The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
morning sambo, all is well in deepest darkest ayrshire, sun is shining, junkies are itching and life goes on as usual. 3 weeks sober today and feeling great,....just sharpening my machette and cleaning my 9mm browning....what time do church services finish?


Well-Known Member
Must have drank a least a litre of gin last night. Wee bit of a headache but not as rough as i should be. Its prob in the post. Im off golfing 2day


Well-Known Member
What is the best time to plant outside in the south of England??
i find the middle of winter, when it gets dark early.....oh sorry, thats prostitutes mean plants??? i'd guess sumtime in may, maybe round the middle. if u can, maybe sprout the seed in the house till there a few inches tall and look for areas with large swathes of nettles, this helps stop rabbits, deers and nosey cunts from getting at them. southerly facing area with a little shelter from the wind will help.


Well-Known Member
have put all my plants from the "questionable " genetics/sources into the flower tent to make way for the new strains that i was kindly sent and got 11 plants/sprouts all forming their second set of leaves so going to start afresh with decent stuff and try to get perpetual.

so far, bout 8 strains( pics an more info later tonight) makin a total of 11 plants/sprouts and ive got 7 clones coming sometime this week
1x cali orange, 1xunknown, 5x doublebubbleberry gum(might have typed that wrong?) so hopefully things are looking up for me, also since I swittched from coco back to soil the difference has been amazing, plants have all bounced back and regained their colour within days and growing like rockets

edit: anyone know where to get 11L square pots for less than £2 a pop?


Well-Known Member
yeah i should really get my arse in gear and start getting some out as well
due my location ive really got to wait till end of may, we get very late frosts sumtimes. ive gott about 50 bag seeds that ah think ahll jist plantwhen ahm away fishin over the next few weeks, not gonna be too fussy bout them coz its not exactly gonna take me much time or effort.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Morning! drank a bit too much of lots of things but woke up at 8 and had a big joint in bed and i'm hazy but feeling good! Might play some gta. A leisurely day of monging around although all i've to moke is damned cheese. Gonna pop to a garden center or something somewhere for some soil or something and see if i can't grow something!


Well-Known Member
Rember for outdoors to use gps. Its amazing how much areas change going into the summer. Dura ive got bout 100 bagseed. Lets plant together and punt it at 70 an oz. Reckon we could pull bout 10kgs at least. Thats just over 25k


Well-Known Member
Rember for outdoors to use gps. Its amazing how much areas change going into the summer. Dura ive got bout 100 bagseed. Lets plant together and punt it at 70 an oz. Reckon we could pull bout 10kgs at least. Thats just over 25k
plant sum in the rough when ur oot golfing!! u turned up at ma hoose the other day wae a shirt and tie on and noo yer gaun golfin....are you sure your no undercover ds?lol......yer rite aboot the profits though mate, ahd jist harvest the fuckin lot, male and female take the stalks aff an fuckin blend the shit. puntit a ton an oz tae the neds!