poplars outdoor 2011 grow journal


Well-Known Member
Cool to see your going organic. Ou gonna add dolimite lime for ph or did you find a diff trick to use? I was also wondering why you are gonna put the clones outside an not the parent plant. All the organic gardeners I know are big time tea brewers and bubble bags of shit in 55 gallon drums.
Plus when people load chemicals into there soil for big fat buds it's just making bad starting soil for next year, organics set the stage for next year to be even better.
I didn't see the church in your lineup Wasent that like a star plant last year for you?

I'm hoping to put some plants i have been vegging 3 months outside in a few weeks. I'm dreaming of needing a ladder at harvest ... Dreaming...
LOL church star plant last year!?!?!? why do I put out clones outside? man forget it.

look I got banned, ruined the vibe, I'm not posting anything here anymore, not really sorry either.


Well-Known Member
not doing any updates until they are in the ground... I honestly wasn't planning on even keeping this journal going but I decided to post when they are in the ground.

so in less than a month and a half expect pics!


Well-Known Member
hey pop's did those beans ever pop for u. mine didnt so i emailed the dude and im getting another batch just a little fyi


Well-Known Member
hey pop's did those beans ever pop for u. mine didnt so i emailed the dude and im getting another batch just a little fyi
nice bro no they didn't pop for me either, send me a pm when you get them and let me know whats up.


Well-Known Member
are u sure it wasnt a typo u made. but then again they changed WyteBerryWidows thread to Multi-Kush Grow and some other concerns. instead of some other strains.


Well-Known Member
are u sure it wasnt a typo u made. but then again they changed WyteBerryWidows thread to Multi-Kush Grow and some other concerns. instead of some other strains.

dude I'm not the kinda idiot that makes a typo on something like this.

look I just want this shit deleted, I am not speculating if somebody did this, there is no IF, someone DID this and I want my thread deleted and whoever thinks this is funny can go suck it because if the goal was to get me to not post a grow journal again YOU HAVE SUCCEEDED.


Well-Known Member
plus I didn't have all the letters capitalized like that, it was poplars outdoor 2011 grow journal, not Capitalized Every Word Like This.

Do I Type Like This!?!?


Well-Known Member
lol, nah.. but chill mane i guess u can just use howaks thread. its weird cuz i never even saw you step on toes around here. but like i said they did it to WBW too.


Well-Known Member
they did this on purpose bro, and when rolli gets online hopefully he deletes this thread for good.

sorry to say there will never be a grow journal from me on this website again.


Well-Known Member
man shit, and that purple kush was lookin lovely. i know it'll be epic when its done though and i know ill see pics somehow. u has really changed since ive joined. for the worse at that.