Problem with My Ladies 25 Days into Flowering. Urgent!


Well-Known Member
the ph in the soil should be between 5.5- 7.5 in hydro it needs to be a little more acidic so you dont get anything growing in the water and when ur growing in soil the soil acts as a barrier with the water and the plants roots and it has a ph on its own so it needs to be more basic to equalize the ph and i have a ph meter the ph is at 7.5 its been there pretty much the whole grow up untill i added the viniger and the spikes i flushed them twice so far and the ph is back at 7.5 so im gonna flush em one more time tomorrow and let em dry out and then add more nutes to see how they handle it
WHAT?? look at the PH scale we posted..i keep my soil ph'd at 6.3-6.5


Active Member
the ph in the soil should be between 5.5- 7.5 in hydro it needs to be a little more acidic so you dont get anything growing in the water and when ur growing in soil the soil acts as a barrier with the water and the plants roots and it has a ph on its own so it needs to be more basic to equalize the ph and i have a ph meter the ph is at 7.5 its been there pretty much the whole grow up untill i added the viniger and the spikes i flushed them twice so far and the ph is back at 7.5 so im gonna flush em one more time tomorrow and let em dry out and then add more nutes to see how they handle it
I haven't heard or read anything about 6.8 or higher being healthy for your plants man. 7.5 seems very high to me. And I am pretty new but look at it like this. Your having SOME issue right? we trying to figure out what it is, you should just try ph-ing your water to 6.3 - 6.5. JUST TRY IT. It cant really hurt anything at this point to try you know? I keep mine at 6.5 on the nuts and it seems to be working. In hydro, at least what that chart says and is what i have been going by, its prime level is like 5.8 i think? I have to double check but i think thats it. let us know :)


Well-Known Member
no im saying the viniger droped the ph to much and cooked the shit and if that happened it would be my guess that it would lock out some of the nutes it needs and made it toxic
No flushing with the plat spikes in place then followed up with Shultzs is what burn the plants. And no telling what nutes were already in the mix. It was not the vinegar dropping the ph locking out and burning your plants. Extremely low ph will lock out think like the big 3 NPK. And that plant looks short on none of those. I have tried to help yet you still insist on knowing whats the matter with your plants. Good luck on your grow as you are most definately going to need it. I will enjoy watching this grow unfold from the wings.


Well-Known Member
And just so you know. The only way to know the true ph of you soil is by a slurry test.(testing the medium itself) Testing runoff to get a soils ph is a waste of time. It will only get you chasing your tail even more...........When vinegar is used as a ph down(nothing the matter with it)and once in the medium. Bacteria begin to breakdown the vinegar into compounds the plant can use. But this breakdown also make it lose it ability to buffer ph. Simply flushing with water in a certain ph range will not change the mediums ph long term. Lime, certain acids, oystershell, gypsum and worm castings to name a few things used to adjust a soils ph long term........


Active Member
And just so you know. The only way to know the true ph of you soil is by a slurry test.(testing the medium itself) Testing runoff to get a soils ph is a waste of time. It will only get you chasing your tail even more...........When vinegar is used as a ph down(nothing the matter with it)and once in the medium. Bacteria begin to breakdown the vinegar into compounds the plant can use. But this breakdown also make it lose it ability to buffer ph. Simply flushing with water in a certain ph range will not change the mediums ph long term. Lime, certain acids, oystershell, gypsum and worm castings to name a few things used to adjust a soils ph long term........
first off im not saying i know what exactly happened im just throwing in my theory of what happened because the whole grow the soils been at about 7.5(i do not check the run off i check the soil itself) up untill i added the viniger and thats when i had the poblems ive used the spikes since i fliped the lights to 12/12 so yes i may have overloaded it with the spikes the bag sayd to put 8 around a plant in a flowerbed so i only used 2 and ive put them in 2 times so far so maby the first ones were not fully desolved yet and when i flushed out the vinigerr it released all the nutes and cooked the plants but now it should all be out and i have the ph down to 6.9-7.0 and i added a little shultz at 1/4tsp per gallon.... i appreciate your help very much so im sorry if you feel like im just trying to go against your opinion as i am not intending for my responses to sound that way im just pissed at myself for letting this shit happen and fucking up my plants. just like everyone else out there i want the best for my girls and as a new grower i try to give them everything i think they need which as seen wasent the best judgment on my behalf so im learning and taking in everything im picking up along the way and am not dismissing anyones theory the plant is obviously fucked up im just trying to figure out the best way to go about fixing it so if it were to ever happened again ill have a good knowledge as to what to do or were it came from
so i can fix it next time or avoid it from happening ive followed ur advice so far so......


Active Member
I haven't heard or read anything about 6.8 or higher being healthy for your plants man. 7.5 seems very high to me. And I am pretty new but look at it like this. Your having SOME issue right? we trying to figure out what it is, you should just try ph-ing your water to 6.3 - 6.5. JUST TRY IT. It cant really hurt anything at this point to try you know? I keep mine at 6.5 on the nuts and it seems to be working. In hydro, at least what that chart says and is what i have been going by, its prime level is like 5.8 i think? I have to double check but i think thats it. let us know :)
im gonna flush them again tomorrow and will try to get it down to6.0- 6.5 im just trying to ease it into the right range


Well-Known Member
Simply flushing with water in a certain ph range will not change the mediums ph
uuummm and u say i mislead the blind..u actually get people to spend more money...naw most the shit u said was right but lots of nutrient solutions are ph stable..and since i've been growing for YEARS with out adding lime, certain acids, oystershells etc...i know its fine not to add any of the shit u named and not have any ph issues


Active Member
well skunk all i can say is the last thing u wanna do is go winging ur ideas into ur beautiful plants, get some hesi bloom and half way through ur flower cycle use hesi phosphate plus there is also hesi for veg and hydro it has a ph balancer in it so that u dont have to think about ph anymore unless u just have sum real shitty water, i use my water straight out of the faucet. The last thing u wanna do is stress ur plants out during flowering can cause all kinds of problems and make ur grow go from a 8 week grow to a 12 week grow with shitty results, At this point u will b lucky to save them. You know how to grow and before u do anything u should ask or do research bfor u do it if you dont know what ur doing. I have grown for 10 yrs on and off and i just started agian and i would never do anything i didnt know was a good idea bcuz i come on here and ask.


Well-Known Member
uuummm and u say i mislead the blind..u actually get people to spend more money...naw most the shit u said was right but lots of nutrient solutions are ph stable..and since i've been growing for YEARS with out adding lime, certain acids, oystershells etc...i know its fine not to add any of the shit u named and not have any ph issues
That was a pretty broad statement I made. Of course there are lots of factor, total alkalinity of water, r/o, type of medium flush the medium to physically remove built excess/built up salts initiating a ph change. Simply trying to change the base mixes ph with ph adjusted water is just a waste of water and time...


Well-Known Member
And we(well, not me)have overlooked what he has been doing. Flushed everyday now for 3 days. No drying out, just water logged. Now he has added moisture stress to the problem. Then added some Shultzs just to add insult to injury. Dude you are so just chasing your tail. Let you plant dry out for a few days for the love of the sport......


Well-Known Member
WELL hellllloooo that was my point in the other thread where u said i was misleading the blind..2 watering's with really low ph'd water wont effect soil and coco mediums like it does in a hydroponic system


Active Member
in the last 3 days ive flushed it 4 times im letting them compleatly dry out now... can i pull off the dead leaves?
Ok, ya i didnt realize that. For surely want to let it dry out real nice. The pot should feel like "feather" light before you water/feed again. I have moisture meter that I sometimes use if I'm not 100% sure about the moisture way down. I think you probably should have let it dry out after the first one, but I could be wrong too :) ANd ya, at least I do, I pull leaves off it they are over 50% F'd up


Active Member
plu its from holland with a sticker on it that says cup winner idk maybe im blind, i havent had any problems so i dont think i was very bold, im offering advice that workd great for me, anyways i think people wanna see alot of peoples opinions and the more info u can give might b the problem or the thing they havent tried


Well-Known Member
This grow needs a theme song...



Active Member
i cutt em all this morning im just saying fuck it and am gonna start new i also found a hydroshop not to far from here were i can obtain the proper tools for a sucessful grow ya dig nutes,soils, everything so ill be starting that in the next month hopefully im also thinking about getting nirvanas chrystal have herd good things about that plant also maby a few a-trains but i think once i get the proper nutes and other tools i wont have to worry about fucking em up as much all cut and manicured i ended up with 26 grams so ill probly end up with a half so.....