Sleestack and Confidential Cheese DNA/Reserva Privada Promo Grow


Active Member
I am just getting this thread started even though I have been vegging for nearly a month. I think I will go another three to four weeks in veg, so I can take some clones. I did a freebie grow last time of Blueberry Gum and Kandy Kush and did not take any clones, as I was trying to make sure I was confident of my abilities to do the important things before I started cloning. I am going to make sure I can harvest once a month from now on instead of starting from seed. Pictures should be up by tomorrow PM. Here we go...


Active Member
125W 6500K Flouro to vegetate. I have never needed anything more. Last grow I used the same light and my 400W HPS Hortilux to flower. This time I will have both lights in there at the same time...Full spectrum flower.

Today is day one/bend one of LST. It's probably around one month from germination. I went through Attitude and bought what I thought was one of the best promos I have seen. I paid for six Sleestack fem. and got another six Confidential Cheese fem. seeds for free. $90 total with the T-shirt Stealth Shipping. I germed three of each and got two keepers each. I have two beautiful Sleestack femmes (black 3 gallons) and two LA Cheeses (cut up milk jug). I didn't picture the other LA Cheese because it is kinda small.

Soil Makeup - 75% Sunshine Neutral with NO ferts. 15% Dr. Earth Fruit Tree Mix (7-4-2 with Mycorrhizae and other essentials). 5% Jiffy Mix. 5% Perlite. 1 Cup Azomite.

I am using TechnaFlora's "Recipe for Success" (feeding 1) then water with Azomite (feeding 2) then straight water (feeding 3).

Here are the pics.

Picture 004.jpgPicture 003.jpgPicture 005.jpgPicture 002.jpgPicture 001.jpg


Well-Known Member
I got the same promotion. I couldn't believe the Cheese was free and female. Did you get any other free seeds? I just gave my plants their first dose of nutrients. Your pictures didnt work, kind of exciting to have someone growing the same strains, at about the same age. Try to upload the pics again.


Well-Known Member
I got the cheese growing in a shotglass growoff I entered and the sleeslack going outside in about a month. Good luck looking forward to see the end product.


Active Member
Growing the same strains and mine are the same age. Along for the ride. Here's my link. What light's are you going to use?
My post should have answered your question about the light. Thanks for joining. I am growing Confidential Cheese. I thought yours were LA Confidential? Either way, I will stop in to compare notes.

subbed man, cant wait to see the cheese bloom.
thanks mane. Glad you are along for the trip.


Active Member
I think we are getting are wires crossed here. His link said "LA Confidential" but he meant Confidential Cheese. I have no idea why they changed the name either. I like LA Cheese better...kinda reminds me of those shitty shoes LA Gear!


Active Member
I got the same promotion. I couldn't believe the Cheese was free and female. Did you get any other free seeds? I just gave my plants their first dose of nutrients. Your pictures didnt work, kind of exciting to have someone growing the same strains, at about the same age. Try to upload the pics again.
okay, they are straight now. I ate dinner while they were uploading and it logged me out and jacked the shit up.


Active Member
yeah, well I have a 257cfm blower sucking the stink out through my roof vent. I want to start flowering now, but I want to get them bigger so I can yield more while taking a couple clones from each.


Well-Known Member
yeah, well I have a 257cfm blower sucking the stink out through my roof vent. I want to start flowering now, but I want to get them bigger so I can yield more while taking a couple clones from each.
yep, ill be sure to let you know how much both phenoes stretch so you'll have an idea of what they might end up being like. I vegged for 30-32days and 6 weeks. so pretty long veg.

Wish you the best, hope this one is even better than the already stellar previous Blueberry gum and Kandy Kush grow.


Well-Known Member
When I water my girls tomorrow I will update my thread with some labeled pictures. Your plants look good! My cheese is very short and bushy, My sleestack is a grower. I have been re tying her every 2 days. I'm guessing your grow before this was the two free seeds that came with your order?


Active Member
yep, ill be sure to let you know how much both phenoes stretch so you'll have an idea of what they might end up being like. I vegged for 30-32days and 6 weeks. so pretty long veg.

Wish you the best, hope this one is even better than the already stellar previous Blueberry gum and Kandy Kush grow.
Thanks for the props. I put alot into my first real grow. I fell off at the end because I had quite a bit going on at the time. I will see if I can find the gum post-harvest pics and post them. One of my Con Cheese phenos was extremely tall and one was short and stout. I will definitely compare notes.

When I water my girls tomorrow I will update my thread with some labeled pictures. Your plants look good! My cheese is very short and bushy, My sleestack is a grower. I have been re tying her every 2 days. I'm guessing your grow before this was the two free seeds that came with your order?
Great, I wanted to see what yours looked like, but couldn't figure out which one was which. Thanks for the props! My cheese was tall and both Sleestacks are bushy monsters. The Slees were slow starters, but once rooted, they exploded. I just tied them down yesterday and they look like they need to be retied again today. Yes, the last grow was a freebie grow. That's actually a sore subject because the freebies grew well, but the seeds I paid for didn't.


Active Member
subbed! I'm doing my 1st ever grow & got that promo off attitude too.
I've got 4 confidential cheese in soil, been vegging under my LED for almost 3 weeks.
2 of mine are the short fat cheeses :) the other 2 are more normal looking now (started off as little runts) so I guess they're more like the LA confidential, which I'm sure was an award winning strain, but I cant help but be more excited about the cheese'erz.
good luck with the grow!


Active Member
subbed! I'm doing my 1st ever grow & got that promo off attitude too.
I've got 4 confidential cheese in soil, been vegging under my LED for almost 3 weeks.
2 of mine are the short fat cheeses :) the other 2 are more normal looking now (started off as little runts) so I guess they're more like the LA confidential, which I'm sure was an award winning strain, but I cant help but be more excited about the cheese'erz.
good luck with the grow!
Let me know how that LED works out. I will definitely look more into LEDs when the price drops and when they tweak the spectrum. Thanks for joining.


Active Member
Plants are really starting to respond to the LST. I don't know why the pictures of the plants show yellow leaves, but I can assure everyone that all three a green and healthy. These plants are actually some of the healthiest strains I have ever grown. There have been no pH problems or nutrient problems to speak about. I have to give major props to DNA Genetics/ Reserva Privada. I will grow more of their strains as their seeds are top notch in my opinion. Without further ado...

Picture 005.jpgPicture 003.jpgPicture 004.jpgPicture 006.jpgPicture 002.jpgPicture 001.jpg


Well-Known Member
Lookin sexy, I second your props on these awesome genetics. When do you plan on flowering your girls?