My First Try with DWC, Growing Some Cheddarwurst

Metal n Weed

Active Member
Well a few weeks ago a buddy of mine gave me this crappy looking bubble bucket and asked me to try it out. I really wasn't planning on trying hydro but I figured why not. Well I tried to use his bucket and the fucking thing leaked all over the place.
So now I actually wanted to try this, so I went out and bought the parts to do it right.

I am growing a spacedawg leaning cheddarwurst for my first try, I can't wait to see what happens.

Right now the ph is 6.1 and ppms are 500. Wish me luck and if ya see something I am doing wrong feel free to let me know.

Metal n Weed

Active Member
Holy shit no one showed up, oh fucking well all is great anyway.

I have the water about 1" below the netpot with a ph of 6.0 with about a 600 ppm.
Was wondering, how often do you change the water?
I have heard change once for flower and have heard every other week, kinda confused on that. Is it more of a personal preference?
Looks good. I want to do a DWC grow for my 2nd.

I would have thought (not an experienced grower!) that providing you got the bubble stone in the tank and no light leaks then the water will be good for the whole grow? although it might be an idea to change the water after vegging or when ever you switch nutes? - Again, I am not an experienced grower so please do not take what I say to be worth anything! Just thinking out loud.

Metal n Weed

Active Member
Well it has been a bit, only because I have not had much to report. Most people don't like looking at vegg plants all the time an since their were no issues, well you get what I am saying.

The clone has been in the bucket for about 20 days now and I am finally getting the explosive growth I have been waiting for.
here are a couple shots from earlier today

PH is at 6.1 at a ppm of 700, probably gonna vegg for another two to three weeks. If it starts growing to crazy maybe it will be a little earlier.


Metal n Weed

Active Member
The bubble bucket experiment seems to be going well, good so far. I definitely see where I want to improve though. I haven't had a lot of time lately to take care of the plants so the bucket did get a little neglected for a while.
I do notice that the roots were starting to sludge up a little, I am pretty sure that is from water temps getting a little too high. There is no dirty water smell coming from it so I am guessing it's not too bad. I started to add hygrozme when I top her off and they seem to be getting white again.

As always any input is greatly appreciated

Well here she is ph 6.0 ppm 800



Well-Known Member
awesome man and post heaps of pics haha,
I do growing is growing to me love it.

she looks to be loving that dwc setup mate

Metal n Weed

Active Member
Thanks man, yeah she is loving it so far. I am also realizing growing in soil is a lot of extra work, all I do is top of every other day. No transplanting and no mess to sweep up. I am definitely thinking about making a little 4 bucket system now.


Well-Known Member
i tried ebb and flow once fail lol. went hermie on me haha.

im growing in coco now mate run to waste i love it you just mix ya nutes ph 5.8 or 6.0 whatever ya like and ya just water it till you get run off once a week easy.

do you have to keep checking ya ph in the dwc setup mate?

try some h202 or oxy plus in ya mix mate it's peroxide

i use oxy plus but it kills organisms good and bad and ya have to keep using it but it's good shit
and i mix my nutes in a 10 lite bucket (Australian here dnt know gallons)
and add 2 drops.
"I have the water about 1" below the netpot with a ph of 6.0 with about a 600 ppm.
Was wondering, how often do you change the water?
I have heard change once for flower and have heard every other week, kinda confused on that. Is it more of a personal preference?"

I never saw a response to your questions so I am curious how often you have changed water? In my experience you can maintain a res and adjust the ph accordingly, always creeps up over time, but it really depends how much time and how far you really want to go. People usually say a full change every 7-10 days, but I've seen whole grows go without ever doing a complete change.

In the past I would do a full change and clean every time I adjusted nutrient levels. Every couple of weeks was always good for me. I also liked to trim back the roots (for me this is usually during veg only, when you have multiple plants in the same DWC they wrap around everything and can get really slimey and nasty) to clean them up as well, they grow back very quickly and it's almost as if they don't even miss them. I've also read that the root trimming is good for them but I'm not an expert so I'll refrain from misquoting what I've read.

The first time I tried a bubbler I was hooked because although it still needs maintenance I could leave for several days and not have to worry about it.

Have you considered turning that DWC into an Aeroponic unit with a mister? You may find this to be even better and if you already have a good soil system going you could test run the aero before committing to building something to replace the soil.

IMO the soil was always a pain, especially when it came to disposing of everything after a soil grow.

Metal n Weed

Active Member
i tried ebb and flow once fail lol. went hermie on me haha.

im growing in coco now mate run to waste i love it you just mix ya nutes ph 5.8 or 6.0 whatever ya like and ya just water it till you get run off once a week easy.

do you have to keep checking ya ph in the dwc setup mate?

try some h202 or oxy plus in ya mix mate it's peroxide

i use oxy plus but it kills organisms good and bad and ya have to keep using it but it's good shit
and i mix my nutes in a 10 lite bucket (Australian here dnt know gallons)
and add 2 drops.
Thanks, I will go ahead and look on the peroxide. I am using hygrozyme right now which is an enzyme that eats dead roots and keeps em clean. I just started to use it though, I forgot i even had it or else I would of used it from the get go.
Yeah, I have to keep tabs on the ph of the water in the bucket, it does fluctuate sometimes. Most of the times I just top of with 6.0 ph and thats it though, it seems stable. I also control the ppm's
"I have the water about 1" below the netpot with a ph of 6.0 with about a 600 ppm.
Was wondering, how often do you change the water?
I have heard change once for flower and have heard every other week, kinda confused on that. Is it more of a personal preference?"

I never saw a response to your questions so I am curious how often you have changed water? In my experience you can maintain a res and adjust the ph accordingly, always creeps up over time, but it really depends how much time and how far you really want to go. People usually say a full change every 7-10 days, but I've seen whole grows go without ever doing a complete change.

In the past I would do a full change and clean every time I adjusted nutrient levels. Every couple of weeks was always good for me. I also liked to trim back the roots (for me this is usually during veg only, when you have multiple plants in the same DWC they wrap around everything and can get really slimey and nasty) to clean them up as well, they grow back very quickly and it's almost as if they don't even miss them. I've also read that the root trimming is good for them but I'm not an expert so I'll refrain from misquoting what I've read.

The first time I tried a bubbler I was hooked because although it still needs maintenance I could leave for several days and not have to worry about it.

Have you considered turning that DWC into an Aeroponic unit with a mister? You may find this to be even better and if you already have a good soil system going you could test run the aero before committing to building something to replace the soil.

IMO the soil was always a pain, especially when it came to disposing of everything after a soil grow.
I haven't changed it so far. I was told it is ok to change at switch to flower. The plant seems to be fine so far. As for the roots that what the hygrozyme does for me. Ever since I used it the roots have become more white and full.
Haven't considered Aeroponics yet, I am just messing with this for now. It is definitely an option though, I am sure I will get the bug to do something new. This is way cleaner and less work so far. Depending how this turns out, it may drastically change the way I grow.
Thanks for stopping in here man and be sure to keep checking in cause I may need help. Everything is going smooth so far though.

Metal n Weed

Active Member
Aw fuck I get over one sickness to get another. I swear this winter, spring has been the most fucked up for me ever, never been sick so many times. Been tripping like something is wrong with me.

The plant is doing good though, good growth but still not satisfied with the roots. Next time I am gonna get a better pump.
I am thinking next week for flower, what do you all think? Should she get bigger or just throw her in the flower tent since this is my first time.

The ph is 6.0 and ppm of 807



Metal n Weed

Active Member
Oh Dam, I guess I will repeat the question again.
Is it better to flower now since it is my first run or should I let her stay in veg?
If no one answers then fuck it, I will just go ahead and do what I do.
You all sure I am not in GC

Metal n Weed

Active Member
Another week down and all is still going good. Just started to flower her this week and I can't believe how she grows compared to in dirt.
Just one pic for now still not feeling too great.


hey man this looks really good! sorry for the lack of replies on your thread, there are getting to be so many threads now its hard to find the good ones. I think you probably picked a pretty good time to flower but remember that you may need to give her some support since she doesn't have the soil to anchor her in. Looks good bro! +rep if it'll let me

Metal n Weed

Active Member
hey man this looks really good! sorry for the lack of replies on your thread, there are getting to be so many threads now its hard to find the good ones. I think you probably picked a pretty good time to flower but remember that you may need to give her some support since she doesn't have the soil to anchor her in. Looks good bro! +rep if it'll let me
Hey man, thanks for responding and I know it's easy to get lost in all the journals here. That's why I think it didn't really bug me too much.
I see what you mean about support, went with the smaller net pot this time, I think the next bucket I make may get the big one. I have to figure something out though cause it seems it can barely hold it's own weight right now and there is no buds on it.
looking good!
Thanks for checking her out.
It looks like you have a pretty good handle on things. Nice work.
Thanks, yeah I know what I am doing just this is the first time for hydro so a little unsure. The way it's going so far though I think I may switch completely cause it seems way easier to me than dirt.

Got some better pics for tonight, I know I only make it over here once or twice a week thought I would at least post some better pics.

A cheddarwurst in sunshine 4

The leaf difference between dwc and sunshine 4, same cut.


Metal n Weed

Active Member
Just was taking some more pics, here she is still in week 2. She is a greedy bitch pushing her way in on most of a 1000 watter, I have had to move the tent around because of her.
