Hallucinogens & the Bible...

Detroit J420

Well-Known Member
I get so mad id type shyt up all wrong at im at work usen my droid fon its hard lol
But please explain love or taken a bullet for your kids dying for someone you love
Science doesnt even know where to start at those questions. How do you explain that don't even know where to begin do you?

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Brother, I enjoy talking to you on this subject ... but we are moving away from the topic.
When you get to your computer ... start a thread ... about Christianity ... and we
will contemplate. I am in no way interested in knocking your belief system.
I would be happy to understand it. No sense in getting mad or frustrated.


Detroit J420

Well-Known Member
Those things my freind are priceless, and the best things on earth the best!
My father escaped from Albania when he was a teen. Country taken over by communism . Religion canceld right under religion on your passport it said albanian..
And i know very well what true atheists do how they think.. They kill torcher ask questions later.

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Those things my freind are priceless, and the best things on earth the best!
My father escaped from Albania when he was a teen. Country taken over by communism . Religion canceld right under religion on your passport it said albanian..
And i know very well what true atheists do how they think.. They kill torcher ask questions later.
Son, I escaped from a third world country as a teenager.... a communist country at that.
Subsequently ... I lived in Refugee camps ... before I made my way to the safe land.
Do you know that Communism in practice .... is not applicable ..... just like Democracy ?
Now you are dragging concepts into this discussion ..... you really have no clue about.
Are you talking MaRxism .... aka theory ?
Or rather about communism as depicted in US media ?
And how you got brainwashed by your father ..... to understand it ?

So how about them Hallucinations in the Bible ?

(I have to perform 3 exorcisms on different servers .... I IT)
Will continue this in a new thread ... at a later time if you choose.
Got to do some work right now.

Detroit J420

Well-Known Member
Fine one things for sure your die and not exsist such a sad sad mentality live in this miserable world nothen to hope for better?
I am a true believer but i am not weak u fuck with me that means you fuck wih my family i put my life on the line against anyone who wants to fuck with me you want a gun fight u got it i am not weak. Or am i scarred to die i realize its hopeless were gonna die anyway. You all sound like some weak inbetween bitches. Have fun living miserable Shit on the bible ur just shitten on your own life the only truth.

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Fine one things for sure your die and not exsist such a sad sad mentality live in this miserable world nothen to hope for better?
I am a true believer but i am not weak u fuck with me that means you fuck wih my family i put my life on the line against anyone who wants to fuck with me you want a gun fight u got it i am not weak. Or am i scarred to die i realize its hopeless were gonna die anyway. You all sound like some weak inbetween bitches. Have fun living miserable Shit on the bible ur just shitten on your own life the only truth.
Wow ... how Christian of YOU !! What would Jesus say about this outburst !
I live in a wicked place as in 'fun' ... and am Very HaPPY ... (I am not from Detroit clearly)
I will die ... in this body .... at the perfect time ... and move to the next level in the game .....
YOU my friend ... go ahead ... and do your thing. You find comfort in that ..... or do you really ?

You are a product of a very sheltered life ... perhaps you are reacting on instinct, in self defense.

No threats to you ... on my part.
Your are jumping your GUN.


P.S ... Have you ever attempted to investigate other religion than your own .... for pure enjoyment of learning experience ?
As I understand ... Christians are not supposed to worship other God's .... perhaps even through readings of other scripts pertaining to different belief systems.
Have you ?


Well-Known Member
Fine one things for sure your die and not exsist such a sad sad mentality live in this miserable world nothen to hope for better?
I am a true believer but i am not weak u fuck with me that means you fuck wih my family i put my life on the line against anyone who wants to fuck with me you want a gun fight u got it i am not weak. Or am i scarred to die i realize its hopeless were gonna die anyway. You all sound like some weak inbetween bitches. Have fun living miserable Shit on the bible ur just shitten on your own life the only truth.
Your pretty fucking heavy man, I`ll give you that.

I`m an atheist and I don`t give a shit if I die, this is sounding like a narcistic personality disorder trip but I would die for my girlfriend while an atheist, I had a long distance relationship (3000miles) for 2 years and never touched another girl. Does this not sound like morals to you dude?

And what ever happned to morals coming from science? Group of 100 people in jungle, either work together or die alone thats what forms the basics of our morals, its the basics of human teamwork.

Say, you were calling Steven Hawking a freak, did you ever realise he had no religgeon or belived in no afterlife and just appreciated the phenomenon of life? Stripped life down to its bear bones and said we should keep spreading it because its amazing? All you can do is make up a fake story, a crutch and call us inbetweeners. I`m nowhere inbetween, its not fair for you to belive in a made up "perfect fit" theory and call the theory we belive in (with the most evidence, no holy books) an inbetween theory. Your religgeon is just a cheap shot making a guess and putting shitloads of faith in it, and science will prove its worth over religgeon as time passes. Honestly, do you think there will be any christians left in the human race 1000 years later, when your religgeon is talking about going to the church while people are on artificial reality games? If christianity adapts to a world like that there ain`t going to be much of it left, but I guess its been adapting all the way and thats how it can STILL BE HERE!


Religgeon is just compensating for the parts which are missing right now.

How does anybody know Jesus didn`t have his own stash of psychoactives? Its not like there was CCTV and laws at the time is it :)

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Just consider this for a minute .... world is what you make it .... it is neither good or evil.
Life is not a Ying Yang Thing !



I love LIFE as much as YOU do ..... I just don't need 'anchors' to understand ..... for what it IS.
That is ALL



Well-Known Member
Sacred geometry is a perfect example to show you that we ALL are one in the same.....but not.

I quote Puffer Fish....
"I do not have to believe in God to realize that I am a part of a Great Thing.
Connected to all .... in fact I am, everyone .... an extension ... a function in the majestic equation of the universe.
Thus, what would I ever want to hurt someone ? .... as I would be hurting myself ... NO ?"
let me help you ALL figure this one out.
I have realized this.
Puffer knows I have realized this.
We feel you all should realize this.
because its true

The Flower of Life

how is it....that a circle....one thing.
over lapping another circle and another...
creates something completely different....a flower

we ALL are apart of the cycle. fractals.
never ending. seasons. numbers.
dont we live life by this everyday?

open to interpretation ... :bigjoint:

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
I do not feel that Anyone should Realize Anything ....if they do not want to.
You either do or YOU don't ! When you are ready ... or if you are ready.
I am not a preacher nor shaman !

I have read about one tho ....'his people nailed him to a cross' ..... ouch ....
He was trying to 'save them from themselves' .... clearly it has not worked.




Active Member
I get so mad id type shyt up all wrong at im at work usen my droid fon its hard lol
But please explain love or taken a bullet for your kids dying for someone you love
Science doesnt even know where to start at those questions. How do you explain that don't even know where to begin do you?
as far as this silliness goes, before science explained the sun, rain, and lightning etc. how were these explained lol? the work of the gods, now we dont still pray to these gods do we?

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Hey Miller .... Your nick triggers a mass release of endorphins in my system.
I once dated a beautiful Girl named Miller .... she was mighty.

Ahh ... memory banks and high speed access ..... hmmm just like reliving the past ... I can smell her ... in THE NOW
Thanks for the Trigger !
Very Unexpected.



Active Member
some 1 had to be tripping to make that fairytale of a book. i was watching a documentary about linking mushrooms to jesus. pretty interesting to think about it i mean mushies have been here forever and its extremely possible for people back then to have discovered it and partake in the hallucinogenic frenzy.


Well-Known Member
some 1 had to be tripping to make that fairytale of a book. i was watching a documentary about linking mushrooms to jesus. pretty interesting to think about it i mean mushies have been here forever and its extremely possible for people back then to have discovered it and partake in the hallucinogenic frenzy.
and peyote...
and ayahuasca....
and any other psychoactive plant known to man...


Well-Known Member
I show no Knowledge.
I resonate at best !


Make ART ... not in digital format .... in everything and with everything BBQ.
Do not sell yourself short on one path.

Now why is that so funny, LOL

Detroit J420

Well-Known Member
Alright, i used to be a bad guy steal purses house partys go right to the master bedroom wheres the jewlery etc etc.. i used to trip alot and became aware of demons scarred me at times blew it off alot as nothing. But i realized if i turned to prayer i was really aware of God even the father of lsd, says it should be used as spiritual medication. I think it works for evil and good mayans used it people said they could communicate with demons, apple computer ceo acid head creator of the ifon put his first computer for sale at 666.66 he also said acid was.the 2nd most important thing he has ever done. Church of satans website loves apple computers calls there symbol tree of the fruit of knowlede i think he sponsers them i can go on for hrs but i gotta.gey back to work

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
What you say is absolutely true.
You just have to realize that in order to be a part of this ... you actually have to subscribe to IT (that system/religion/etc)
Otherwise you are outside ... looking in and laughing.

I make fun of Steve Jobs and his computers .... another reason I would never buy an apple ... overpriced ....and controlled within a confined system.
Do not mistake the apple ... for temptation tho .... as temptation is a feeling .... so it is always up to you !
To act ... on a given impulse. You always make the final choice.

In terms of your demons and angels .... have you ever considered that ..... as you are a product of a given system,
governed by the idea of right and wrong ....... and as such ..... through your burglaries ...... you have developed a sense of
anxiety which has manifested in guilt ....... most likely triggered by a psychedelic experience.

This guilt ... is addressed with prayer ... and it works
as it soothes ... that is why you keep on doing ....praying ...
Some meditated to arrive with similar results.

Systems .... and Hallucinations .... whatever works ...
