pregnant iowa women: watch your step (or be arrested)


may i suggest newbie central bro they might fall for you bs
sorry no buyers on this thread

You posted 10 mate, its ok post as many as you want, as I said nurture some of your own opinions and thoughts, don’t listen to that “Doc “ character he’s a manipulating philistine…
A sociopath!!!


The reason you can’t talk to the anti-choice (it’s actually pro-life, you philistine) crowd as you put it is because they can’t stoop low enough to what you would call a “reasonable level”.

It takes intellect and compassion to understand the injustice and inhumanity of abortion.

Something you and your liberal “bottomless pit” morals just would not be able to comprehend, mate!!!



New Member
oh i seen enough of your post to nurture my own opinion
guess what it is

You posted 10 mate, its ok post as many as you want, as I said nurture some of your own opinions and thoughts, don’t listen to that “Doc “ character he’s a manipulating philistine…
A sociopath!!!


Well-Known Member
oh i seen enough of your post to nurture my own opinion
guess what it is
What I find interesting is that this person has 16 posts and just joined the site less than a month ago. I've literally posted to him twice and he is calling me a "sociopath"! lmfao!!!!!!!!! Oh, I almost forgot! He called me a "manipulating philistine", whatever that is. I'm just curious how this supposedly new member knows me so well. :roll:


New Member
i know he is kind of slipping there

What I find interesting is that this person has 16 posts and just joined the site less than a month ago. I've literally posted to him twice and he is calling me a "sociopath"! lmfao!!!!!!!!! Oh, I almost forgot! He called me a "manipulating philistine", whatever that is. I'm just curious how this supposedly new member knows me so well. :roll:


Pickle Queen
My cousin was rapped at age 16, lost her virginity and also got pregnant, ruined her life, she mover 16 hours away and had an abortion, until a man is forced to the ground, penetrated and gotten pregnant it's very easy to have an opinion on abortion and how smart one needs to be blah blah blah, abortion gives women a choice.
Don't get me wrong i know another 2 girls that had 2 each because they could not buy a condom or pill, to me that was murder!!!


New Member
hey april how you been
i hold no opinion on that topic but do have a opinion about trolls

My cousin was rapped at age 16, lost her virginity and also got pregnant, ruined her life, she mover 16 hours away and had an abortion, until a man is forced to the ground, penetrated and gotten pregnant it's very easy to have an opinion on abortion and how smart one needs to be blah blah blah, abortion gives women a choice.
Don't get me wrong i know another 2 girls that had 2 each because they could not buy a condom or pill, to me that was murder!!!


thats gross
so by the sounds of that statement u are who he claims u are
ludacris/sirsmoker and who knows else lmao

and everything else u said just makes u like retarded grow up man
all your lofty post still dont hide the act everyone on this site thinks your a joke u just dont see it lmao sad day or you

Fabfun old friend are you still there

What did I advise you?

Your still “trolling” Doc and myself, its ok I don’t mind, I am sure Doc welcomes your support he needs the gratification.

One day, when you’re older, you will wake-up and discover that you can have an opinion of your own and you’re not the amoeba everyone thinks you are!

Now, to help you on your way go and find a dictionary (big book lots of words in it) and look up the word “amoeba”

Yours in anticipation



New Member
and i had to pause my movie just to reply so please dont think we are going to chat all nite i have a offline life unlike u an my girl dont appreciate it


My cousin was rapped at age 16, lost her virginity and also got pregnant, ruined her life, she mover 16 hours away and had an abortion, until a man is forced to the ground, penetrated and gotten pregnant it's very easy to have an opinion on abortion and how smart one needs to be blah blah blah, abortion gives women a choice.
Don't get me wrong i know another 2 girls that had 2 each because they could not buy a condom or pill, to me that was murder!!!
I believe your hiding behind the feeble “choice” non argument, what “choice” was the innocent unborn child given?

The child is the true victim in such terrible crimes!


and i had to pause my movie just to reply so please dont think we are going to chat all nite i have a offline life unlike u an my girl dont appreciate it

I am very glade to here you have someone else looking after your wellbeing apart from myself.

goodnight and god bless..



Well-Known Member

You’re just showing your ignorance.

You’re about as clever as your avatar…
Nothing like a good ruse to bring out the truth is it?
Well got that settled, your from the UK.
Hey one of your EU parliamentary politicians is one of my heroes. Nigel Farage. The Uk and the US could use about 500 Nigels IMO.
