Libya: No Fly Zone is a Go! International Effort and No Troops on the Ground


Well-Known Member
Hershey no longer uses real chocolate in most of their candy anyways. And cocoa beans are not as profitable in West Africa as other crops have been so not as many producers.


Well-Known Member
Hershey no longer uses real chocolate in most of their candy anyways. And cocoa beans are not as profitable in West Africa as other crops have been so not as many producers.
I disagree. It might not be the best in the world of chocolate, but it is still made with cocoa beans.


Sure it uses cheaper ingredients, but what do you want, its a 50 cent candy bar. It is made for little kids and poor people.


Well-Known Member
Sure it uses cheaper ingredients, but what do you want, its a 50 cent candy bar. It is made for little kids and poor people.
The history of Chocolate. Don't worry the poor people will not tax you for watching but the rich people will.


Edit.. The Candy companies are spearheading Genetic research ???


Well-Known Member
Sorry, should have quoted that. It was directed to Carthoris.
No hey let me share a trick..

Will help poor stoners such as my self.
It's what folks do on Usenet.. In a group conversation a directed reply is "commercial at" "@"
No problem I just am announcing the latest on Libya and monitoring replies or I wouldn't be around.


Well-Known Member
No hey let me share a trick..

Will help poor stoners such as my self.
It's what folks do on Usenet.. In a group conversation a directed reply is "commercial at" "@"
No problem I just am announcing the latest on Libya and monitoring replies or I wouldn't be around.
lol, I read that and I thought it was directed at me. I had to reread it.


Well-Known Member
Libyan Rebels reject African Union's Libyan proposal.

In my opinion it is too little too late.


Well-Known Member
I guess were ready to put troops on the ground, at least if the economy doesn't improve the military will need people


Well-Known Member
We knew Gaddafi had weapons enough and support enough to mount resistance.

I'm still confused as to which side is which and amazed at just how much politics is happening all at once at home an around the world.

It's a frenzy on so many fronts.

But it's still not clear who we are supporting or if this is a large reorganization of the greater area.
We have Bahrain, Syria and Yemen all under the Gun with one of Our Fleets stationed in Bahrain and we are not getting involved..

So.. I am still unsure what is going on. What is the new landscape?

But this troops in decision is a big one. Will it happen?


Well-Known Member
Something that has been bothering me Ernst. Just a curiosity really. Why do you capitalize (seemingly?) random words? Other than that...

The middle east is fucked. That's the only way I know how to describe it. Then again, has it been any other way since the Library of Baghdad burned?


Well-Known Member
Nah. Was just curious because I see it in every one of your posts. Decided now would be the best time to ask as you capitalized Gun, Our, and Fleets. No reason really.

But seriously. Once upon a time, people all across that area of the world would travel to Baghdad to learn. Once the Library of Baghdad burned, well, look at the middle east now and you see how it turned out.


Well-Known Member
Well that was a nice follow up so let me lower my guard.

The Capitalization is a mind game for me here.
Has to do with trying to understanding aspects of set theory, information theory and now Mathematical Cycles.
Objects as a primary concept where object is one thing and Object is another sort of thinking..
In poker parlance it is called a Tell and you caught it.

But seriously. Once upon a time, people all across that area of the world would travel to Baghdad to learn. Once the Library of Baghdad burned, well, look at the middle east now and you see how it turned out.
Part of my focus is on information. I can show that I can generate all files of any binary string length
Meaning that if information can be represented in binary that all information can be generated.
So from that it is true that all information existed from the start of the Universe and it is a constant...
So we all follow some cycle of pattern and these cycles are a constant so it it is important to preserve our cultures but more so to grow as a planet more than as a collection of cultures.
The part and the whole... The Object..

My current insanity is all it's about. I find this site a distraction.. As in entertainment Okay done with that ...

Islamic culture is not so black and white. I watched PBS a week or so ago and they had a special on the history and depending on the economic factors Islam, Christianity and Judaism have had cycles of influence throughout history.
I think that the effects of the rise of dominate cultures have been the greatest threat to collective knowledge throughout time.
Look at the burning of the Maya texts for example or even the demolition of the Great Buddha in Afghanistan.

Perhaps even our own Corporation and Government as well.. Maybe the worst one yet.