can you put plants outside during day and then inside during the night?


Well-Known Member
I wanna know if you can grow an indoor strain outdoors if you put it in a room of total darkness just before its been 12 hours. The strain is BC GOD it can be grown outdoors but just wont finish in time in the area I live.


bud bootlegger
sure you can, the only problem with your plan that i see is that flowering plants can get very big and awkward to be lugging indoors every twelve hours, especially if they are in big pots and have been getting a lot of sun... other than that, sure, it will work just fine..

Mary I Wanna

Active Member
No, it will genetically mutate the plant cells, and cause your plants to turn into zombies. You will think Everything looks good, and your plants are nice & healthy.. Untill you smoke the weed from it and turn into a zombie.. I've lost a few good buddies from this man.. They got high and turned into zombies, I had to cut there heads off with chainsaws when they tried to attack me... I dont want you to get your head cut off man... I would grow them in the dark mostly, light is bad for plants it stresses them to much.. Just turn your closet light on for like 2hrs a day, and the rest of the time keep it dark...


Well-Known Member
thanks mary now that you've saved my life I owe you big time:) I will just put them in a shed I have that lets in no light and moving them shouldn't be to difficult.


Well-Known Member
No, it will genetically mutate the plant cells, and cause your plants to turn into zombies. You will think Everything looks good, and your plants are nice & healthy.. Untill you smoke the weed from it and turn into a zombie.. I've lost a few good buddies from this man.. They got high and turned into zombies, I had to cut there heads off with chainsaws when they tried to attack me... I dont want you to get your head cut off man... I would grow them in the dark mostly, light is bad for plants it stresses them to much.. Just turn your closet light on for like 2hrs a day, and the rest of the time keep it dark...
your a big help to this guy :finger:


Well-Known Member
Should be ok but make sure you get it back out every morning at sunrise without fail, heads will be bigger with 12 hours light.


Well-Known Member
do you indoor plants also, have to be very careful the pests you bring back into your house or possibly to an indoor garden. Other than that no worries.