Why Is The Bible So Revered As The "Word of GOD"?

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After 20 seconds thought it should occur to someone that if we condemn acts which do not lead to procreation, then we must include, masturbation, oral sex, condom use, pulling out, ect.

Professor, dude STOP all the hyperbole, do you think peeps here were born last week Friday are something? Say what you mean and quit the nonsense talking in circles.

Let me break it to you this way. If homosexuality is right, why can't a man impregnate another man? Did you understand that!
That's the point. :roll:

The point was to provide a question void of logic or critical thinking, with the strict purpose to try to antagonize someone, while simultaneously sounding like a complete idiot?

Well shit Buz, consider your mission a success, cuz you've been doing that for about 75 pages now.
Professor, dude STOP all the hyperbole, do you think peeps here were born last week Friday are something? Say what you mean and quit the nonsense talking in circles.

Let me break it to you this way. If homosexuality is right, why can't a man impregnate another man? Did you understand that!

No one is saying its right, we are saying its not 'wrong', at least not morally, like you claim it is.

Do i need to provide some information that shows the countless times animals in nature have performed 'gay' acts? I bet the puppy in your avatar has humped a male dog or two in its time..... is it going to puppy hell?
Stop picking and choosing sentences people have posted and using them out of context.

What does homosexuality do to harm you in anyway? Get over yourself BrotherBuz, Mr "Moral Authority".

Im not gay, not paticularly fond of gay guys coming onto me but once they know your not gay they completly lose interest. In what way am I harmed in the exchange? Not at all. Have I a problem with homosexuals? No, why the fuck would I? Some of the genuinely nicest people Iv ever met were gay, would you tell them to their faces you think they're destined for hell? If I heard you say that Id be embarrassed for you.

Why dont you just go rejoin "the flock" and stay out of the public, where there's a growing number of people who can actually think, cos you're just making yourself look stupid.

You remind me of Brick from Anchorman, except Brick wasnt a dickhead and did actually make more sense than you have here.

Oh and for the record, how was the "Lyons' Den" BB?
oho the homosexuality topic nice lol

so why do guys have G spot in their ass


why why why why :))
Men have Gspots in their asses because the Gay Devil put them there?
HB, is all about smoke & mirrors, wrapped up in his deviant passions.

I am sorry that this statement offers nothing new to learn. It's his classic "smoke and mirrors' line which we already examined and identified as him feeling inferior, followed by another ad hominem attack. Either BB does not read material others provide, or he doesn't understand why ad hominem attacks are invalid, or else he just doesn't want to give up what he sees as his best debate tactic. I guess what we can take away from this is how desperate and futile fallacies make someone look.

Professor, dude STOP all the hyperbole, do you think peeps here were born last week Friday are something? Say what you mean and quit the nonsense talking in circles.

Let me break it to you this way. If homosexuality is right, why can't a man impregnate another man? Did you understand that!

Translation: I can't wrap my brain around your points and your ideas make me feel uncomfortable. I am upset my red herring of homosexuality isn't sufficiently distracting from my inability to form a valid point. I will pretend that you do not understand my question and repeat it, hoping to deflect from the fact that you already answered it. This allows me to not address the points you made.

So you think that homosexuality isn't void of critical thinking? I know it does nothing to support evolution. Hands-down. ;-) :lol:

Apparently BB hasn't examined his own sexuality enough to realize sexual preference requires no thinking, critical or otherwise, better known as instinct. For pages hes been trying to convince us that evolution is thoroughly wrong, and now he brings it up to support his point. I am sure if someone pointed out examples of how homosexuality benefits evolution it would be lost on him, since he changes his beliefs to fit his arguments. This is someone who is supposed to be firm in their beliefs? It would seem the motivation is grief and not expression.

Once again we see BB ignoring anything that he can't easily answer with a quick insult and appeal to ignorance. I was really hoping we all could learn from BB the pitfalls of not thinking critically, but I guess I was giving him too much credit, he just keeps on doing the same old song and dance, and quite frankly, the song sucks and the dance is boring.
the devil ahhh right :wall: :fire:

"god is gayyyyyy" - kurt cobain <3

"Teacher said, your eyes! Preacher said, Dont have nothing for you!"
No one is saying its right, we are saying its not 'wrong', at least not morally, like you claim it is.

Do i need to provide some information that shows the countless times animals in nature have performed 'gay' acts? I bet the puppy in your avatar has humped a male dog or two in its time..... is it going to puppy hell?

Lets not forget that whether homosexuality is or isn't moral is not the issue. BB is saying any arguments made here, despite them being totally removed from sexuality, are invalid because they are stated by homosexuals. Now we can argue that none of us are homosexual, and that sexuality has nothing to do with logic, but this is what red herrings do, cause the opposition to argue morality and defend their own sexuality instead of focusing on the flaws of BBs original logic. He was unable to answer the many valid questions about scripture and the bible, and he successfully caused others to leave the topic behind with the red herring of homosexuality.

Am I suggesting we get back to more god talk? Nah I don't really care, I just get excited when I see fallacies organically and in the wild. It's one thing to read about them on a web page or in a book, but to see them in practice is fascinating.
I'm not sure if the Bible is the word of God in it's entirety,
but I believe the diction God holds is in the every day miracles around us :)
See this BB? An intelligent believer, welcome to the discussion IceCream, your kind have been sorely missed around here.

Would you believe the Bible is more of a guidebook or a historybook?
BB keeps dodging my questions :(

I'll explore your question with you mccumcumber. Bill Maher's is known for saying something like, if priests have a holy ear and are directed by gods word, and a disproportionate amount of priests molest male children, then it must mean that god is a homosexual pedophile. These are after all, people who have given themselves over to divine influence. God is effectively the head of an army of boy-fuckers.

I would like to know if it's true that a disproportionate amount of priests are pedophiles, as compared to any other random group of males. I suspect the numbers are average and pretty much what we would expect to find in any random sampling, but I don't know. If it is true that more priests are pedophiles than an average group, that would be very interesting indeed.

It would also be fair to state that not all, or even most, men who molest boys are homosexual. In many cases it is more about power and dominance than sexual preference/attraction.
Well what I'm more disturbed about is the papacy's (are they still called that) stance on the issue. Letting priests get away molestation is absurd, those men ought to be arrested, but since the Pope said it was ok that they did this, they get away free of consequence. And by doing so, the Pope has (maybe unintentionally) approved child molestation... wtf?!?!?!?
thank you Harrekin, you flatter me so :3
-just like any form of historical writing or documentation, there are discrepancies. that can't be helped.
those whom would like to dismiss the bible entirely use this fact to their advantage,
but what they have to realize is that history is technically an interpretation,
think of it this way: we believe that Christopher Columbus found America because that is deemed "history".
is there any way to know that for sure? -probably not.
and I think the same holds true for the bible, history is never ever definite.
personally, I do believe many of the things in the bible to be true, but I think it's meant to be more of a tool for teaching.
christians, or anyone for that matter, don't read the bible because they want a history lesson, they read the bible because it's stories (whether fictional or fact)
convey the most important life lessons about treating fellow humans and loving the people we have in life.
Vatican City has it own law and the Pope is the big cheese there...simple as that! Current Pope was also a member of the Hitler Youth with Iron Cross award, you aware of that?
I'll explore your question with you mccumcumber. Bill Maher's is known for saying something like, if priests have a holy ear and are directed by gods word, and a disproportionate amount of priests molest male children, then it must mean that god is a homosexual pedophile. These are after all, people who have given themselves over to divine influence. God is effectively the head of an army of boy-fuckers.

I would like to know if it's true that a disproportionate amount of priests are pedophiles, as compared to any other random group of males. I suspect the numbers are average and pretty much what we would expect to find in any random sampling, but I don't know. If it is true that more priests are pedophiles than an average group, that would be very interesting indeed.

It would also be fair to state that not all, or even most, men who molest boys are homosexual. In many cases it is more about power and dominance than sexual preference/attraction.

OMG, Bill Maher is one of my heroes! =D (no doubt saying that will invite much flaming lol) and an awesome point nonetheless.

Well what I'm more disturbed about is the papacy's (are they still called that) stance on the issue. Letting priests get away molestation is absurd, those men ought to be arrested, but since the Pope said it was ok that they did this, they get away free of consequence. And by doing so, the Pope has (maybe unintentionally) approved child molestation... wtf?!?!?!?

Pretty much dude, but peeps like BB just kick their feet a bit, jiggle their body, and dig their head another inch or two under the sand and put it out of their mind. Pretty predictable behavior imo. They just deny, quote scripture, and deflect.

IceCream, i forgot to quote you, but thank you for your intelligent and meaningful response. I wish more believers could take such a 'gentle' approach to their faith. The die-hard ignorance you see from others is just so un-becoming nowadays.
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