The UK Growers Thread!

think supersillybilly is the man to ask Saer.

TTT. auto pots with a bit extra hose you could have the res the other end of you gaff if you want. less is more, i tried SOG and was annoyed with the amount of trimming, back to trees now tho.

Nice trees Sambo man!
quick question as i know we have a multitude of skills/careers in here, does anyone know (in depth) about creative accounting/financing with regards to property?

Haha, have you been on mr pollocks thread by any chance? I know nothing about what he is talking about, but i smell bullshit, nothing quantifiable to prove it but i'm not buying iut as an innocent thread.

Bloody hell the forums are on fire today, can't keep up with replies, must be making lots of threads very disjointed haha, lots of editing needed.
Haha, have you been on mr pollocks thread by any chance? I know nothing about what he is talking about, but i smell bullshit, nothing quantifiable to prove it but i'm not buying iut as an innocent thread.

Bloody hell the forums are on fire today, can't keep up with replies, must be making lots of threads very disjointed haha, lots of editing needed.

cant remember the name of the thread but the idea behind it (if its legit/doable) could really help me out
i may be wrong but the jist is you get someone to say you have a job and/or lots of money they guarantor your pukka then you get a better deal on the mortgage.
Sae, what u wanna do m8. Anything about making doe from mortgages ive prob already done it. Lol

basically get funding to buy a working/coppice woodland to turn into a woodfuel business selling firewood/charcoal/thatching spars etc.

Looks like i need £50-100K for the land and basic equipment to get started and will be 9-12 months before the business actually starts earning money(wood has to dry for between 3-10months before you can process it into firewood/charcoal).

There are government and rural development agency grants but only when you are actually earning money through the business.

There is no chance of financing from friends or family and dont think the banks will give me that kinda money coz of my credit rating so when i saw that "creative financing" thread it got me thinking

This is mainly the start of investigating what is and isnt needed to get things set up, im not aiming to do this for at least 5-10 years since i simply have no money of my own to put in but if it could be achieved before that i would be ecstatic
Get to scotland and get your land for free :) I think it's 2 years or something upon which the land and anything from the land (tree's etc) are yours by law. I think that 1 years and anything found on the land (fallen trees) is yours. (the chatel). I've yet to read fully into it but it's basically Usucaption based on scotlands roman law jurisdiction
You have a couple of options m8. Do u know the industry and do u have any qualifications?

the industry--not too much yet but i am in the process of finding out what i can and ive already established that there is a demand for this and the government/defra/eeda etc will help with grants etc once its up and running , there is NO forestry trade to speak of in essex but all the ppl ive spoken to(woodland/woodfuel business owners/operators in surrounding counties) say that is mainly because ppl dont want the lower wages and harder work associated with it and jus set up tree surgery companies instead and there are coppice woodlands that could be restored that ppl have just left to go to ruin

qualifications-- none needed (under HSE law) until you employ someone or are employed for a monetary wage, woodland owners can do whatever in the way of felling etc that they like providing they own the land and do not employ anyone, (much the same as you dont need qualifications to chainsaw down a tree in your back garden). So that means I can at least get through the 1st 9months or so without having to pay out for qualifications, when qual`s are needed ive found numerous colleges that do the intensive courses for 12 weeks/bout £2k

p.s. UK uses 6000 tonnes of charcoal a year and 98% of it is imported, if i could take a 1% share of this market it would be worth £30k a year to the business with the woodfuel/thatching spars/other by-products etc adding on anywhere upto another £40k a year (based on just me working there for the first year or 2)
Make it "responsible" or "sustainable"and i agree you can make a killing, people love that shit. I used to buy charcoal from a random bloke in bulk for re-sale and unless i got my order in well in advance, it was impossible to just phone up and buy some, i think he worked alone or with one other person but he obviously didn't have the capacity at the time to keep up with the demand, and as you say, it's not like there wasn't truck loads sitting in supermarkets for a few quid, people obviously wanted what he was selling! How's that for a new job be your own boss idea haha, who knows, would work with the whole nomad living free on the land concept :lol:
Make it "responsible" or "sustainable"and i agree you can make a killing, people love that shit. I used to buy charcoal from a random bloke in bulk for re-sale and unless i got my order in well in advance, it was impossible to just phone up and buy some, i think he worked alone or with one other person but he obviously didn't have the capacity at the time to keep up with the demand, and as you say, it's not like there wasn't truck loads sitting in supermarkets for a few quid, people obviously wanted what he was selling! How's that for a new job be your own boss idea haha, who knows, would work with the whole nomad living free on the land concept :lol:

yeah know what you mean an ive already thought of stuff like that....
Horse logging instead of machinery as its more "carbon friendly and sustainable"
making charcoal from the wood "to help end the UK`s dependance on foreign products and cut down on carbon emissions during transport" etc etc blah blah lol
yes, they droop heavily if underwatered, but within 2 or 3 hours of watering they'll be standing back up proudly mate. i do it all the fuckin time coz im a forgetfull drunk...thats why im planning on hydro from now on

Ah sweet, I saw my OG was a bit droopy and watered it yesterday so thought it might have been overwatering but the soil was bone dry. Repotted and gave a heavy watering though.

On the heat note sae. Turning off your lights won't do anything unless you plan on leaving them off for a few weeks. the heat signature will linger for a good hour or so. When you turn the light off, the bulb stays hot and will still pump our a lot of heat. if they're overhead, they will of already seen what they need to. Arent you just using a 600? you shouldn't have anything to worry about mate.
Ah sweet, I saw my OG was a bit droopy and watered it yesterday so thought it might have been overwatering but the soil was bone dry. Repotted and gave a heavy watering though.

On the heat note sae. Turning off your lights won't do anything unless you plan on leaving them off for a few weeks. the heat signature will linger for a good hour or so. When you turn the light off, the bulb stays hot and will still pump our a lot of heat. if they're overhead, they will of already seen what they need to. Arent you just using a 600? you shouldn't have anything to worry about mate.

yeah know what ya mean, yeah just a 600 n a 400 in an un-insulated loft, when the chopper was overhead today loft was easily 10-15 higher than the rest of the flat so thought it better to get em turnt off an let the place start cooling down a bit as they were doing a grid pattern search of the whole town so thought i might be able to get em cool enough before they got over my part of town lol
Get to scotland and get your land for free :) I think it's 2 years or something upon which the land and anything from the land (tree's etc) are yours by law. I think that 1 years and anything found on the land (fallen trees) is yours. (the chatel). I've yet to read fully into it but it's basically Usucaption based on scotlands roman law jurisdiction

be interested to know more about that if you come across anything, or even the proper title of doing it so i can google it meself lol, found the usucapation thing but cant find anything that links it with property rights in the Uk in this day n age
sambo my man, your street cred just plumited! Shame on you! Was driving down the road on saturday and a couple of little shits came up this busy road doing wheelies, i veered slightly :D i was sure they knew how to turn, anyone can turn when both wheels are on the ground :D would have pissed myself laughing if one of em had fallen off failing to get thr front wheel down :lol:
Ouch my sun burn !

Hi ya fellas :) ..just had time to stop in and say hi .... Hope your all enjoyed the early summer ...It's not commin back :)

Peace and good thing's :)

sambo my man, your street cred just plumited! Shame on you! Was driving down the road on saturday and a couple of little shits came up this busy road doing wheelies, i veered slightly :D i was sure they knew how to turn, anyone can turn when both wheels are on the ground :D would have pissed myself laughing if one of em had fallen off failing to get thr front wheel down :lol:

lmao i love the peds ttt but no what ya saying theres none in my town tho thank god lolol

i would love to have that ped its nuts 50bhp with nitros lolol