For Real Stoners....


Active Member
HAHA I get into this all the time with my gf.

Leaving food establishment...

me: I bet all those people are stoned.
gf: Not EVERYONE smokes weed baby!
me: Yes they do. Especially people at work at (insert nearly ANY establishment with shitty jobs)
gf: You think EVERYONE smokes!
my fiance does the same thing to me, she thought stoners were far and few between when we first dated, now she has learned stoners are everywhere, we are just the best at highd and go eat! usually i am able to confidently say if someone smokes weed or not because, well, i am usually places that stoners go!


Active Member
A real stoner will give up his/her last joint to a friend without weed. Never let someone go without who needs it.
I feel ya there always hit buddies with bud when they cant find any.

Only a real stoner can smell 23 different scents in one bud. I for some reason always smell many different scents in one bud then u tell a dude who smokes once in a blue moon smell this wha does it smell like they say good then i say good i smell spices citrus cotton candy blueberries gods b.o. And only a stoner will get out a microscope and observe somethin and then thinks it looks too beautiful to smoke.


Active Member
A real stoner doesn't smoke schwagg
Best ONE

There Is NEVER never Never Never A Reason to smoke schwagg or mids. I dont care if you get 20gs for 40 bucks. That just aint right why would you want to smoke something that is worth about the same gram for gram is Peanut.LOL


Active Member
totally just went to heat up a cup of water to make hot chocolate and after I heated it up I realized it was empty, forgot to put water in to get heat up haha


Active Member
i got a good one..... a stoner doesn't drink kuz hese thirsty... he drinks cause he has a severe case of excessive dryness in the mouth AKA Xerostomia for the medical dudes :P


Active Member
OMg OMG i just found something bad about weed !!! lol!!! quote from wikipedia "Xerostomia can cause difficulty in speech and eating. It also leads to halitosis and a dramatic rise in the number of cavities, as the protective effect of saliva's remineralizing the enamel is no longer present, and can make the mucosa and periodontal tissue of the mouth more vulnerable to infection. "

OMG is that the worst ??????????? XD


Active Member
a real stoner forgets why he's in the middle of costco.... oh yeahhh... to buy rolling papers ;)


Well-Known Member
A real stoner get's asked 'Are you high?' when sober.

A really real stoner replies, 'Unfortunately not."

&#9834; I used this with my professor this week, he laughed.

A really really real stoner uses 'really really real' while high.



Well-Known Member
A real stoner logs onto RIU just to tell you guys that he just got really stoned....

Im really really real high. :D


bud bootlegger
only a real stoner knows the story of where chem dog comes from, or for that matter, pretty much every strain available including mother and father, and related strains..


Well-Known Member
a real stoner looks high all the time.... wait a real stoner is high all the time