Strawberry Haze/White Widow 600w 1st-timer!!


Active Member
Greetings and welcome 2 my first grow!

I got a new apartment and it had a nice extra room/ closet. I first planned to make a mic-boot of it, but got tempted to throw these seeds in the dirt instead:twisted: After spending some(too much) time and money on upgrading it, the new breeding facility seems to be in check.

Please have a look! :blsmoke:



Active Member
Ok, so far the score is: White Widow 4 of 10 sprouted, Strawberry Haze 1/5, bagseed 0/0. The bagseeds haven`t even germed after 4 days and they look weak, so off with them. Hopefully I`ll have the last sprouts in the next 2-3 days.
Temperature today has been 22-27 c, RH 50-70%. Vents are on and off. Table fan 24h on. Lights are 20/4.

Soil is 40% dirt, 30% perlite, 20% compost and 10% leca. Hopefully this will have enough goodies in it to keep the babies going for a couple of weeks.

Ph is aproxx 6.0 in water/soil

I have a 600w hps ready as soon as the seedlings are ready for it. Any tips on when to fire it up? Only have 3 x 36w halogen spots and a 20w 6500k ion lamp on them right now. Any advice welcome :)


Active Member
Day 4 and the last ones are sprouting

Maybe get a few 23 watt 6500k cfl's from wal-mart for the first couple weeks. They're like $5 for two bulbs. Ge white package with blue around it and says 6500K on the left side. Good luck.
New lights is coming on tomorrow. Ran to the store and got 4x18w bulbs. These are 6500k, 4000 lumen each. I hope these, in addition to the 20w ion-blue, will be ok for the first week at least.

I`m going to try to repot the strechy ones to cover up the stem tomorrow.
I just hope I don`t fuck it up:?

How long should the roots be by now?


Well-Known Member
Just get some CFL's over them as close as you can get them.

If you wanted to you could put your HPS on, but you would have to raise it to like 30" or so until the girls can handle it.

I'd put the HPS on after a week or the first set of leaves get bigger.


Well-Known Member
Why are you even using Halogens???? Get rid of it, does no real purpose except create heat. You need to get at least the 27W or 23W cfl's, if you can find the 42W ones rated at 6500K. But to be perfectly honest...i'd do what the last guy said and throw up that hps in a week. Keep the 6500K cfls on it as well...more light the better. But i would like to know how your Strawberry haze is doing, is it from Greenhouse Seeds?


Active Member
Day 5.

- 12 sprouts so far 9 WW and 3 SH.

Put up the new lights:

I also transplanted the leggy WW`s and gave them a lil water. The stems are now about an inch and a half of the soil. I wanted them lower, but the potsize didn`t allow, and I was afraid to rip the plant. I have no idea if they will strike back from my rough/clumsy/novice/stoned treatment lol :-?

Time will tell

Just get some CFL's over them as close as you can get them.

If you wanted to you could put your CFL on, but you would have to raise it to like 30" or so until the girls can handle it.

I'd put the HPS on after a week or the first set of leaves get bigger.
Thanx for the advice! I`ll definately not wait too long to put on the HPS, but like you said, wait till the babies start leaving properly.

Why are you even using Halogens???? Get rid of it, does no real purpose except create heat. You need to get at least the 27W or 23W cfl's, if you can find the 42W ones rated at 6500K. But to be perfectly honest...i'd do what the last guy said and throw up that hps in a week. Keep the 6500K cfls on it as well...more light the better. But i would like to know how your Strawberry haze is doing, is it from Greenhouse Seeds?

- The halogens was a bad idea indeed lol:mrgreen: good riddance

- 3 of the Hazes have sprouted. They are feminized from Greenhouse. I have never smoked it, but I think this would be a treat if I can get it right till the end. Super potent!:blsmoke:

past times

Well-Known Member
looks good man, keep up the good work and just keep reading more info. as far as the apartment thing goes, make sure you have a very good odor control...way to many people to close to you that might get suspicious if you dont keep that to a minimum.

i did my first grow years ago in an apartment with a 150w hps in a small 1x1 cab. one day a maintanence man came to the door and said he had to look at my ceiling because there was a leak in the apartment above. at the time i didnt really have any odor control either. when he came in, he asked what the smell was. because my placed was trashed from a party i had a few days before, and there was still a keg floating in the middle of my living room i coughed out the excuse that it was just stale beer that i needed to clean. at the time he bought it, but when he came back to put a second coat of paint on my ceiling he said, "you know what, i pinpointed that smell." freaking out and frozen to my chair he said, "dont worry about it, i used to grow back in the day until i got busted for the largest grow op in our town." after cleaning the shit out of my pants, i showed him my small little grow and actually learned quite a few things from him...including the wonders provided by superthrive.

i got extremely lucky though. 99 times out of a 100 that situation goes way differently. i guess the moral is keep good odor control b/c you dont know who is stopping by those places


Active Member
looks good man, keep up the good work and just keep reading more info. as far as the apartment thing goes, make sure you have a very good odor control...way to many people to close to you that might get suspicious if you dont keep that to a minimum.

i did my first grow years ago in an apartment with a 150w hps in a small 1x1 cab. one day a maintanence man came to the door and said he had to look at my ceiling because there was a leak in the apartment above. at the time i didnt really have any odor control either. when he came in, he asked what the smell was. because my placed was trashed from a party i had a few days before, and there was still a keg floating in the middle of my living room i coughed out the excuse that it was just stale beer that i needed to clean. at the time he bought it, but when he came back to put a second coat of paint on my ceiling he said, "you know what, i pinpointed that smell." freaking out and frozen to my chair he said, "dont worry about it, i used to grow back in the day until i got busted for the largest grow op in our town." after cleaning the shit out of my pants, i showed him my small little grow and actually learned quite a few things from him...including the wonders provided by superthrive.

i got extremely lucky though. 99 times out of a 100 that situation goes way differently. i guess the moral is keep good odor control b/c you dont know who is stopping by those places

:mrgreen: Hahaha thats funny man, I would`ve crapped myself aswell!

as far as odor control, there`s no doubt thats first priority. I have an exhaust fan strapped with a kitchen filter of charcoal. Very homemade style as you can see, but it seemes to work better than worse. Before starting the plants some friends of mine lit up 3-4 joints of the stinkiest superskunk in the room while venting, and the effect was great, no smell escaped to the outside, and the room was fresh in couple of mins.
It will do for now:



Well-Known Member
Tomorrow i am going to order the Strawberry haze...i heard it's supposed to be pretty damn good. Please keep me/us updated on your progress. Good luck...your setup looks great for a first timer.

past times

Well-Known Member
that will work for now, but come middle to late flower you are going to get really stinky with the size grow you have. you may be in need of secondary or even tertiary tactics to be safe. there are tons of ways to do it so i am sure youll be fine. just keep that in mind when your flowering. good luck...and you may have inspired me to grab some strawberry haze with my next batch of seeds


Active Member
Ok so here`s an update:

They have been growing up to a week now, and everything seems ok
The WW transplants are just fine, they did`n t seemed to bother to much really. The hazes are are a bit slow, but I am not concerned. I guess they`ll perk up later on.
I realize I still don`t have enough light, so I think I`ll put the HPS up by the end of the week. I`m also slowly starting too look into nutrient solutions. Any tips or info in this appartment is greatly apprecciated!



Active Member
Tomorrow i am going to order the Strawberry haze...i heard it's supposed to be pretty damn good. Please keep me/us updated on your progress. Good luck...your setup looks great for a first timer.
Thanx! Be sure to start a log for those!! It would be nice to compare the phenos.
I hope to be smokin this when I go to Amsterdam next week:mrgreen::blsmoke: I think I`m going to pick up an EC-meter there, and maybe some nutrients to.



Active Member
Today I decided to put on the HPS. I have it about 5 feet above the plant.

Have a look:

I realize I`m wasting alot of light here, but I want to slowly make the plants comfortable with the HPS, without them streching to much. The problem now is the HEAT!! Right now it`s 30c in there. This can`t be healthy...:?


Active Member
Yup, it`s down again... This just confirmed what I was afraid of (so much for listening to the guy at the shop) :wall:
Even with all the fans on, I couldn`t get it under 30c..

Cooling tips anyone?


Active Member
Ok, so I figured out I can make an extra vent and get a cooltube with a fan. How much heat will I be able to reduce? And how much will the glass affect the light?

past times

Well-Known Member
i believe the glass is negligable. the cool tube will make a huge difference also. so do you have a fan pulling air out through a filter and a fan for the cool tube as well?


Active Member

Plants are now 2-3 weeks in veg. I went to Amsterdam on tuesday, came back saturday, and the plants look fine!! I just gave them a good watering before we left, and put a timer on my fans. And they have really been growing, all but one Strawberry haze that don`t seem to like itself.

I think they are ready for a repot and some starting nutes. HPS system is also commin up this week. Lots of work in other terms... :roll:

And this is the one slacking haze:

Have no idea what`s wrong with this fella, I`ll just leave it for now since it`s still starting new leavesites and hope it`ll perk up eventually

These are my timers. Lights are on 20/4, and intake/outtake fans are on 25 mins every two hours:

Environment seems to be fine: