MetaGrow MultiStrain Outdoor 2011 Video Store. No Late Fees!


Well-Known Member
meta, finally got some pc time to watch your last three vids. looking amazing dude. you are a master germinator. can't believe all those skywalkers popped! how is lefty 2.0 doing? couldn't quite tell from the vid if she's showing new growth or not? anyway, peace brother, keep'em cookin.


Well-Known Member
Hey brother, you just reminded me of something. The hydro store near me gives free grow classes(when you buy stuff) This Sat. they are having one for Nutes. I'm hoping they give some samples out. I might buy the Technaflora Recipe for success. It looks like it's enough for about 2 plants and is organic. The Skywalker's look good. Man, you have a good germ. rate. Looks like you'll have plenty for your head stash. Just planted an LSD that germed, out of the 3 others 2 are starting to crack. Anyways, time for another bong hit or 2. Peace, jethead
Yo, that sounds awesome! I want some free samples too! Haha, but yeah, lucky with the germ rates...Glad to hear about the LSD, and the others that popped! I've heard good things about that strain. And I'm with you, bongload time!

meta, finally got some pc time to watch your last three vids. looking amazing dude. you are a master germinator. can't believe all those skywalkers popped! how is lefty 2.0 doing? couldn't quite tell from the vid if she's showing new growth or not? anyway, peace brother, keep'em cookin.
Well, Lefty isn't gonna pull didn't cut the rootball and re-plant like I should of. I have TINY little spots of regrowth, and could probably pull something out of it, but I have SOOO much going on with the outdoor grow and new seedlings and clones, I think she just got away from me. Sorry Lefty!! Haha, almost ran outta weed and smoked her all up, but I was like "Naw, gotta save a couple fat bowls for homer!!)

In lighter news...I have an iTouch, you know, iPod touch...Well, I set up an internet phone line on it, and I just got a call from a mortgage company telling me to switch with them to change my, I don't know how they got the number, since I didn't give it out to anyone, but I spent the next 20 minutes calling them back...turns out someone picks up on the other end of the line? So I got to cuss 'em out, get hung up on, call back, and give 'em a piece of my mind...Eventually they let the message service pick up, and I left them a couple long winded messages about how I can offer them a great re-finance rate on their mortgage!! Haha, serves 'em right!


Well-Known Member
whats up meta? just rolling tru. seedlings are looking good bro. suppose to get me some seeds today as a trade we will see.


Well-Known Member
whats up meta? just rolling tru. seedlings are looking good bro. suppose to get me some seeds today as a trade we will see.
Nice, trading for clones?

Anyway, I bought 21 cu. feet of soil today, seemsI underestimated the amount of soil my holes would take, so I think I need about 9-12 more cu. feet. But I got the other #45 smart pot and one of my 32 gallon "airpots" filled, as well as my holes mostly filled. I'll try to budget out more money for soil, so I can finish up maybe Monday or Tuesday


Active Member
What's up dude. Maybe next year you should buy a pallet of soil. What's the total amount of soil you used for everything? Peace, jethead


Well-Known Member
What's up dude. Maybe next year you should buy a pallet of soil. What's the total amount of soil you used for everything? Peace, jethead
Honestly, I fully planned on buying bulk soil by the yard and having it delivered, but it turns out that I have overhead electrical wires in my driveway, so I didn't have the vertical clearance for the dump truck to raise it's bed to make the dump. I couldn't wrangle up a truck on short notice to pick it up myself, so this is plan C(for cannabis?). Oh well, i'd say I'll end up using around three yards...a little less. Actually not as expensive this way as I thought it was gonna be, but bulk is best!

Some of these big boys in the 200 gallon smartpots are using about a yard of soil per pot! That's just awesome!!


Active Member
I forgot to rep you for all that digging , mixing, filling all those holes and for that message. Peace +rep


Well-Known Member
I forgot to rep you for all that digging , mixing, filling all those holes and for that message. Peace +rep
Right on bro! Yeah, i'm SOOOO glad the digging is done with for the season. Untill I plant my citrus tree, that is. But with all the veggies I wanna plant, I don't need to dig anymore, just gonna use the soil I displaced while digging my holes! lol...Not good enough for my MJ, but I don't think my carrots will mind.

Hey Meta did you see the Kiwi update? Hilarious seeing that dog bounce around all happy! :D
I just watched it right now! Man, I hope that lil pup starts walking again, good to see he's getting some mobility back in his hindquarters!


Active Member
Everything looks very awesome!!! Look at all the money just you Meta are putting back into the economy to grow Legal MMJ. Imagine if alll of us in every State could do just what you are doing like buying from mom and pop hydro shops/hardware stores. How would the economy after the first outdoor season? w/ soil, fert, possibly clones(just like buying tomatoe clones and what not from mom and pop gardening stores)not to mention indoor growing... Sorry juss wish ppl were more opened minded!! Did I mention looking very very awesome!?!?


Well-Known Member
Everything looks very awesome!!! Look at all the money just you Meta are putting back into the economy to grow Legal MMJ. Imagine if alll of us in every State could do just what you are doing like buying from mom and pop hydro shops/hardware stores. How would the economy after the first outdoor season? w/ soil, fert, possibly clones(just like buying tomatoe clones and what not from mom and pop gardening stores)not to mention indoor growing... Sorry juss wish ppl were more opened minded!! Did I mention looking very very awesome!?!?
Yeah, definately a lot of effort and hard work going into the grow, but not TOO much money, hopefully. lol...I've been buying things for my grow since December, because I can't take such a big hit all at once in the spring. So I don't actually wanna add it up because I don't wanna know how much I've spent so thanks, stick around, I'm due for some updates in the next couple days, andf I should get home when it's still light out tomorrow, so maybe I can snap some pics.


Well-Known Member
Another sneak peak at the lineage of the clones. Of the two plants in the DWC, the taller one that the clones came off of has the denser looking buds, and almost ALL the pistils on both plants are white still, so I'm really hoping they fatten up some. But I've neglected these plants lately since I've been so caught up in getting the outdoor grow going. Anyway, the plant I took the clones off of is smelling all fruity, white the other one is more piney. And the little plant in Soil is the most neglected of all, she just got her first dose of nutes EVER


One thing to be said though, these plants should make some nice BHO and other concentrates, a decent amount of trichomes developing on those leaves. I do love Honey Oil :)

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
brah,with that music i kept waiting for a male plant ina cop uniform to roll in!! bow chika bow wownice meta!!! didnt realize u were still in flower to! good job man! i like the lil flower doin the dougy too!


Well-Known Member
Still looking good Meta! I hate that I can't have my cab going right now. :( My buddy has been too busy to come over and start revamping it so guess who is getting a smaller cut next harvest? LOL :D

Thanks for the vid update and as soon as my laziness wears of today I will snap some more pics of my ladies. :)


Well-Known Member
lookin happy and healthy!!!!!! those are some serious bushes you have on your hands!!!! If this is any sign of what your outdoors are gonna be, you're gonna need a big ladder to get the bud shots!!!!! keep it green dude!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
Plants are looking tasty meta. My CFL baby is at 12days of flower and just now getting lil budding sites. Cant wait till she starts fattening up and gets some trichs like yours.


Well-Known Member
Another sneak peak at the lineage of the clones. Of the two plants in the DWC, the taller one that the clones came off of has the denser looking buds, and almost ALL the pistils on both plants are white still, so I'm really hoping they fatten up some. But I've neglected these plants lately since I've been so caught up in getting the outdoor grow going. Anyway, the plant I took the clones off of is smelling all fruity, white the other one is more piney. And the little plant in Soil is the most neglected of all, she just got her first dose of nutes EVER


One thing to be said though, these plants should make some nice BHO and other concentrates, a decent amount of trichomes developing on those leaves. I do love Honey Oil :)
nice vid meta! I'm in FL at the moment on my iphune, and discovered/remembered that if I "reply with quote" I can see the video URL and watch it on my phone. So for anyone with the phone vid problem, just reply with quotes to see the links. Flowering plants are looking beautiful my friend. You think they'll be ready to sample by the time the medcup comes around? ;). I can tell you my amnesia and blue cream will be perfectly cured by then, and I'm such a slow smoker, ill still have plenty left to share!! Peace bro!


Well-Known Member
Lots of trichs on those leaves meta!! Beautiful!!
Yeah, maybe I should invest in some bubble bags...They're definately on the list for things to buy before the outdoor harvest.

brah,with that music i kept waiting for a male plant ina cop uniform to roll in!! bow chika bow wownice meta!!! didnt realize u were still in flower to! good job man! i like the lil flower doin the dougy too!
Haha, yeah, I'm always in flower with some plants. Haha, everything loves the techno music, what can I say...I like a good beat!

Still looking good Meta! I hate that I can't have my cab going right now. :( My buddy has been too busy to come over and start revamping it so guess who is getting a smaller cut next harvest? LOL :D

Thanks for the vid update and as soon as my laziness wears of today I will snap some more pics of my ladies. :)
Haha, yeah, laziness all around. I need to do some things with the outdoor garden, lets just say I'm glad I have all those skywalker seeds I just

lookin happy and healthy!!!!!! those are some serious bushes you have on your hands!!!! If this is any sign of what your outdoors are gonna be, you're gonna need a big ladder to get the bud shots!!!!! keep it green dude!!!!!!!!!
Yeah, every tiome I'm in home depot I tell my lady "I need to buy a ladder", but never wanna shell out the cash for it. I guess when my plants outgrow me it'll be the

Plants are looking tasty meta. My CFL baby is at 12days of flower and just now getting lil budding sites. Cant wait till she starts fattening up and gets some trichs like yours.
Yeah, I actually hope my buds fatten up a lot more, but even if they don't, I have been itching to make some good BHO for a while now.

nice vid meta! I'm in FL at the moment on my iphune, and discovered/remembered that if I "reply with quote" I can see the video URL and watch it on my phone. So for anyone with the phone vid problem, just reply with quotes to see the links. Flowering plants are looking beautiful my friend. You think they'll be ready to sample by the time the medcup comes around? ;). I can tell you my amnesia and blue cream will be perfectly cured by then, and I'm such a slow smoker, ill still have plenty left to share!! Peace bro!
Well shit! Glad you figured that out! And hello over there in FL, hope the weather is nice! I actually DO think they'll be ready in time for the medi cup, but it might not have too long of a cure on it. Oh well, still gonna bring some up! Haha, should be fun to smoke a bunch of different homegrow buds with the homies...And I decided something the other day. The term homegrown sorta implies that it's not up to par with the stuff you buy commercially, but our homegrown is some sweet looking dank!...So I hereby dub our weed "Small Op Cultivated" ;)


Well-Known Member
Okay, so here we are on May 8th. I finally got home when it was still sorta light out, went to make a quick vid, and I noticed balls on a humboldt plant and pistils on the seed I'm growing from a dispensary bag. Well, I was sorta worried about that, but these plants were a few weeks older than the other seedlings. Luckily I have more seedlings in my veg tent, 11 of those Skywalker seedlings, 1 Blue Mystic, and 1 Dr. G...So I'll wait till they get a little bigger and put them out; probably change the light schedule in the veg tent to be a half an hour shorter so it's not such a change when I put 'em out. Also, one of the Heavy Duty Fruity's isn't making the it's gonna be culled as well.


Once again, I'd be a little more stressed about it if I didn't have a bunch of new seedlings and more seeds to pop, but it's all part of growing and you take the good with the bad. I figure as long as I make it to my 12 females by the end of harvest, then none of the little shit matters....Don't sweat the small stuff, right? Haha, just hoping I end harvesting a few different strains, I love variety! And if not, it'll be fun to trade with others!