420 + What?


Well-Known Member
That's what's known as tolerance. 'fried' receptors is a stoners why of imagining their tolerance.
Yes i realize what tolerance is.
I was under the impression that some drugs caused permanent damage to receptors and you could never be as high. Obviously not true with THC but i was unsure of JWH.

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
I don't even think 'temporary' damage is likely. For the most obvious fact, that if it's damaged, it's not like it will ever just be temporary and ofter a spell revert back to normal. LOL The closest thing these drugs can do is hyperserotonemia. Which abnormal functioning of the your 5-HT receptors causing a extreme level of Serotonin in your body. MDMA is the most common illicit culprit. JWH can't do it.


Well-Known Member
So how exactly does heroin or dopamine specific drugs work? To my understanding you can never reach that first high because you have damaged your receptors however i may be wrong.


Well-Known Member
What the FUCK was the deal with dare? they lied about everything! EVERYTHING!!

they didn't truthfully explain anything. how is that approved, let alone required education?


Well-Known Member
What the FUCK was the deal with dare? they lied about everything! EVERYTHING!!

they didn't truthfully explain anything. how is that approved, let alone required education?
Govt lies about so much stuff its ridiculous. Its getting better though internet helped ALOT. Now they are having to back away from stuff and be less blatant about experimenting on people/spreading misinformation or human rights violations.


Active Member
My dude didn't pass the dare program because he refused to write an essay on the dangers of marijuana haha. Lies lies lies

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
What the FUCK was the deal with dare? they lied about everything! EVERYTHING!!

they didn't truthfully explain anything. how is that approved, let alone required education?
Thanks to DARE education, once I found out Marijuana was harmless - I figured they lied about meth, coke and herion too....

those must be safe right? If they said weed,coke, heroin and opium are dangerous - but weed isn't dangerous, then coke and heroin must be safe too!



Active Member
This may not be a popular thought throughout this community, but in a way, dare was effective. They brain washed me and had me so scared of all drugs that I stayed away from all drugs and alcohol through the sixth grade. When I got drunk for my very first time, I started to question if what I was taught was true. A few months later, I decided to try smoking weed. I got caught, and out of fear that I would get into some real trouble, I stopped smoking snd drinking for three years. Meanwhile, the friends that I began experimenting with alcohol and weed continued to experiment. Based on what dare taught me, I was almost certain these guys were heading down a bad road. Fast forward to three years later, and I find my parents weed stash. Truth be told, I was very angry and disappointed with them. A year later, I start smoking pot occasionally after realizing that weed does not turn you into a dirty loser hippy.

My point is, I do not disagree with the idea of teaching kids about the dangers of alcohol and drugs. I do, however, disagree with the scare tactics and lies that are used to try and deter kids. Instead, I think dare should be based on facts only. Showing children what meth or heroin addicts can look like could be just as effective. Such methods could have spared myself and my family a good amount of tension, all over weed! Maybe my idea is silly, but the approach needs to change.

And just don't even mention acid, because that shit is just great!

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
Thanks to DARE education, once I found out Marijuana was harmless - I figured they lied about meth, coke and herion too....

those must be safe right? If they said weed,coke, heroin and opium are dangerous - but weed isn't dangerous, then coke and heroin must be safe too!

Dude. I love Weed, Coke, and Opium! =) They aren't dangerous. Neither is meth. You see them jumping up with a knife ready to kill you over pocket change?! No. :) Humans are dangerous. ;)