pregnant iowa women: watch your step (or be arrested)

Michael Sparks

Active Member
I laughed at this clip but it is pretty sad that even though a problem has been recognized by others it isn't always noticed by the person. let us try to focus on the relevant issues for the reason this thread was created.. throught positive insight will a positive change be created.


Pickle Queen
Just the type of response I would expect from an immature, hysterical, overemotional member of the “fairer sex”.

One of the most disappointing things about the 21st century is the empowering of amoral woman who have the compassion of a SS storm trooper, they are of the opinion it is their “human right” to decide if a person should be given the time to develop and be born, or where’re he/she should suffer the same fate the victims of the storm troopers had no future, no “choice”.

The incredible propensity of man in the 21st century to commit infanticide, especially in the prosperous west with all its supporting agencies, is truly barbaric and medieval there is nothing feminine or liberating about it.

Not to mention the physical and mental problems most mothers incur after the surgical intervention.

Dear April
With reference to your reply and unjustified preconceptions, before you start insulting someone that shares a different opinion from your own , if you want to be taken seriously as a member of the “ fairer sex” try learning some social grace and skills, not too mention English, I feel sure most readers of this site know the definition of the word rape(although yours seems to differ from the actual definition) you are obviously a person who is restricted to using the vernacular and enjoy writing the word “penis”

This being the case it leads one to conclude an addiction or phallophobia both of which are treatable

You and your axis allies should try putting the pro abortion non-argument across with a more convincing rhetoric and articulation not to mention intellect, “choice” just doesn’t justify infanticide…

bahahahaha lame buddy, u think u insult me by talking as if a man is better then a women, bite my reproductive system and all it's power !!!
Social grace and skills lmfao seriously read your own comments u sexist hypocrite. All u did was take cheap shots at me and others all because u have nothing intelligent to add. Also kiss my bilingual diploma, insulting the way i write? again pathetic.
I know the definition of rape, i hope your mom never feels it.
I am done with u, but i'm sure others will have some more fun


hey ikmy,

your man crush is showing.

also, please shut the fuck up.

thanks in advance.



Uncle buck, uncle buck !!! sorry mate but it sounds like the sort of name a paedophile would think-up to use on a kiddies chat site

I knew it wouldn’t take long for you to introduce yourself

You should consider changing it, people might get the wrong idea
How about Hammy the hamster

Sounds like you have the same rodent habit that Fabfun has (see previous post), except you have the problem of keeping them fed, because you speak so much crap. It verges on tyranny, it’s definitely sociopathic.


Well-Known Member
Uncle buck, uncle buck !!! sorry mate but it sounds like the sort of name a paedophile would think-up to use on a kiddies chat site

I knew it wouldn’t take long for you to introduce yourself

You should consider changing it, people might get the wrong idea
How about Hammy the hamster

Sounds like you have the same rodent habit that Fabfun has (see previous post), except you have the problem of keeping them fed, because you speak so much crap. It verges on tyranny, it’s definitely sociopathic.

just old buck wart russell.


hey ikmy,

your man crush is showing.

also, please shut the fuck up.

thanks in advance.


bahahahaha lame buddy, u think u insult me by talking as if a man is better then a women, bite my reproductive system and all it's power !!!
Social grace and skills lmfao seriously read your own comments u sexist hypocrite. All u did was take cheap shots at me and others all because u have nothing intelligent to add. Also kiss my bilingual diploma, insulting the way i write? again pathetic.
I know the definition of rape, i hope your mom never feels it.
I am done with u, but i'm sure others will have some more fun

Living proof..

Tell someone a lie and you upset them.

Tell them the truth and they get infuriated..

And yes I am sure you’re a cunning linguist and a master debater



Well-Known Member

Thanks for your input but I think the laws governing smoking some grass and aborting 1,3 million (on average) children in America alone every year calls for a different type of
comparison…think of the wasted talent we are washing down the drain, literally !!!

How many great minds have we lost and still losing to abortion , how many talented researchers, Dr, parents, heroes, leaders and just normal good people?

As far as back street abortions are concerned, I am sure the unscrupulous amongst us would certainly profit from such law changes but the billons of tax payers $ used to commit the atrocities could be freed-up and invested in the hindering of such activities and help support the mothers financially, psychologically and spiritually.

Think about it NoDrama how much dose the American government spends on the war against marijuana?

In a three year period you’re talking about tens of billions.

My concerns are for the society we live in, a society that believe the unborn are not worth protecting, as I wrote in another post, in the U.K. it is illegal to destroy a pregnant dog even if it has just mauled a child to death “why” because its pregnant..

Foresight and true intellect teaches us liberalism knows no limits, why because it hasn’t got an ethical core, it succumbs to human weaknesses and celebrates mediocrity, no perpetrators only victims and of course everyone gets a prize it’s pathetic !!!
Ok mr smartypants.

Making Abortion illegal is just as good as making MURDER illegal, yet two people get murdered in the USA every hour. There ya go. Better? Does that pass your test of what is acceptable comparisons?

FYI there were 185,000 abortions in Great Britain in 2007. The UK treats dogs better.

Michael Sparks

Active Member
Thanks for your input but I think the laws governing smoking some grass and aborting 1,3 million (on average) children in America alone every year calls for a different type of comparison…think of the wasted talent we are washing down the drain, literally !!!
I believe that is very contrary to all the brilliance that is here in the present but such a lack of motivation exists, so to have such a close minded view is to presume that you have a strong lack of faith in humanity to do and achieve.
How many great minds have we lost and still losing to abortion , how many talented researchers, Dr, parents, heroes, leaders and just normal good people?
I see the point you make but consider this, when you think of how most children grow up, are you thinking of how we as adults are nurturing them in ways to discover their trues passion or calling if you will? i see it as 'most of us' hand them off to others to raise (day care, reform school), An ever failing educational system that teaches what is labeled the 'fundamentals' of learning, how many children do you know that are conscience of how electricity works or what is going on with government that effects them indirectly or how the ways of doing is backward, e.g. marijuana is not legal to do research to find the aspects of medicinal value but it won't be decriminalized because there isn't adequate information to determine that it has medicinal properties.
As far as back street abortions are concerned, I am sure the unscrupulous amongst us would certainly profit from such law changes but the billons of tax payers $ used to commit the atrocities could be freed-up and invested in the hindering of such activities and help support the mothers financially, psychologically and spiritually.
That "freed-up" tax money (if such a thing even exists) would and very well could be displaced to fund an ever more secret and quite as possibly morally unjust agenda e.g. war on terror, when they create the fear and we nod our heads in approval because they claim it is "for our bests interests".



this is epic.

Well I guess I am not going to get an intelligent response to the abortion debacle
Didn’t think I would from a group of moronic dope heads

Still it’s a good laugh, keep it coming


Well-Known Member
Well I guess I am not going to get an intelligent response to the abortion debacle
Didn’t think I would from a group of moronic dope heads

Still it’s a good laugh, keep it coming
you are ludicrous. truly.

wanna fuck in the butt? i'll be gentle, i promise.

but i want it rough.

you up for it big boy?


Well-Known Member
I like turtles, the remix.



Ok mr smartypants.

Making Abortion illegal is just as good as making MURDER illegal, yet two people get murdered in the USA every hour. There ya go. Better? Does that pass your test of what is acceptable comparisons?

FYI there were 185,000 abortions in Great Britain in 2007. The UK treats dogs better.

Hey Nodrama

The U.K. is the biggest den of liberal iniquity in the western world.

I still have great hope that America will contribute most to the turnaround.

At least there are Americans still fighting against the liberal non-ethics the U.K. has given up the fight, narcissism and greed is the rule of law in the U.K.

I am afraid to say it but hopefully when the economical cut backs(which have only started this year) start the real recession, and there is civil unrest the populist might just start thinking again.. wishful thinking what…