1st Grow, CFL Bagseed in Dresser


Active Member
just realized that today it is exactly 3 weeks from when she showed her hairs and started flowering, figured i'd mention that. alright, back to the bong, there's some sort of golf tournament on tv, apparently a GREEN jacket is up for stakes :weed:


Active Member
soooo, i'm back, forgive me for liking to get on rollitup as i get high. but another side note to go with my perpetual idea, was gonna be buying a few seeds from attitude more than likely, and was wondering your suggestions? i wanna get something that gives me a very social head high, as well as another strain that is very couch lock. gonna be looking around their site and see what i think i like, then gonna compare with you guys :)


Active Member
Alright, Monday update for you all. I have got her on a feeding schedule of Monday's and Thursday's, she seems to be liking that and by the looks of her it's not hurting her. Also, my little clone seems to be doing fine, haven't seen any growth but I haven't seen any signs of dying, besides a few burns on leaves from lights. I have noticed though that some of her leaves are starting to get a purple tint to them, can you see it in the pictures? I am curious as to if this could be a negative sign, or if it could be a strain quality I don't know about since it's a bag seed.

Not gonna lie, pretty freaking high and I don't feel like doing my usual layout of pictures and talking about each one. There isn't too much to update on besides the clon looking good and the laves turning purple. She's getting some amber hairs too, hopefully she keeps filling in and swells up. Should I add some molasses soon? All the pictures are gonna be put together, yours free to browse and comment on, and advice is welcome as always too, +rep for those that contribute, should be all caught up on those of you that I am able to give rep to right now.



Active Member
ah! just noticed bugs! as i was finishing her watering I noticed tiny white/clear colored bugs jumping around in the water, then crawling around in the dirt, don't know what they are? help?!?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, another update for you, been a few days due to traveling around while I have work off. Have a few pictures from Monday, havent been able to get online to share them until today though. She's coming along nicely and I am getting more and more excited by the day to see her mature!

Here are a couple of pictures of her top view, and check out all those buds popping up! I was pretty stoked to see that when I opened up her door.

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Couple of closer in shots of a couple of the top buds, tried to get close enough to show her sugar but my phone isn't THAT good haha.

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Now we have a couple of side shots of a couple of her buds, just trying to get a little closer in, again, phone isn't a real camera.

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Last couple of pictures are to show her width, and to show her stalk as well, she's got quite the stalk for an indoor plant (in my first grow opinion)

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Thanks for checking in again guys, will get a few more pictures up tomorrow or the next day when I water her again.
That stalk is huge!!! Love the grow.


Active Member
thanks man, appreciate that. anyone have any advice on the bugs? i've read it could be root gnats or something like that? Sprayed her with some mighty wash I had from when I thought she had spider mites earlier in the grow, hopefully these little shits don't cause any real trouble.


Well-Known Member
Gnats arn't really a problem, they lay eggs in your soil. Let the soil dry out before you water. You can go about 1-2 weeks w/o watering. The gnats love moist wet soil. I also use rocks on top of soil to keep them out. A lot of people use sand on top. Try that out. As for spider mites, I've seen people vacuum their plants. Good luck.


Active Member
Gnats arn't really a problem, they lay eggs in your soil. Let the soil dry out before you water. You can go about 1-2 weeks w/o watering. The gnats love moist wet soil. I also use rocks on top of soil to keep them out. A lot of people use sand on top. Try that out. As for spider mites, I've seen people vacuum their plants. Good luck.
thanks man, appreciate the advice. gonna try letting her go a couple more days between waterings then, see how that works out. I luckily don't have spider mites (knock on wood) turns out that the mites I saw when she was a lot smaller was just me being paranoid haha.

Not much to update on today, some more amber hairs and some more trichs forming all over her, will update with some pictures when i water her in a few days. Stay flying my friends...


Well-Known Member
She will tell you when to water her. She will start to drop down. Let her tell you. It's good to let the soil dry...helps root growth...and everything depends on the roots.


Well-Known Member
they could be fungus gnats as a result of too much water. Like Ray said, definitely let the soil dry out. let the roots search for water and strengthen the plant. I had fungus gnats early in my grow and threw some fine play sand on top of the soil. Dont use too much. The problem stopped a week or so after, but I started using stronger nutes at the same time. im not sure which helped my problem more.


Active Member
they could be fungus gnats as a result of too much water. Like Ray said, definitely let the soil dry out. let the roots search for water and strengthen the plant. I had fungus gnats early in my grow and threw some fine play sand on top of the soil. Dont use too much. The problem stopped a week or so after, but I started using stronger nutes at the same time. im not sure which helped my problem more.
hey man thanks for that, appreciate it.


Active Member
i lied to you guys, i have pictures for you today. i try so hard to not visit her daily so that I can see more growth, but you know how hard it is to stay out of the grow room haha. uploading the pictures right now and about to start a batch of butter, so will do the updating after I get everything all set.


Active Member
Alright, here are some pictures for you guys. I am letting her soil get more dry than usual before I water her again, hopefully that helps with the gnats. Other than the gnats she is doing well, bud sites are starting to get bigger and fill in more, getting excited for her to really start swelling up :-o


These first few pictures are one of her main bud sites, you can see she continues to get more and more trichs, wish my phone showed how much there actually is! Also shows just a few amber hairs starting to show up.


These couple of pictures are another one of her buds, just trying to show you guys her trichs and how she is starting to fill in.


Last two pictures are just a side show to show her width and then a top view like usual. Hope you guys enjoy!

Thanks for stopping through :weed: