom salts . Have to read up on how much though.



Well-Known Member
I use 1 tbsp per gallon, as much to every feeding with nutes to two time in flower once at week one and again at week4 . Both got similar results but it's cheap at wall mart just add with ever nute feeding


Well-Known Member
Cool man , I used 1 tsp to a g on my seedlings . Since I went with a soiless mix I'm sulper deficient , I guess it was in my organic soil or it just wasnt as bad . I'm gettng cal mag from molassas still .


Well-Known Member
On a good note my clones are taking well they barely drooped . I'm happy about that . Curious to see if I got females with my TGA gear . Then I guess I'll reveg them or just do a party cup grow with them .The topped plants have responded well so far .I am getting some good dry times in my soiless mix , 3-4 days depending on the size of the plant . Probaly head up to my hydro store (Aurora Hydro) and pick up some Dyna Gro nutes . I already have ProTEk just need Foilage Pro and bloom nutes , mabey their Mag-Pro .

(edit)def Mag-Pro it,s 1.5% Sulper .


New Member
On a good note my clones are taking well they barely drooped . I'm happy about that . Curious to see if I got females with my TGA gear . Then I guess I'll reveg them or just do a party cup grow with them .The topped plants have responded well so far .I am getting some good dry times in my soiless mix , 3-4 days depending on the size of the plant . Probaly head up to my hydro store (Aurora Hydro) and pick up some Dyna Gro nutes . I already have ProTEk just need Foilage Pro and bloom nutes , mabey their Mag-Pro .

(edit)def Mag-Pro it,s 1.5% Sulper .

Definitely get the mag pro as well my friend.....especially useful in flower



Well-Known Member
Looks like Pineapple Express is finaly showing some amber . She is on day 68 so hope to cut her by the end of the week . She will get replaced by Island Sweet Skunk . My other flowering plants are looking better than ever . Purple Flo is budding out quick and has some nice node spacing ,looks like its going to make some nice colas. PF and BE tower above Medibud .And she has been my best plant so far these are going to be better. Medibud is frosting up and pistils are turning red . I'll photo update these later in the week . Here soon I,ll photo update Plush Berry and CheeseQuake on their topping progress and my clones .


Well-Known Member
Alright I picked me up some Mag Pro today . They was out of Foilage Pro and I dont want the numbers on the regular Gro nute . So I wrote all the numbers down for the two brands of nutes I have to come up with the best Veg numbers . But I'm kinda confused do you just add up the NPK's of all the nutes you got then thats your new numbers? Here's what I did :

Age OLd GRow - 12 - 6 - 6 1tsp /g
DynaGro MagPro- 2 -15 - 4 1tsp/g
DynaGro Protek 0 - 0 -3 1tsp/g

Does that mean 14 - 21 - 13 ?

That's as close as I can get with what I have for what I can see until I get Foilage Pro 9 - 3 - 6 . The 15% P in Mag Pro is hard to correct for with a veg mix .I need the MagPro for the Sulper not so much cal/mag but that will eliminate molassas for cal/mag.ProTek is for the silicone , dont need it but it does even out K in my mix plus it's a good PH buffer . This mix came out just right on the PH no adjustments . Any thoughts anyone ?


New Member
you need to cut back on the mag pro and protekt to 1/2 teaspoon...and to figure ratios you need to average them...if in equal amounts add the 3 N together then divide by three and then do the same for P and K then reduce the fraction to lowest common denominator and that is your ratio

you only need the mag pro every other watering until flower...once you have the foliage pro you will need the mag pro even less

Have heard of Age Old and some love it but never have used it and probably won't



Well-Known Member
you need to cut back on the mag pro and protekt to 1/2 teaspoon...and to figure ratios you need to average them...if in equal amounts add the 3 N together then divide by three and then do the same for P and K the reduce the fraction to lowest common denominator and that is your ratio

Thanks man ! I didn't feed with it yet so I'll cut it down . I tryed to search for how to figure them ratios but had no luck . I started off with Age Old because it's the cheapest Liquid Nutes around here .It lacks on some secondarys and micros . I'm just finishing out the bottles .Thanks again I,ll +rep u if I can:leaf:



Well-Known Member
So I found this for calulating NPK on another site:

multiply the amounts (ml) with the percentages(N, P, K), add them up then divide by the sum of mls to get the final NPK.


3ml of 4-6-8
5ml of 3-1-7

3*4=12, 3*6=18, 3*8=24
5*3=15, 5*1=5 , 5*7=35

adding up N, P, K:
12+15=27, 18+5=23, 24+35=59

3ml+5ml= 8ml

27/8 = 3.4
23/8 = 2.9
59/8 = 7.4

So we end up with 8ml of fertilizer solution with the NPK 3.4-2.9-7.4

According to that formula what I mixed was a 7-7-5 . When I opened my flower box lat night BE and PF had already dryed in 2 days . Those are 2 and 3 wks flowering . I went ahead and feed them with that mix so they could get the sulfer dose .


Well-Known Member
Feed Notes

Plush n Cheese - Rain and feed , 1tsp AO Grow ,1/2 tsp Magpro,1/2tsp Protek 7/7/5
Flo - Same mix no rain .

Medibud 8wks.3 days - Rain and feed , Same mix as above .


Well-Known Member
Looks like we are getting some warmer weather for the end of the week . Makes for better photo ops . :)
Will be photo updating soon for the flowering girls . Most notable changes are that Medibud is still packing on weight she continues to surprise me . Purple Flo's height and close node spacing her budsites are well established and is already producing more resin than previous grows . Blueberry Express mainly for height and over all health . She has some beautiful leaves but streached a bit . I don't believe they had much time to test grow that cross . It's leaves look like Pineapple express but it's forming budsites like blueberry . Should be able to chop the last PE saturday mabey . PEace


Well-Known Member
This is an open thread , feel free to question or comment anything . Getting way too many views for not having any posters . :)


New Member
ok since u want am wondering how weather affects photos you are indoors correct? And no not being a smart ass just curious...