poplars outdoor 2011 grow journal


Well-Known Member
Subscribed. Can't wait to see how this pans out throughout the year :D

Ever consider soft rock phosphate for flowering fertilizer? it does really well outdoors... It's very slow release so you can add it now and it will definitely be bio-available by the time you need it, and it won't easily wash away with rain. (it's not super strong though, the one I use is 0-3-0, but I got a HUGE bag for like 15$ off amazon)


Well-Known Member
I'm already 230 dollars into this shit so I'm going pro, but thanks for the suggestion. I'm probably going to get plenty of phosphorus from mixes I will be buying.


Well-Known Member
Ever try Maxsea fertilizer bro? I swear by it!

idk I"m just gonna go up to oregon with my buddy to this legit shop that has hella good prices and see what I can get.

thanks for the suggestions on grow nutes people but I'm good I will be finding them on my own and with the help of my good hippie buddy :)

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Can we get some foliar photography going here pops?

Our differences aside, I want to see whatcha got 8)
After all this is what we signed up to RIU for right? Growing some powerful medicine. ;)

My ladies are starting to bloom nicely, they start day 32 flower tomorrow!


Well-Known Member
Good Luck Mon, when is your target date to put them guys in da ground?
its likely to be within the next month and a half.

Can we get some foliar photography going here pops?

Our differences aside, I want to see whatcha got 8)
After all this is what we signed up to RIU for right? Growing some powerful medicine. ;)

My ladies are starting to bloom nicely, they start day 32 flower tomorrow!
I don't like taking pictures of measly indoor vegging plants.. but I guess I can. it's nothing really special tho.

don't worry there will be /plenty/ of pictures when the plants are in the ground, I'll try to get some of them vegging.

didn't you see my grow last year verde? it was within howak47's thread but I posted over 500 pics over the entire year.


Good works... Mainly hats off for the organic growing...
This is the best way...
Hard work will never go vain.....


Active Member
Hey Poplars, lookin nice dude. Gonna be checkin this thread out on the regular. I love outdoor grows. Here are one of my ladies that is in the ground. Call her Mrs. Cindy 99..8o)...She is only 1 Month & 9 Days old from seed. She has to "mature" a few more months before I have my way with her. I expect her to be 6 foot, white hairs, thick, with that gushy wet juice...LOL.....(Georgia soil is so great...amend it a little and it works great. Look at all the roots surrounding the plant. 80)

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Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
I did see your thread, and the photos of the crop before that...

But I just want to see the little baby plants ;) Skinny leaves or big leaves, compact or branchy... I'm curious ;)


Well-Known Member
I did see your thread, and the photos of the crop before that...

But I just want to see the little baby plants ;) Skinny leaves or big leaves, compact or branchy... I'm curious ;)
hehe I got this that and everything in between!!! I'll take some pics for you within the week.


Well-Known Member
you know what I'm capable of, prepare to expand such capability as my plants should be about 2x larger this year ;)


Well-Known Member
Dude how do you hide the smell? last year i only had 2 big plants about 2.5 to 3.5 feet tall kush and they stank up the whole block, How do you deal with the smell? or you don't care because your legal?


Well-Known Member
Dude how do you hide the smell? last year i only had 2 big plants about 2.5 to 3.5 feet tall kush and they stank up the whole block, How do you deal with the smell? or you don't care because your legal?

well not that I have a false sense of securty..m.aybe I do... but I am legal and there are so many growers in my area that you can smell weed when you go outside in harvest season....lol


Well-Known Member
Cool to see your going organic. Ou gonna add dolimite lime for ph or did you find a diff trick to use? I was also wondering why you are gonna put the clones outside an not the parent plant. All the organic gardeners I know are big time tea brewers and bubble bags of shit in 55 gallon drums.
Plus when people load chemicals into there soil for big fat buds it's just making bad starting soil for next year, organics set the stage for next year to be even better.
I didn't see the church in your lineup Wasent that like a star plant last year for you?

I'm hoping to put some plants i have been vegging 3 months outside in a few weeks. I'm dreaming of needing a ladder at harvest ... Dreaming...