Hallucinogens & the Bible...

Detroit J420

Well-Known Member
What you are saying is loaded with belief and lacks logic. The logical connections between your scentences arent right, space is infinite and it blew my mind... so whats the answer.. GOD!! aha!!! We are never going to understand "infinite knowledge", but at least atheists don`t escape this fact saying GOD!

"Part of nature then have no morals have a family oragie who cares were animals... Keep studying sceince and believing theres no god end up.like that weird.freak Stephen Hawking. lions kill a mothers cubs so he can fuck the mom lower your self to an animal. Im gonna say were created in Gods image "

Well actually, morals don`t exist apart from in our head in my opinion. You are one who can`t accept that we are animals. You are one who can`t reduce the brilliant show of life into simple science and chemistry, part because you don`t have the necessary knowledge in science and part because you don`t want to. You can

Bro science can't explain shiiiii* a ton of shit that was discoverd, invented in the last 100 yrs was already 5000 yrs ago, alot of it in a different way . more ways then one to skin a cat, soo you think space just goees and gooes and gooes thats not mind blowing to you , do you have a logical explanation?? Your little puny mind can't figure out a a single spec of sand compared to infinte sand grains out there so why try?? keep it simple study a little and live normal and yes morals are very important they come with the right religion, ever think of someone famous who's loved by alot or majority of people chances are that guy has morals and shares same belifs as you why try to be a weird animal freak.?

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Bro science can't explain shiiiii* a ton of shit that was discoverd, invented in the last 100 yrs was already 5000 yrs ago, alot of it in a different way . more ways then one to skin a cat, soo you think space just goees and gooes and gooes thats not mind blowing to you , do you have a logical explanation?? Your little puny mind can't figure out a a single spec of sand compared to infinte sand grains out there so why try?? keep it simple study a little and live normal and yes morals are very important they come with the right religion, ever think of someone famous who's loved by alot or majority of people chances are that guy has morals and shares same belifs as you why try to be a weird animal freak.?
The problem is not with religion per say .... it is how it's used and forced upon you .... as it divides different groups .... depending on a set system of values.
I was kidnapped to be Christians once ....'I never got to decide' .... but put an end to that.
Morals have nothing to do with religion ... but with a strong link to a fixed group.

What you are proposing sir .... by just sitting there and living normal and learning a little ........ is cute .... yet un fulfilling for US trying to reach OUR Full potential. Your Normal and idea of fit .... as per your community .... as per where you exist ...... is different than mine.



Well-Known Member
Bro science can't explain shiiiii* a ton of shit that was discoverd, invented in the last 100 yrs was already 5000 yrs ago, alot of it in a different way . more ways then one to skin a cat, soo you think space just goees and gooes and gooes thats not mind blowing to you , do you have a logical explanation?? Your little puny mind can't figure out a a single spec of sand compared to infinte sand grains out there so why try?? keep it simple study a little and live normal and yes morals are very important they come with the right religion, ever think of someone famous who's loved by alot or majority of people chances are that guy has morals and shares same belifs as you why try to be a weird animal freak.?

id rather be a freak then be a sheep

i beleive in god but not Catholicism or Christianity or other man made faith mongering.

you want to be closer to god, read the bible in the mind set that its a book of faith not book of FACT

edit / ps

its not science vs religion is scientist vs practicioners of religion

science and spirituality coexist quite well


Well-Known Member
The problem is not with religion per say .... it is how it's used and forced upon you .... as it divides different groups .... depending on a set system of values.
I was kidnapped to be Christians once ....'I never got to decide' .... but put an end to that.
Morals have nothing to do with religion ... but with a strong link to a fixed group.

What you are proposing sir .... by just sitting there and living normal and learning a little ........ is cute .... yet un fulfilling for US trying to reach OUR Full potential. Your Normal and idea of fit .... as per your community .... as per where you exist ...... is different than mine.

i feel like i know you a little too well...


Detroit J420

Well-Known Member
I already know where this is going. No ones gonna win, but as far as history goes in my opinion alot of the words in the bible and what Jesus has said are really really deep weather you wanna believe its our creator speaking to us. Is up to you that's a hard book to understand too. But to true for me to iqnore so im just gonna leave it at that. atheism is just to cold and heartless. Gotta be somethen else out there. IM gonna hold my belifes that Jesus is the son of God if not then, shit would be really fucked up cause old testement is way to hardcore and other religions that dont believe he is the man, are to weird for me to believe in. I guess all that matters in the end did you live good or miserable? Cause were all gonna die.


Well-Known Member
I already know where this is going. No ones gonna win, but as far as history goes in my opinion alot of the words in the bible and what Jesus has said are really really deep weather you wanna believe its our creator speaking to us. Is up to you that's a hard book to understand too. But to true for me to iqnore so im just gonna leave it at that. atheism is just to cold and heartless. Gotta be somethen else out there. IM gonna hold my belifes that Jesus is the son of God if not then, shit would be really fucked up cause old testement is way to hardcore and other religions that dont believe he is the man, are to weird for me to believe in. I guess all that matters in the end did you live good or miserable? Cause were all gonna die.
I don`t think god is necessary at all and atheism doesn`t have to be cold and heartless, thats just the way you look at it. Because of the way you look at it makes you feel the need to belive in a fairy tale, literally. Its year 2011 hello!

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Sir ... Christianity... is a naively young religion .... and the Bible is compiled into a script in the most unfortunate way. (Please learn of the omitted parts)
And take into consideration the selected works .... in purpose ... as a system of thought control.
The idea OF Jesus ... is universal to many religions .... the ONE ... aka YOU .... ME ....... THE FLESH .... Love Your Neighbor as Yourself

We are not arguing about validity of a given religion in practice .... we are talking about it in terms of systems .... as to govern/lead people into a norm of a lifestyle.
If for ONE ... YOU need to be a part of such system of thought /NORM..... that is your own prerogative which I happen to respect .... but certainly do not subscribe 2.

No one is saying that there is no Good in "Christianity' .... as per a certain underlying tone .... all we are suggesting and proposing is that ..... the whole thing .... might have been fabricated .... as a result of some terrestrial frequency or occurrence.

No Disrespect from ME.
I see Jesus everyday ... on the faces of weak and hungry ... in the eyes of children ... But Allah and Buddha are always near.
And I do not subscribe to any religion. I resonate and live by MY own.



Well-Known Member
Well I commend the man for standing up for his beliefs, it is a time which was predicted in the bible where doing that would be difficult.
I too am knowledgable in other religions and spiritual practices, not realy as a seaker but to like Paul, become all things to all men, to find a bridge.

I do not subscribe to the living a good life thing that much, although I certainly try to. I believe salvation can be had through faith alone.
Lol, I guess some of you are laughing at my oldtimer beliefs, but they have been well weighed up against the alternatives.
I believe we are now just at the start of being unpleasant or makeing fun of christians, but within our lifetime all christians will be a persecuted group, like they allready are in my places on the earth right now.

I've been an atheist and an agnostic pretty much most of my forming years, then I found myself in the proverbial foxhole.

PS have you ever thought of the significance of the fact that we are by design, capable of haveing a religious experience, to start with.

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
ANC thank YOU for dropping in ... I am going to reserve this space and edit as the day unfolds.
But I would love to hear about this whole Salvation thing that you are talking about ...
Man, I do not need to be saved ..... and by No ONE or THING.
I am having a hard time with 'salvation'


Detroit J420

Well-Known Member
What is with this, athesim not heartless confused confused. If you dont believe in God then y have a heart. Why not fuck over who ever you can to make your life bette. who cares who you hurt who cares who you steal from cheat. Were just gonna rot in the dirt and be as if we never exsisted.. everyone no matter what there memory fades when they die. Whats this inbetween shit??? Either be all in or all out. Wtf sounds like your confused. Athesim heartless yess! Now you wanna explain love morals caring about others wtf is wrong with you sounds like u want both sides. Let science explain love morals trust some of the best things on things on this earth. You make no sence go fuck a monkey!!

grow space

Well-Known Member
I myself dont give a shit what the bible says, it is a punch of shit anyway ! only weak persons turn do it and then think they are not alone, an will be always fine ! i am just a logical thinker ! fuck your bible !

But i like to think that there maybe a a afterlife, like a endless trip through space or something like that ! we will never now until the day comes .

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
What is with this, athesim not heartless confused confused. If you dont believe in God then y have a heart. Why not fuck over who ever you can to make your life bette. who cares who you hurt who cares who you steal from cheat. Were just gonna rot in the dirt and be as if we never exsisted.. everyone no matter what there memory fades when they die. Whats this inbetween shit??? Either be all in or all out. Wtf sounds like your confused. Athesim heartless yess! Now you wanna explain love morals caring about others wtf is wrong with you sounds like u want both sides. Let science explain love morals trust some of the best things on things on this earth. You make no sence go fuck a monkey!!
Bro, a heart is a muscle .... a pump.
I do not have to believe in God to realize that I am a part of a Great Thing.
Connected to all .... in fact I am, everyone .... an extension ... a function in the majestic equation of the universe.
Thus, what would I ever want to hurt someone ? .... as I would be hurting myself ... NO ?

I feel sad that your Worldview is so limited .... and confined to but one system of operation in though. Where ... you take care of everything close to YOU and nothing else. Such systems (a belief in one religion) breed dissension among people and
contribute to true evil .... in this world.

Some of us need such 'anchors' to reality .... they find them in religion .... as such offers many interpretations and often vaguely explains things that are not understood by folks WHO are not willing or unable to comprehend.

You think a little ... and lead your normal life.
And I will think A LOT.


OK ... so how about those Hallucinations in the bible ... ??