poplars outdoor 2011 grow journal


Well-Known Member
Bat guano is a very good fert for outdoor grows/ organic soil mix ins and then just make "tea" with it to water them. Nice and frosty they will get. Nice and frosty.
will it cover flowering nutes completely? I'm trying to pull this off but it's getting to be so expensive I'm having a hard time seeing how it's gonna work out...

I'll have to look around some local shops to see if they have any bags of bat guano...

piney bob

Active Member
You should be able to find anything where you are at. I personally start with the High P guano around end of july 3-4 times way out from the stem. I also supplimented with a toutch of fish immulsion everytime. Some of the guano is expensive but you do not need a lot and it lasts a very long time without losing potency. Also makes the taste and smell incredible. One 12 lb box of Budswel lasts me 3 years for flowering nutes. They make a tea too. I just don't like making my own teas because it can be dangerous becxause you don't know exactally what ratios you are getting unless you have it tested, but I'm sure someone might lend a recipe. You will not regret it, especially for medication.


Well-Known Member
yeah I'm definitely going to be tracking down some bat guano... there's a NICE grow shop out here that has a section just for cannabis, it's pretty badass I'm gonna hit it up very soon.


hey bro my friend ran into the problem with nutes being to expensive and he just sent roots an email and called them with info on their website and asked for a sample product run and they hooked him up for 20 bucks he got it all


Well-Known Member
hey bro my friend ran into the problem with nutes being to expensive and he just sent roots an email and called them with info on their website and asked for a sample product run and they hooked him up for 20 bucks he got it all
I'm good on that method of getting nutrients, thanks anyways tho.


Any progress yet bro?
Interested in following this journal.
I'm a first time outdoor grower looking for someone to follow along with and you started like two weeks before I did.


Active Member
Im so jealous ... wish I could do an o.d. grow ... oh well , maby someday my state will wake up too . Anyway .. awsome looking grows , im subd for sure ! Rep +


Well-Known Member
plenty of progress, just vegging out strains, gonna get a clone from a buddy, it'll be going in a month or two.


Well-Known Member
Whats the medium your gonna go with? How long ya been doin this for been hearing people say seeds better than clones for yield. Whats your take


Well-Known Member
I'm obviously an outdoor grower so soil is my medium....

my take on clones vs seeds is that I"m going to become a breeder, seeds are MUCH more ideal... every year your strains will evolve each year you breed them in your climate... there are hidden phenotypes to seeds, with clones you only get one pheno... and if you like the strain a lot... you can't preserve it as effortlessly as you can with seeds...

as far as the seeds better than clones for yeild... I don't know... I start seeds indoors... wait for them to sex... take clones and put them outside... my clones are fresh, not years old.... but since they are already sexed they will grow faster than the seedlings.. so I see no reason why seed starts outside would grow faster/yeild more than fresh clones...


Well-Known Member
Good points and when i say medium i meant kinda what dirt you gonna use. I am a newb but not that new lol. Tryen to catch up with some of the words they use on site.


Well-Known Member
Good points and when i say medium i meant kinda what dirt you gonna use. I am a newb but not that new lol. Tryen to catch up with some of the words they use on site.
idk bro I mix a bunch of good stuff in until I have the consistency I'm looking for ya know.


Well-Known Member
Yea I hear was talken to pops another old school norcal kid. Told me he used mushroom compost as well in the soil when he grew. He said he fed twice a week bacck in the day with stuff called rapid grow. And somethen about bein high in nitrogen.

And then for flower he would use superbloom not sure if you or anyone else ever herd of it. He said it worked good. He also mentioned seeds are easy to start. Just get a 2 inch cub with some soil and put them under a light with water ya?