Dropastones Northern Lights #5 Grow Journal


Well-Known Member
hey bro If you posted this I'm sorry I missed it. Your pics are so huge , and those buds are even huger, so it's hard to find the info at this time.
That and I'm dialing in my new vaporizer.
I was wondering if you get some time this weekend furing your maintence to measure out your girls and also the diameter and ht of your airpots if you dont mind.
I have it on their website, but their info doesn't match what I measure my #1s to be. I'm trying to order some more sizes for my mother plants not sure which ones I'll want to use first. Thanks bro
And PS. I wasn't teasing about my last posts. If you ever need a hand I got your back. I have weekends free until my room is back in the works.=)
Hey bro the pots I'm using are the .8 gallon size and they are 9.5 inches tall by 7 inches wide. The plant and pot together is 25.5 inches. The plant alone is 16 inches. I also use the 2.4 gallon size and they are 12 inches tall by 10 inches wide. The plant and pot together is 41 inches and the plant it self is 29 inches tall. Need anything else let me know.

Also I appreciate the offer to lend me a hand but as of right now I'm good to go. It's always good to know that help is available If needed and I want to thank you for the offer.

Peace my friend.
i think its pretty retarded rooting in water, then plating in soil?

well to me its not logical, but w/e thats how u do it



Well-Known Member
i think its pretty retarded rooting in water, then plating in soil?

well to me its not logical, but w/e thats how u do it

At first I was a little pissed off by your comment but I'll just chalk it up to ignorance on your part. Apparently you read my thread but the only thing you can comment on is that I'm retarded for using a bubble cloner. So I guess everybody that uses ez cloners, areo cloners and not to mention my bubble cloner are all retards as well. Normally I'm game for a little criticism or negative feedback because it can actually be a good thing if it comes from the right person. With that being said, I don't think your the right person to be giving me or anybody else advice about cloning. I'll just let my success rate do all my talking for me. Since I've been using my bubble cloner I've only lost one clone, ever. So I guess that means I have a 99% success rate with my bubble cloner. The two monster NL # 5 I just grew out were from a bubble cloner. The plants I have in the pictures below are from a bubble cloner. So can you please enlighten me on the errors of my cloning method. I cant wait to see what you have to say.

By the way, what a great way to start off on RIU. It's only your second post and already with the insults. Maybe you should just go troll somewhere else but only after you tell me the proper way to clone.



Well-Known Member
i think your bubble cloner works great drop. i seen that guys post and started lmao. 2 post in 4 months lol. i just ignore the trolls, their not worth our time. so how long you think you'll be able to run all 9 clones in 1 closet before you have to split them up?


Well-Known Member
Thanks for your support my friend. I'm gonna run those plants in the closet for as long as I can. If they get to crowed I'm gonna have to split em up between the two grow rooms. This will be my last grow for the NL#5 and as far as the P.E goes I'm not exactly sure when I'll start them yet.



Well-Known Member
Thanks for your support my friend. I'm gonna run those plants in the closet for as long as I can. If they get to crowed I'm gonna have to split em up between the two grow rooms. This will be my last grow for the NL#5 and as far as the P.E goes I'm not exactly sure when I'll start them yet.

yeaaaa man... people these fuckin days.. got nuthin better to day than to come online and talk about sumthin that they know nothing about. i had sum dickhead come in my " frostiest buds " thread and be like man.. how dumb do you feel for spelling the title of ur thread wrong... cuz i forgot the R in frostiest.... now if sum1 said it in a funny way.. i woulda laughed. i actually ahd no idea i spelled it wrong... lol. but i mean almost 200 pages.. and almost 2,000 posts... and no1 else ever said anything.. then this asshole come outta nowhere talkin shit.. he also had under 10 posts.. not the best way to start off in RIU.. i mean comeone... look at this dudes fuckin plants!!!??? how the FUCK can u say ANYTHING bad about the methods he uses... ur pics say enough man... just ignore the lil bitch. lol. beautiful pics by the way... as always

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
Hey Dropa, your awesome man, what a classy response to a complete loser. And i thought i was the only one that had all the asshole trolls coming through my journal... Peace Amber


Well-Known Member
:weed:I enjoy coming back and catching up on your growin'. It appears you have become a Master Grower! You are doing Awesome!:weed:


Well-Known Member
:weed:I enjoy coming back and catching up on your growin'. It appears you have become a Master Grower! You are doing Awesome!:weed:
Ahhh the master returns to check on his padawan grower lol. Thanks for the compliments my friend and taking the time stop by and say hi. See ya around homey.

Peace and happy growing.


Active Member
i think its pretty retarded rooting in water, then plating in soil?

well to me its not logical, but w/e thats how u do it

Really digged your response to this fool....the nerve some people have and posted only 2x, like I'd take it to heart what was said....You keep growing w/your style, knowledge and new ideas and approaches to different set-ups....perhaps in a few years terryleyroy will finally "get it" I certainly hope you can block him out in the future my freind....

dig those grow air pods, still need to get them ordered as well as the NL#5, but as you know, kinda out of it for now.......inspirational grow as always bro......I'll send ya a pm on what happened in the recent past if you don't mind....beautiful day to ride, in the high 80's, it'll be 10-14 weeks b4 I can even pull her out of the garage :cry:, but my heart/body/soul is getting healthy/stronger each day :hump:...stay kool


Well-Known Member
Yeah that guy aint getting to me bro and it's all water under the bridge now. Thanks for the nice words my friend and pm me anytime you like. I'm gonna try to get some cured bud shots up before to long. The final weight is right around 4oz bud and 1/2oz popcorn. I've probably smoked and gave away at least a 1/2 oz but I'm not including that in the final weight. The popcorn and the trim will go towards making some canna butter or canna oil for my dad because he has to stop smoking, doctors orders. So now I got to try to keep him stocked up on supplies to make the edibles. On a side note the doc prescribed him some marinol. My buddy had a script of that once but I didn't think it was all that. I had to eat like 8 of em to get anything that even felt like a buzz. My dad says they work on him but he hasn't smoked in a month because of his medical condition and by that I mean emphysema.

Now the second plant I'm still waiting on it to finish. Today is 75 days in and doesn't even look close yet. On the bright side, the pistols are starting to turn red and recede, so I'm hopeful that another week or so and she'll be ready. If I let her go 12 weeks it'll be the longest I've ever let a plant flower.

Okay people, hopefully new pics in few days, until then.

Peace and happy growing.


Active Member
Yeah that guy aint getting to me bro and it's all water under the bridge now. Thanks for the nice words my friend and pm me anytime you like. I'm gonna try to get some cured bud shots up before to long. The final weight is right around 4oz bud and 1/2oz popcorn. I've probably smoked and gave away at least a 1/2 oz but I'm not including that in the final weight. The popcorn and the trim will go towards making some canna butter or canna oil for my dad because he has to stop smoking, doctors orders. So now I got to try to keep him stocked up on supplies to make the edibles. On a side note the doc prescribed him some marinol. My buddy had a script of that once but I didn't think it was all that. I had to eat like 8 of em to get anything that even felt like a buzz. My dad says they work on him but he hasn't smoked in a month because of his medical condition and by that I mean emphysema.

Now the second plant I'm still waiting on it to finish. Today is 75 days in and doesn't even look close yet. On the bright side, the pistols are starting to turn red and recede, so I'm hopeful that another week or so and she'll be ready. If I let her go 12 weeks it'll be the longest I've ever let a plant flower.

Okay people, hopefully new pics in few days, until then.

Peace and happy growing.
Sorry to hear about your dad and buddy, the doc's said I have early stages of emphysema as well, so I will never light up a cigarette ever again.....I'll just smoke my grow unless that continues to promote more lung problems, ediables or concentrates would be a good option as well. We made cherry drops w/cannabutter on my 1st grow, it's in the plan for this week, both cherry and lemon drops....I've made hash oil b4, but need to make a large batch of hash, nver made hash yet, that's even better to consume than smoking it imo....later bro :joint:


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear that about you too bro. I've been a cig smoker and a pot toker for over 30 years and I can only Imagine what my lungs look like. Since my dads been having problems with his lungs I've been wanting to quit really bad but that nicotine has really get hold on me. I can't believe how addicting it is. I know for a fact I could quit smoking weed before the cigs any day of the week.

I've been thinking about taking a cpl of ounces of bud and all the trimmings from this first batch along with all the trimmings from the next batch and turn it all into hash. Then I'll take some of that and add it to some butter or oil for cooking. I tried the stove top\crock pot method and I really don't care for the appearance or taste. You end up with green butter and foul tasting baked goods. I'm waiting on this second plant finish before I make anything though. I'm holding out for one big batch instead of a cpl of small ones.

Take care my friend.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, had to ring in on this one. I'm mid 40's, started smoking cigs at 12, full time, not a butt or two a day, and started weed and hash right after that. I've also done my fair share of drinking too. Drinking I can give or take anytime I want, have always been that way, and in fact I haven't had a drink since January. Springs here though and I'd like to hit a patio for a Guinness but then that's just a taste and social thing then a get drunk thing. Smoking lasted 23 years and I'm glad to say I'm 10 yrs smoke free last Dec, along with my wife, and it was the best thing I did in my life. Weed is my only refuse and pleasure and I refuse to give it up unless of course I'm struck with such an ailment, but then as long as I can eat! Which brings us to this. Growing is new to me still and my perpetual is just starting to produce some nice smoke with relative consistency, and I'm also a stranger in a strange land so my access to weed is Very limited. In the meantime while I've been growing, I did find a good, consistent supply but it was all the same strain and lots of it! It's been going all winter and still going. The weed is very good quality with a sick cheesy smell to it and a heavy buzz, but the smoke is heavy as hell on the lungs. I would cough so much and so violently that by the time I was done I was more wiped out than high and my wife and daughter became concerned. I was starting to concern me too because it was a deep heavy ball that just wouldnt get out. Anyway, I am happy to report that it is just the weed because so far I've smoke a few of my strains and while I still get a good bong cough going after a good hit, it's just as it's always been where a good old hack settles the matter so we can get on with it. I'm obviously going to be a little more mindful now. Cigarettes? I couldn't even have a haul now or it would kill me. In fact I've never had a blunt and would love to sit and have one but I know I couldn't and it would just be a bad experience. I'm looking to use some fan leaves and do something. Maybe when I try a tincture.

Cheers Dropa and Co.


Active Member
Sorry to hear that about you too bro. I've been a cig smoker and a pot toker for over 30 years and I can only Imagine what my lungs look like. Since my dads been having problems with his lungs I've been wanting to quit really bad but that nicotine has really get hold on me. I can't believe how addicting it is. I know for a fact I could quit smoking weed before the cigs any day of the week.

I've been thinking about taking a cpl of ounces of bud and all the trimmings from this first batch along with all the trimmings from the next batch and turn it all into hash. Then I'll take some of that and add it to some butter or oil for cooking. I tried the stove top\crock pot method and I really don't care for the appearance or taste. You end up with green butter and foul tasting baked goods. I'm waiting on this second plant finish before I make anything though. I'm holding out for one big batch instead of a cpl of small ones.

Take care my friend.
Thanks dropastone, I re-started up smoking bud in November 2009, I believe it actually makes me breathe bettr, or deeper at least....but the cigarettes had to go...as far as getting rid of the after taste of bud in cannabutter, I don't mind it so much, does'nt all medicine taste like crap? lol..... I'll probably purchase a set of bubblebags in a few days for the hash, need to order some seeds as well. Going to rest the rest of day.....smoke some bud....watch a few suspense movies the ole'lady picked up, take it easy bro


Well-Known Member
Okay it's been a while since I had an update, so I guess I'll start off with the cured bud. I liked the method of hanging the whole plant but on the other hand it's a pain in the arse to trim. I broke down all the buds because it made easier to trim. So I apologize for the lack of full bud shots. On the tray is 4 oz of cured bud.

Original Size.

I"m still waiting for this one to finish. She's been in flower for 79.5 days and It's just starting to amber up now. Shouldn't be two much longer. She's got some deficiencies and she's a little rough around the edges but I'm sure she'll be a nice smoke.

Here's a sample nug.

Original size.

Round three on the NL, 11.5 days in. Plants are looking great. They've stretched about 6 to 8 inches so far.

Okay ladies and gents, that's all for now.

Peace and happy growing.


Well-Known Member
:clap::clap: nice tray dude :bigjoint: looks like you set for med for a little while :joint: about how many more days you think on the onther big 1? what size air pot is the big 1 in again i forgot?


Well-Known Member
I'm gonna let her go 84 days. I'm guessing it should be done by then. If not, she's gonna get chopped anyway because I need to get round 3 under the 600 pronto. Those superoot air pots are 2.4 gallon. The ones I'm growing in now are .8 gallon and the temps in that room has been in the low 90's


Well-Known Member
Looks like your last harvest went well! Is that four ounces off one plant? The new girls look incredible as usual also, definitely like the LST job you're doing. Furthermore are those aeropots you're using? I've always wanted to they that brand of air pruning pot but they're just so damn expensive, how do u like them? Great to see your grows going well!


Well-Known Member
What up surfer. In the picture that's 4 oz but in reality I got 4.5 dry. I've been smoking quite a bit and the weight has been dropping lol. Then I got a 1/2 oz of popcorn, so on a rough estimate, I'd say more like 5 oz total.