420 + What?


Well-Known Member

I say we all drop some extremely strong substance and get very fearful. Then very insightful. Then kinda fearful again. Then get kinda lost. Then come back.

Smoke a little silver haze. Wig the fuck out. Gather one's self. Post blocks of information onto RIU. Read blocks of information on RIU. Watch a youtube video about how to build a vertical grow cab.

Smoke some master kush. Wig the fuck out. Gather one's self.

Clean out any cobwebs.

Form a mafia. Talk in shadows. Save money. Start multi-billion state of the art medical grow ops in hydroponic greenhouse "sky scrapers".

Save money. Start multi-trillion dollar military arms production company.

Approach US Govt. with proposition.

Deploy 500 state of the art unmanned aircraft armed with advanced emp bombs with city sized blast ranges.

Bring civilization back to the stone age.

Meanwhile in our underwater city Atlantis42......

Fix our Dna to restore our previous 900 year life spans.

Let the world purge itself and gather order once more.

Come to the surface in or great flying machines and declare ourselves as gods.

Treat the people with kindness and respect. Manipulate dna to create new life on earth. New fish. New mammals.

Give select knowledge to a few people. teach them how to grow crops and read the stars.

Aid them throughout history to maintain a power base on earth.

Eventually they will saturate the earth again and turn on us so we will have to strike fear into their hearts. this will anger them and they will revolt and scheme.

We will have to create some sort of place, matrix, Hypercube to contain them.

It is important that we start construction on this hypercube tomorrow.

That sounds like a good plan.


Maybe get a blowjob too.

dude that was awsome..............:eyesmoke:


Active Member
My last day smoking is drawing to close! I did not end up tripping, which is a good thing. I did consider MDAI, then MDMA breifly.. but I had to roll way too many blunts and call up way to many friends to come join the festivities. Today's event's included two quarter ounce Gotti's. I felt like i was Tony Soprano puffing on that cigar. Goodbye Mary Jane. I'll see you soon hopefully :'(


Well-Known Member
My last day smoking is drawing to close! I did not end up tripping, which is a good thing. I did consider MDAI, then MDMA breifly.. but I had to roll way too many blunts and call up way to many friends to come join the festivities. Today's event's included two quarter ounce Gotti's. I felt like i was Tony Soprano puffing on that cigar. Goodbye Mary Jane. I'll see you soon hopefully :'(
Mourning by your side along with you, Friend.
Perhaps it is but only autumn.. And spring will bless you with its bounty in the future?



Active Member
That was a 420 I'll never forget.

I almost cheated and smoked one last vape bowl this morning, but i was able to control myself. I'm seeing if my roommate want's the roach from my last blunt before i flush it :(

Man i miss smoking already!


Active Member
haha i bet. not getting high doesnt bother me.... but weed just tastes and smells so great, and i enjoy smoking. Right now, if someone offered me some hemp that tastes like OG kush, but would not get me high at all, id still buy it a reasonable price.

I have plenty of jwh's to hold me over, but I'm going to try and stay away from that as long as posisble. I'm under the impression that jwh is not safe for daily use. If someone can prove me wrong, then god bless your soul!

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
haha i bet. not getting high doesnt bother me.... but weed just tastes and smells so great, and i enjoy smoking. Right now, if someone offered me some hemp that tastes like OG kush, but would not get me high at all, id still buy it a reasonable price.

I have plenty of jwh's to hold me over, but I'm going to try and stay away from that as long as posisble. I'm under the impression that jwh is not safe for daily use. If someone can prove me wrong, then god bless your soul!
First you have to prove to me why you believe you're right, then I'll do my best to prove you wrong.


Active Member
You would make me day if you can prove me wrong ;)

Keep in mind on xannied up and I've been drinking, and I'm not going to look up the actual receptors involved...

THC is a partial agonist of CB receptors, where as JWH-xxx are complete agonists. Maybe not complete, but they have a much higher affinity to bind to CB receptors than does THC, and other cannabinoids in marijuana.

These receptors also have an effect on immunuty. If THC, a partial agonsit, can lower one's immune system, I would think that a substance with a higher affinity for these receptors would therefore have a greater effect on one's immune system. That is my main concern.

Please tell me im totally wrong crypt!

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
You would make me day if you can prove me wrong ;)

Keep in mind on xannied up and I've been drinking, and I'm not going to look up the actual receptors involved...

THC is a partial agonist of CB receptors, where as JWH-xxx are complete agonists. Maybe not complete, but they have a much higher affinity to bind to CB receptors than does THC.

These receptors also have an effect on immunuty. If THC, a partial agonsit, can lower one's immune system, I would think that a substance with a higher affinity for these receptors would therefore have a greater effect on one's immune system. That is my main concern.

Please tell me im totally wrong crypt!
Wrong. ...

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
Elaborate, and i'll roll up right meow!
I like you wont take the time reference my thoughts on the matter, but I highly doubt that marijuana would still be praised by doctors as a wonder drug in the treatment of AIDS if it further suppressed the patients immune system.


Active Member
i don't understand the first part of that statement... I agree with the fact the marijuana is used to treat AIDS patients, and that it must not effect immunity too much. What my point was it that CB 1 and or CB2 are associated with the immune system.

JWH-xxx has a higher affinity to these receptors than does THC. My concern is that regular smoking of JWH-xxx will have negative effects on my immune system. Is the a reasonable concern?

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
i don't understand the first part of that statement... I agree with the fact the marijuana is used to treat AIDS patients, and that it must not effect immunity too much. What my point was it that CB 1 and or CB2 are associated with the immune system.

JWH-xxx has a higher affinity to these receptors than does THC. My concern is that regular smoking of JWH-xxx will have negative effects on my immune system. Is the a reasonable concern?
No, you don't understand. Marijuana wouldn't be used in the treatment of AIDS if it had ANY effect on the immune system. So the higher affinity bit you keep talking about doesn't factor into your immune system talk.


Active Member
It's looking like this conversation must be continued tomorrow, so I'm going to smoke some jwh 18 right meow!

I'll look for the studies that I found suggesting the relationship between CB receptors and immunity. I'm not trying to argue with you by any means. I just want to make a decision that is in my best interest.