Hey Canada, Your Fucked


Well-Known Member
Conservatism is a sickness worse than child molestation since it puts the elderly on the streets while it invades foreign countries to save money for war funding.

Well Canada>? What are you going to do?
This is why the left can never win the debate. I am not a Conservative (at least not by his definition that's for sure) but I would never say the left is that bad.

I would just say there lost, challenged or mongaloids but never equate them to the lowest of low like a childmolester.


time to stack up on ounces before the prices and heat goes up... i was gonna start my first grow but since i read this im getting kinda bummie now not sure if i still should


Well-Known Member
IF you actually manage to stay awake through this talk (and i have no doubt that you will, ernst), you will know more about canada than most canadians do.
It's a Global mantra. Down here to grow the Worlds economy they are telling us we must shrink the public need. That there has to be more for corporations to exploit or else.
We are not being educated that resources are finite and no one wants to stand against. they want a piece of the pie.. Like hogs to the trough.

When I suggest a Cap of private wealth conservatives baulk at the idea and too the idea of taxes but when it comes to Taxes they say less is more and indeed when this policy hits the bottom economic rungs of the economic ladder it manifests as reduction in private wealth and is in turn a Cap on private wealth the Conservatives support.

So Conservatives claiming to be saving us are talking out of two orifices and out both sides of those orifices.

We are cattle on the Plantation and the real struggle comes in 80 years when the People are in great need because of planet mismanagement and they face the results of the real modern industrial revolution; the steady build up of a World Police force whose task it is to ensure economic control and economic inequality.

Oh an I watched all 4 videos and I thank you..


Well-Known Member
This is why the left can never win the debate. I am not a Conservative (at least not by his definition that's for sure) but I would never say the left is that bad.

I would just say there lost, challenged or mongaloids but never equate them to the lowest of low like a childmolester.
The wounds we experience color our opinion of the world. Get over it.
Also the topic is Canada.. "challenged" You just might be.


Well-Known Member
So what is the aim of this new anti-cannabis effort and what steps are you Canadians taking?

Sounds like the 18 to 25 vote is too high to function intellectually enough to vote but I could be wrong.


Well-Known Member
Conservatism is a sickness worse than child molestation...
Your mama is going to boot you out of her basement one day.

I'm willing to bet that you won't be such a pompous prick when that day comes.

Narcissism and a keyboard do not make one great.


Active Member
Got a link to where this is stated officially?
Not saying that I don't believe you but it would good to see the source of this statement.
Its the basis of the Tory campaign. Harper has announced it numerous times over the last 5 days on campaign stop speeches. Kevin if you havent already you should educate yourself about Bill S-10. That will be an eye opener for you.


Active Member
Will Canada build prisons to compete with the USA?
Yup. That was part of the justice bill they tried to pass with S-10 (the anti medical MJ bill) It included an open ended budget dedicated to building huge, US style mega prisons with less amenaties and more solitary confinement boxes than is currently allowed under Canadian law. The jails are full as is so the Conservatives knew we would have to build massive prisons to deal with all the otherwise law abiding, non-violent, tax paying, day job working Canadians that they are going to criminalize with the stroke of a pen.

The sick part is S-10 is titled "The Organized Crime Bill". I know lots of people who grow a few plants for themselves because they are good, morally driven people who do not wish to take part in the black market trade. None of them are involved in Organized Crime. Yet these people are who this bill targets. Does anyone honestly beleive an organized gang growing 1000+ plants gives a shiny fuck about a law attacking people who grow 5 plants?
Well they do care about that law.....they want it! Their competition in the small time community based grows will disappear (either thrown in jail or quit because to much risk) and there is a perceived increase in risk. It all equates to higher prices which means more profit for gangs. The organized crime community desperatley wants these laws passed.


Moderatrix of Journals
So what is the aim of this new anti-cannabis effort and what steps are you Canadians taking?

Sounds like the 18 to 25 vote is too high to function intellectually enough to vote but I could be wrong.
harper just pushed through approval (despite sundry public and expert outcries) of, i think, 20-odd new jails. now he's gotta people them somehow doesn't he?
the only thing we CAN do at this point is to GET RID OF THAT SCUM.
thing is, in spite of the fact that he's been stumped and schooled by journalists at press conferences time and again (esp. since this particular campaign started), in spite of the non-confidence vote and contempt of parliament, in spite of the copyright infringement, in spite of the fact that he is SELLING OUR COUNTRY PIECEMEAL to you guys (and canada is apparently a $2 toothless skid row ho to him), this country is peppered and salted with fuckwits who'll vote tory because they've always voted tory because their great-grandpappy voted tory, and then bitch and moan about the tory gov't once it's in.

the green party is the 'more left of center than the ndp' "environmentally responsible" party, the elusive 4th. genuinely nice people who almost never stand a chance in hell. correct me if i'm wrong somebody, this whole elizabeth may (the party leader) not being allowed to participate in the televised debates thingy is because they don't have any federal seats right now, am i right?


Well-Known Member
Your mama is going to boot you out of her basement one day.

I'm willing to bet that you won't be such a pompous prick when that day comes.

Narcissism and a keyboard do not make one great.
How many people get excited over child molestation? Is this a site of excitable child molesters? Get over it already.


Active Member
What is the Green Party?
The Green Party is an ultra left winged party based on the environment.

heres the problem with Canada: Center-right all the way to the ultra right wing nut jobs (tea baggers as you call them in the states) only have one party to vote for (conservative). The center to ultra left wing nut jobs have 3 parties to vote for (Liberal, NDP, Green). Now it doesnt take a university professor to figure out what this means. Vote splitting!

In the 90's the conservative party of canada united the right, joining with the reform party (tea baggers) thus joing the vote of the entire right together. They knew they were creating an unbeatable party that didnt need to worry about majority public opinion because no matter what they did they were always going to be voted into power.


Well-Known Member
harper just pushed through approval (despite sundry public and expert outcries) of, i think, 20-odd new jails. now he's gotta people them somehow doesn't he?
the only thing we CAN do at this point is to GET RID OF THAT SCUM.
thing is, in spite of the fact that he's been stumped and schooled by journalists at press conferences time and again (esp. since this particular campaign started), in spite of the non-confidence vote and contempt of parliament, in spite of the copyright infringement, in spite of the fact that he is SELLING OUR COUNTRY PIECEMEAL to you guys (and canada is apparently a $2 toothless skid row ho to him), this country is peppered and salted with fuckwits who'll vote tory because they've always voted tory because their great-grandpappy voted tory, and then bitch and moan about the tory gov't once it's in.

the green party is the 'more left of center than the ndp' "environmentally responsible" party, the elusive 4th. genuinely nice people who almost never stand a chance in hell. correct me if i'm wrong somebody, this whole elizabeth may (the party leader) not being allowed to participate in the televised debates thingy is because they don't have any federal seats right now, am i right?

Thank you..

Indeed the "great recession" we experienced seems to be effecting the banks world wide and WTO has mandated the financial products all countries must accept of face fines. This in itself points to a world government.

Trust me people in this country are also enemies. Those unemployed longer than 6 months are denied employment because the have been unemployed over 6 months.

I look forward to sharing this experience with you hosers? Is that the right term? Pardon me if I am wrong on that term.


Active Member
Mellokitty: Befor voting please head over to Catch 22 http://catch22campaign.ca/ There is another site called swing 33. These groups are dedicated to strategically voting the Tories out. The splitting of the left is exactly why the Tories are where they are today. As much as you may like the Greens voting for them at this point may be more like voting Conservative than voting Green. Yoo may be doing more damage than good. Do you understand what I mean?


New Member
you go to jail for pot plants big friggin deal, you do what most smart criminals do and FAST TRACK

Doing this you tell the judge to shove his jail tim up his fckin wifes fat smelly crack :)) he slams the hammer and says federal
weeeeeeeeeee thats what you wanted to here now instead of doin lets say 3 years your out in 3 months :)) that my friends is what fast trackin is lmaooooooooooo


Active Member
you go to jail for pot plants big friggin deal, you do what most smart criminals do and FAST TRACK

Doing this you tell the judge to shove his jail tim up his fckin wifes fat smelly crack :)) he slams the hammer and says federal
weeeeeeeeeee thats what you wanted to here now instead of doin lets say 3 years your out in 3 months :)) that my friends is what fast trackin is lmaooooooooooo
Its been mentioned befor but i'll mention it again, the bill calls for MANDATORY MINIMUMS. You never stand in front of a judge.


Moderatrix of Journals
Mellokitty: Befor voting please head over to Catch 22 http://catch22campaign.ca/ There is another site called swing 33. These groups are dedicated to strategically voting the Tories out. The splitting of the left is exactly why the Tories are where they are today. As much as you may like the Greens voting for them at this point may be more like voting Conservative than voting Green. Yoo may be doing more damage than good. Do you understand what I mean?
i think you have me confused with someone else above; i haven't "thrown my vote" like than since my teens..... ;)

edit: i LIKE the greens well enough, sure, but anybody who doesn't know what a complete waste of votes they are needs to do more poli-sci homework.....