Window Ac Unit and Tents

benny blanco

Active Member
Is this possible? Does anyone have any experience with this? I'm looking into getting a 10x10 tent but I want to know if I can use my ac instead of buying a portable


All depends on ventilation man, I use 2000watts in my tent with air cooled tubes and dont have to run any A/C. However with out ventilation there would just be a puddle of shit where my plants were, so you'll need to sort that out first.

benny blanco

Active Member
I'm running 4 1000whps. I'm pulling air from outside through the hoods and venting to a closet. C02 and a lot of oscilating fans. I just need to figure this ac thing out. I just bought a 500$ ac and don't feel like buying another one


I hear you, If your in a closed room I would suggest drawing air form somewhere up high in your tent (to get the hottest air). Then place the A/C unit in the window and use it to cool the room the tent is in while still venting int the closet. Then just cut a couple passive air intake holes into your tent, this will allow the coolest air into your tent. This will also create a negative pressure situation in your tent, an addition of some carbon filtration will effectively eliminate any odor problems as well/if needed. Then just tinker with your A/C temp till you hit the sweet spot.

benny blanco

Active Member
I really doubt that's going to work. it gets hot as fuck in cali in the summertime. And I want the tent as sealed as possible. Thanks though. Anyone else have any experience with this?


Read the post....if its hotter than fuck out side then how would you expect to that air to cool your tent? If you want to waste money on A/C you dont need then be my guest, you don't understand how negative pressure works? Basic principles of ventilation here dude.

benny blanco

Active Member
Lol so you're saying with good ventilation I don't need to supplement cool air via ac for 4000watts in a 10x10 space? Yeah ok. I understand you're trying to help but I'm good with your "advice"


look at the picks in my grow journal, I',m not trying to dick you around. Foot for foot i'm running around the same wattage as you, I run no A/C. I'm not saying you won't need any, I'm saying youll need less. Insult me all you want and ignore my advice, but what I do gets consistent quality results and has done so this way for some ten years now take it or leave it, good luck and have nice day!

benny blanco

Active Member
Lol who you trying to convince? Me or you? I really don't care what anybody else grows or does. I know I need a ac in the tent without a doubt. Anyways back to my question. Does anyone else know if there's a way to use my window ac in my tent? Or is a portable the only option? Can I build some kind of box with a exhaust and intake for the ac and leave the whole thing inside?

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
could u build a box like a 4'x4' wood box, and attatch the a/c in the box and then vent that to the tent. seal the box real good and use it like sealed room growers use lungs to run their system. just a thaught.

benny blanco

Active Member
That's what I was thinking. I was doing a little research on ac's and I know it needs a steady flow of fresh air in the intake to work properly. I was thinking of maybe building 2 boxes in one. One around the intake and one around the exhaust and do a little ductwork. It would be a lot easier if I could attack a flange or something somehow to the ac and duct that into the tent.

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
That's what I was thinking. I was doing a little research on ac's and I know it needs a steady flow of fresh air in the intake to work properly. I was thinking of maybe building 2 boxes in one. One around the intake and one around the exhaust and do a little ductwork. It would be a lot easier if I could attack a flange or something somehow to the ac and duct that into the tent.
ya if they made a fitting that went over the a/c,that would be great. i think a box might work. a/c half in/out the box,then cut hole in box and duct into the tent.