Why Is The Bible So Revered As The "Word of GOD"?

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As has been said many times, noone is griefing the "special user" that is BrotherBuz, we just dont like the fact he's trying to tell us that his Bible is a word for word, absolute truth history book and that the likes of evolution is just made up.

Its an insult to my intelligence personally, because its a book of (mostly Jewish) fairytales that has been used for hundreds of years by the Vatican and others to control the masses. "Book" is even a shakey term for it, its more of an "anthology of psuedo-ficticious stories".

Also the fact he cant actually retort a single point anyone has made but he continues to spewn his totally irrelevant psychotic religious babble. (He must be a Westboro member or something, I think they all lick windows too)

Nothing wrong with the idea of religion, just people need to use their brains too. (In some cases trying would be a start)

Think about it from the theoretical deity's point of view, if we are his/her children, would he really want us to be so blind/downright fucking stupid? Would you not want your children to broaden their minds?

So BrotherBuz, care to actually post something relevent to the discussion?

Cos if you can actually post a point that actually makes sense and is backed up by something relevent, I will accept it.
Iv always wanted a religion/liked the idea of it, just never actually believed in one.
Jus to be clear, I wasn't referring to you as a griefer. A griefer is defined as "Someone who does things in an online community (game, forum, chat group) to deliberately cause annoyance ("grief" in the sense of "giving someone grief") for the griefer's own enjoyment (or "lulz"). A griefer is purposely inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic with the primary intent of provoking others into an emotional response. (usually anger)

There is only one person posting here that fits the description.

So BrotherBuz, care to actually post something relevent to the discussion?

Cos if you can actually post a point that actually makes sense and is backed up by something relevent, I will accept it.

I admire your appeal to reason. It is a path I try to take with opposition and has enabled me to learn from others in the past, but like most things, I am afraid it is lost on fools. It only gives the griefer a chance to waste more time, time that is better spent on actual learning.
So BrotherBuz, care to actually post something relevent to the discussion?

Seriously, listen to Heis, give it a rest man, stop asking for stuff, he will not provide it, you know he wont, he'll just run around in more circles FISHING for you to ask more and more shit so he can waste more and more of your time. Don't give in to that shit, stop responding and let this useless thread die.
Long before Christopher Columbus and his Great grand-parents were born, the Scriptures said: ". . .earth hangs upon nothing. . ." Job 26:7 & "There is One who is dwelling above the circle of the earth. . ." Isaiah 40:22

The earth is round, hanging upon nothing. Think about the implications. :razz:
^^^ If you were paying attention, you would have noticed I said post closed. But then again, you've never payed attention, that's why you're still here. LOL
^^^ If you were paying attention, you would have noticed I said post closed. But then again, you've never payed attention, that's why you're still here. LOL

Post closed? I dont see that anywhere....

I'm surprised your mentor (budlover) allow you to play in the Lyons den alone. Do you feel safe?

Lol. I swear, your like a self-fulfilling prophecy. Lyons den? Only thing i see here is scaredy cat Brother tucking his 'cat' tail between his legs and hissing. Any second you will piss yourself and run into the shadows....

Or we could use a dog analogy. Like how most of your ideas sound like they came from a brain the size of which your avatar would possess. Or its squinty eyes, acting as blinders as it goes through its infancy.

The analogies go on and on, but the entertainment doesn't. If you want your thread to reach 1000 posts you better start making it interesting.
Word, I'm all for debate, but this thread has the feel of several smart guys yelling and making fun of a retarded person.
The response he gives does not even pertain or begin to make sense as a counter point to argument . . ." His response here and most everywhere else suggests BB is near borderline schizophrenic with his logical connections.

You're just smoke & mirrors.

Sir, I understand you better now; you’re the same dude that found it odd that anyone, would hate the act of homosexuality. You’re found on p.42, (people knocking on your door), right below this thread, trying to convenience a young man that homosexual acts are considered normal and shouldn‘t make him feel repulsed.

As I said before, no one should explain to another, why homosexuality is a creepy thought. You should already know that!!

Listen carefully "deviant", just because Klosetman, Padawanbater and yourself find it okay or normal for a man to stick his penis in another man’s ass doesn’t mean that most condone this act or find it okay. Most find it sickening.
So, there you go, you Klosetman and Padwanbater are in the wrong thread!!
Listen carefully "deviant", just because Klosetman, Padawanbater and yourself find it okay or normal for a man to stick his penis in another man’s ass doesn’t mean that most condone this act or find it okay. Most find it sickening.

I dont even know where to begin with this. You are SO wrong. MOST people speak against intolerance now, not against gays. Your hayday of gay bashing ended a few decades ago, and now you are trying to keep grasp to one of the very last intolerances you have left. We took your right of segregation away, we took your right to force prayer in school away, and the gay rights movement is making extreme headway.

Your world must feel shattered more and more as time goes on. Progression means only one thing for you: the end of life as YOU know it.
he'll just run around in more circles FISHING for you to ask more and more shit so he can waste more and more of your time. Don't give in to that shit, stop responding and let this useless thread die.

And so when the thread gets no attention he struggles and casts his lure over and over until sure enough he gets more bites. KK can't seem to resist the bait and allows the griefer to successfully reel in his catch. Do you think that blather about gay posts means anything to BB other than a route to illicit more anger? Do you think a response means anything to him other than satisfaction? I admire your tenacity when defending your principals, but may I suggest your not let your buttons be pushed so easily. Perhaps try the satisfaction that comes from watching the fisherman struggle when his hook comes back empty.
Oh i resist the bait, ive left another thread of his already. Keep in mind, you've claimed to leave several times as well ;D

The idea is, I dont care for him much. At this point in time, i feel more like im griefing him than anything. But hey, make this about me instead, i dont mind ;D
Oh i resist the bait, ive left another thread of his already. Keep in mind, you've claimed to leave several times as well ;D

The idea is, I dont care for him much. At this point in time, i feel more like im griefing him than anything. But hey, make this about me instead, i dont mind ;D

Never claimed to leave, jus to not debate him. Indeed I have yet to respond to him directly despite his personalized taunts. I have posted the last few pages out of confusion as to why his tricks are working, and to implore you let the griefer starve. I think this is a good practice in general anytime someone has proven themselves to have no worth beyond grief. But now that you've heard me, i'll let the subject rest.
Never claimed to leave, jus to not debate him. Indeed I have yet to respond to him directly despite his personalized taunts. I have posted the last few pages out of confusion as to why his tricks are working, and to implore you let the griefer starve. I think this is a good practice in general anytime someone has proven themselves to have no worth beyond grief. But now that you've heard me, i'll let the subject rest.

Meant no offense, and your point has always been well taken here =D (by all but Buz of course).

I admit, and continue to admit, that i stay for the kicks.
Common sense would tell you "murder is wrong" (along with a list of other things), yet it's what goes on in the bedroom that deserves their attention.

I don't get it...

Who would believe a perfect being would hold this opinion?
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