Well-Known Member
Just tell your mom that by growing weed in the house it will take 10 years of age off her appearance. It will make he look like she is in her 20s again. I guarantee you she will say yes.
Haha, I remember that. That was ages ago. How do you remember shit?
people need to calm the hell down about this question. yeah, so the guy is risking his mom to grow weed, how does that affect you? I agree that this kid should wait until after he moves out but he wasn't asking if he should move out or not, he's asking how to get his mom to let him grow. If she lets him then it isn't just him risking her, she's risking herself by letting him. Now if she were to say no and he still did it then I could understand bashing him for disrespecting his mom.
If you are just gonna bash someone that isn't even in your life besides a measly internet forum then check yourself and your own problems out. Either give an answer to his question or dont even bother. Cannabisguru, no offense man but going around bashing kids on the internet for being kids doesn't exactly make your intelligence look too high. Though by other posts of yours I can tell you arent some punk kid trying to cause stuff but do you really think your insults will "wake up" these kids and make them think like you?
Everyone just stop bashing and answer is fucking question. If you want to be taken seriously by your mom then I suggest gathering all the pros and cons for not YOU but your MUM instead. If she says no then dont be a punk and go behind her back, that won't help her like you smoking weed even more and she'll lose your trust...dont forget who gave you life, she could have easily stuck a hanger up there and got rid of you.
I heard somewhere weed helps with memory
Well everyone, here's a prime example of what a true dumbass really is.. BoomBiddyBye... is a true dumbass.
No seriously kid.. your a dumbass. Lamest of the lame..
Everyone, I take back everything I have said in the past... in dumbass threads such as this one. Yeah, I take everything back...
This kid here... is in fact.. got to be the DUMBEST I have ever seen/heard of.
I have nothing else to say to you.. except that your a complete dumbass and you sir should have more fucking respect for your mother. Grow the fuck up, get a fucking job... and move the fuck out of your momma's house. How old are ya? 13? 14 maybe? I highly doubt your any older than 16.. JMO. Go out and play with your friends kid.. your getting yourself into something that you've no clue of. Go out and play with friends.. enjoy your younger years.
Either way.. your still a dumbass.
Honestly if your gonna grow weed in your parents house don't tell her. That way if you go to court you can tell the judge and jury she had no idea and she can say that too.
dont listen to this guy, your mom would more than likely find out eventually and then there goes the trust. Tell her that she can just play stupid if somehow you got busted. Main point is if she lets you grow keep your mouth shut and reassure her that you can keep the trouble away from her.
Main thing in the weed game no matter if you are a micro grower or cartel boss is RESPECT! Respect your parents, whatever they tell you, they're providing a roof over your head and food on your stomach.
haha just trying to help man. RIU should be about helping fellow stoners, not bashing them or giving them advice that could get them busted. If we want weed legal then we gotta make sure we take care of each other. If we bash each other how can we expect the government to stop bashing us?
If people dont agree with you wanting to grow at your parents then they can just keep their noses out of here, if I dont like something then I just stay away from it. If I try bashing them or changing their mind im just wasting my time, no point wasting time I could spend smoking trying to change someone that, after all is said and done, doesn't mean shit to me.
haha just trying to help man. RIU should be about helping fellow stoners, not bashing them or giving them advice that could get them busted. If we want weed legal then we gotta make sure we take care of each other. If we bash each other how can we expect the government to stop bashing us?
If people dont agree with you wanting to grow at your parents then they can just keep their noses out of here, if I dont like something then I just stay away from it. If I try bashing them or changing their mind im just wasting my time, no point wasting time I could spend smoking trying to change someone that, after all is said and done, doesn't mean shit to me.
What are you doing to support mj legalization?..... nothing?
It's stupidity like you and the op are demonstrating that that adds fire to the govt's cause and takes it away from ours.
Wise up, dummy.
Guys lets all chill lol but ya no advise man, straight up tell her your plans, if she agress well congrats............
now lol RIU where is that big ass community bowl?
Sup guys, At the moment, i have a few weed plants on my balcony, they are only small so my mom has no clue. My dad however spotted them instantly, and he knows that i smoke and grow... My mom gets back from holiday tomorrow, and i want to tell her that i smoke and grow. i want to ask her if i'm allowed to grow inside... stealth growing inside isn't really an option, because i don't have any places large enough.
What should i say to my mum to allow me to grow inside?
...YES i know my mum could go to jail, that is why im fucking trying to persuade her...