DNA Genetics-Cinderella 99


Well-Known Member
Mattso you're my hero. Those are some mean little bushes bro. I love those C99 genetics. Have you smoked it before? Im curious to know how it is!!

It's expensive as shit, good thing you're only approx 3 hours from me ;). hahaha

You sold me on COCO, will be my next grow medium

Will be watching bro, hope you did well on the midterms.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the comments Tahoe and Zdragon. Oh yeah Sublime, thank you too for the shity grammer, it made me laugh

Day 37
I watered this moring with half strength Nutes. I did this cause the leaves a getting a little dark and they are over eating a bit. No signs of any burn but I want tostopp it before it starts


Well-Known Member
Mattso you're my hero. Those are some mean little bushes bro. I love those C99 genetics. Have you smoked it before? Im curious to know how it is!!

It's expensive as shit, good thing you're only approx 3 hours from me ;). hahaha

You sold me on COCO, will be my next grow medium

Will be watching bro, hope you did well on the midterms.
Never smoked it but have herd fantastic things about this strain. Apparently its a very stong Sativa like plant that reeks of tropical fruits and pinapples. THey stink already. more skunky though than anything.


Well-Known Member
I guess there was more nute build up than I thought. On of my ladies over ate and she is displaying some necrotic spots due to too much nitrogen. There is only one pant effected by it and its just on a couple leaves so I am not too concerned. I will flush next watering though with a mild nute soulution then get them back on a good feeding schedual.

Other than that everything is fine. they are still growing nicely and ounce they get settled in bigger pots I will start cloning

Two Phenos are showing Sativa Pheno and a Indica Pheno. I have 3 Sativa Phenos and 2 Indica Phenos

The burn action

And The wierdo


Well-Known Member
Yes I fixed the nute problem! I flushed them today with plain water. The water running out of the bottem of the pot was the color of pee. I flushed till it was clear. This should fix all. I also transplanted today into 3 gal pots and fed a little with a mild nute soulution containing 1/4 strength Growth nutes (1/2 ounce per gallon) and full strength Root stim (1tsp per gallon).

Finally got my ass down to the hydro shop. Canna coco and perlite

Mix it up real good! I made a hell of a mess.

Nice roots eh!

The topping went well! I should get 4 tops outta each one of these ladies



Well-Known Member
sounds good mattso101. like everyone else been saying really nice color to them. good thing you took care of that problem fast.


Well-Known Member
see im just using this "potting" soil and im not getting good results. i should switch to this medium stuff and some perlite. how much does this stuff cost?


Well-Known Member
Coco coir is a great medium! I mix it 50% perlite 50% Coco. feed with pureblend you cant go wrong. its not cheap though. That bag was about 30 bucks. I say its worth every penny


New Member
Very nice grow mattso. Sorry. You do have all the info right there on the front page.
You started them off in those little peat moss thingys. my hubby bought some of those for me but I didn't know you kept the mesh on. I took all of that off and wondering why they fell apart on me. :?

I have read others using cocoa beans also. Thats very interesting.

I'll keep posted here



Well-Known Member
Very nice grow mattso. Sorry. You do have all the info right there on the front page.
You started them off in those little peat moss thingys. my hubby bought some of those for me but I didn't know you kept the mesh on. I took all of that off and wondering why they fell apart on me. :?

I have read others using cocoa beans also. Thats very interesting.

I'll keep posted here

Oh yeah keep the mesh on the roots grow right through. Its not cocoa beens. Its Coconut fiber. works soo well. there is a really good video on you tube about Canna Coco. I will try to find it for you.


Well-Known Member
Wow, nice grow, i like how you kept the "weirdo" and its looking gr8 now!! I too wanna know more about the coco fiber and did you mix it or did you leave it on the outside of the soil?