I Once.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
I once went to the movies with someone when I was 19 on a date. We started making out, and I rubbed my hand up and down his leg, pretty hard I guess.
Next thing you know hes coming in his pants. I mean this was a huge load too. His whole pant leg from mid thigh up was wet. He went to the bathroom and he came back about 30 minutes later...I thought he left me.
To this day he still considers that his most embarrassing moment.

what are you doing this friday?

wanna see a double feature?



Well-Known Member
i once saw a little birdie on the road and i went to shoo it off and when it jumped up it got squished by a 18 wheeler in the radiator.....i cried

Rocky Mountain High

Well-Known Member
I once shit my pants at work, on Monday of this week actually. Pretty fuckin embarrassing for a 36 year old man. I got caught between squeezing cheecks and walking to the bathroom, one or the other. I decided to make a run for the bathroom and filled my fruit of the loom with poo. Yuck.


Well-Known Member
i once made a fishing pole, using a stick, some necklace string, a cut and bent safety pin as a hook and a piece of hotdog as bait and caught a nice fish with it in the first 5 minutes


Well-Known Member
I once had a friend who me and a couple other friends got drunk with in a movie theater. Friend one ended up standing up during the movie and lacing about 4 rows with urine. Hope it's not your theater.. better watch out


New Member
I once fucked my girlfriend and her mother the same night...not at the same time though...my girlfriend never spoke to me again...:neutral:


Well-Known Member
I once fucked my aunt...not very proud but hey just throwing it outthere..*we were both stoned*
Once when I was 15 I walked in my moms room early in the moring and she was laying naked in bed with her nephew...
She swears nothing happened and they just passed out drunk... but naked? Come on. They def fucked. MY Mom is a Ho faSHO.
(She didnt raise me, so dont think Im a mean bitch...shes just another person on earth to me.)