Micro grow scrog/lst


Well-Known Member
what a wierd place to put em !! haha that not a pain in the ass ?
a weird place to put what ? my net ?

I would let it fill in the screen a bit before I switched to 12/12

you dont think the roots will out grow my tub by then ?

I know its hard to see

but maybe you all can get a round about figure on the height of my net

theirs about 5" from my plant to my net

and right about 8" from my net to my light

think its alright their , or should i lower it ( ugh lol )



Well-Known Member
Might want a deeper pot but im not a scrog pro but you bet your A** im gona watch your scrog from start to finish "Im thinking next grow will be LST then Scrog when it gets to big to LST anymore:-) Best to spend a few hours looking over other scrog setups and see or ask how big their pot was and how much room from pot to screen and screen to light then just do it only way you'll know for sure if it works for you.

Cant wait to see your progress:-) Keep up the good work!


Well-Known Member
Might want a deeper pot but im not a scrog pro but you bet your A** im gona watch your scrog from start to finish "Im thinking next grow will be LST then Scrog when it gets to big to LST anymore:-) Best to spend a few hours looking over other scrog setups and see or ask how big their pot was and how much room from pot to screen and screen to light then just do it only way you'll know for sure if it works for you.

Cant wait to see your progress:-) Keep up the good work!
i have lst before , but this is my first scrog

the tub is a little deeper then you think my man

that tub is sitting in a hole i cut out of the bottom of the cab ,

its about 5 " deep , still is not a lot but it is a micro grow lol


Bonzi Lighthouse

Well-Known Member
I grew 8 plants in a 10 gal rubbermaid with 5 gal of nutes. the problem was not the roots, thats why I am going with a 4 plant SCROG this time.

Let the screen fill in a bit you'll be happy


Well-Known Member
Thats the great thing about Gardening, ain't nothing that can't wait.
yea ,

its gonna have to wait till tomorrow

even though it wont take but 5 mins to do ( 10 tops )

my kids wont stay out playing long enough for me to do it right now

so i guess tomorrow while their at school lol


Well-Known Member
Well i lowered my net down

its now roughly about 1" over my plant

its not tight like it was , its loose

but i fucked the sides of my mylar up in the process

im going to have to re due it after this grow

like always , pic is shitty lol



Well-Known Member
yeah that looks good, just keep it under the net till it fills in.
till almost half way filled up then flip 12/12

just so you know that tub is only a gallon

you don't think ill get root bound by then

this is the first time iv grown so small lol


New Member
what about doing root pruning if it does?
hows the sick youngster

till almost half way filled up then flip 12/12

just so you know that tub is only a gallon

you don't think ill get root bound by then

this is the first time iv grown so small lol


Well-Known Member
Never heard anyone trim soil roots but this is my first soil grow i lacked interest before and was doing bubble buckets also i did trim those roots worked fine but thats cuz they were sick so i trimmed and treated the plant with hydrogen peroxide cleared up the problem in no time but that was hydro. Got me thinking tho hope someone with rep has a answer:-)


New Member
yes you can trim roots in soil have done it but there are threads on it

Never heard anyone trim soil roots but this is my first soil grow i lacked interest before and was doing bubble buckets also i did trim those roots worked fine but thats cuz they were sick so i trimmed and treated the plant with hydrogen peroxide cleared up the problem in no time but that was hydro. Got me thinking tho hope someone with rep has a answer:-)


Well-Known Member
what about doing root pruning if it does?
hows the sick youngster
I would not have a way to get it out once its starts going through the net or i would ,

i cant even take it out now to water cuz of the net , i got to water inside


the sick one is getting better ,

its been a few days now since i watered it

im gonna water it today with less then half strength nutes in it


Well-Known Member
You can run tubing from the outside in place it next to the plant. Then mount a jug upside down to the outside out the box put a valve on the tubing so you can turn the flow on and off. Just a idea ive seen a couple people running something like this with good success. Also remeber if the water is inside the box light grows algae. Or you could just get a water jug with a long spout just look for one with a small hole on the spout so you can water more even and it wont flood your soil as bad. If pondered this many a time in my head once the screen is in and full how do i get the plant back out the only thing i can think of is mounting the pot to the screen so when you move it they both move as one. Im still playing with that idea in my head what are ur ideas so far?


Well-Known Member
You can run tubing from the outside in place it next to the plant. Then mount a jug upside down to the outside out the box put a valve on the tubing so you can turn the flow on and off. Just a idea ive seen a couple people running something like this with good success. Also remeber if the water is inside the box light grows algae. Or you could just get a water jug with a long spout just look for one with a small hole on the spout so you can water more even and it wont flood your soil as bad. If pondered this many a time in my head once the screen is in and full how do i get the plant back out the only thing i can think of is mounting the pot to the screen so when you move it they both move as one. Im still playing with that idea in my head what are ur ideas so far?
its no problem for me to water my plant inside my cab ,

my tub is sitting in a hole that i cut out , so water wont be draining inside ,

i just cant take it out to water ,

the next time i take it out will be to harvest it :-P

im not trying to make things more difficult then it needs to be lol

i just hope in the end that its not a male , ugh that would fucking suck

but if it is ,

i will harvest it to collect the pollen from it

and just pollinate on branch of the females ( free seeds ;-) )


New Member
well if u have a airpot it prunes itself but you dont
glad to here that one turned around and take it easy on the nutes lol
but i think now it may have just been the superthrive splashed on it

I would not have a way to get it out once its starts going through the net or i would ,

i cant even take it out now to water cuz of the net , i got to water inside


the sick one is getting better ,

its been a few days now since i watered it

im gonna water it today with less then half strength nutes in it