Dr.Amber Trichome: Super Lemon Haze and Snow White Fingerez Scrog Style


Well-Known Member
Hey there Amber, I think the oringinal was something like Northen Lights x Afghani x skunk...I could be wrong but it was 3 of the main ones around. Looks frosty. Enjoy, DST

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
HEY WHAT UP cats?bongsmilie hope u are enjoying a beautiful FRIDAY, its time to party again! yeah:eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke: now over here in my next of da woods
its been 200 days since the last 70 degree day,yeah, thats what everyone is talking about today. So my turbo tent is going to be baking hot. I preped it this morning with a its side window open. I duct taped some screening to the inside of the tent this time. When i duct taped it outside the tent it fell off. I have another huge oscillating fan going in the garage as well. So im hoping everything will be wicked good today for the ladies.
I fed them this morning water and micro nutes with a little hydrozyme.
These girls of mine are just like me, thirsy as hell. :lol:
Got some nice buddage growing down and the green in My snow white girls is much much better. But Medusa, my SLH and auto blues got some good nute burn. :-(

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snow white colas
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much improved green in this snow white. :lol:

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ahaha, that delicious lemon haze sex appeal. yum;-)

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super lemon haze scrog, i wonder if i should take the screen away?

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Group shot , missing Regan and Mortisha though
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Auto Blue leaf damage
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leaf burn on Medusa, SLH
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Snow white, mortisha, has gotten a lot greener since blastin her with high Nitrogen levels
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both my blueberrys smell really bad. The have a nasty pugent odor. I hope they dont taste like that when i smoke them.. PU:lol::lol::lol:
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top of Snow WHITe

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AS of Today in the tent ready to start another day:lol:
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So I duct taped the screen here for bug guard and then i can unzip the outside of the tent for extra ventilation. I really hope that the screen doesnt fall off inside.:lol:

Have a wonderful weekend. :lol::hug:

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
any peppery hints in the jack? smoked it a couple of times, here and dam and it was a really nice light hazey kinda effect. beautiful taste and high.

seen that "bleaching" effect on the auto before not sure what it is to be fair but dont worry about it unless it gets worse. i had it and it just stayed where it was.

back to normal feeding then sweets with no bloombastic till next week :) full strength grow and bloom as per feeding chart :)


bongsmilie With Jack Herer. I really fallen hard for jack herer. I mean bad. I was never expecting it. I really never new about him at all. But now he is all i can think about. Day and Night i just cant believe how delicious and mind alteringly wonderful he is.
He smells like a sweet fruit but the smell is so friutful and abundant, i cant exactly put the smell into words,or tell you what fruit it is.. except for sweetly fruity and an underlying flavor chocolate.
So chocolate covered strawberrys, yeah that is what he smells kinda like.:lol:
I have yet to reseach what exactly Jack's strains consist of but whoever breed this variety was an ABSOLUTE GENUIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
it has every trait i like.
This is NOT a creeper buz.
This dope hits hard and fast.The taste and flavor is exceptional. It still maintains that chocolate strawberry flavor when i hit it in the bong. bongsmilie
Immediate onset of a soaring high, a high energy buzz.
then it drops you down to a relaxed state. There is a constant up and down that is so well balanced. It puts me into a really happy happy mood. I would say it got me introspective, chilled, humorous, creative, relaxed and actually made me really hungry.
This strain is wonderful for relaxing your eyes . I would highly recommend it to glucoma patients. :lol:
HE burns so slow and evenly. I really just cant say enough good things about Jack Herer. Im growing this next round. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Dr. Amber - I just purchased and received the Jack Herer beans and this post makes me very excited to get it going. Unfortunately Jack died last year see this.....


If you have not read his book "The Emperor Wears No Clothes" you must get it it is a must read for anyone who enjoys a joint every now and then. Had a mason jar of this stuff about 4 years ago and still remember it as being one of my favorites. This strain won a cannabis cup or 2 back in the late 90's early 2000's. Got the beans from Attitude and even better they are Green House Seeds (the guy who invented Lemon Super Haze (Arjan)) Can't Wait!

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
any peppery hints in the jack? smoked it a couple of times, here and dam and it was a really nice light hazey kinda effect. beautiful taste and high.

seen that "bleaching" effect on the auto before not sure what it is to be fair but dont worry about it unless it gets worse. i had it and it just stayed where it was.

back to normal feeding then sweets with no bloombastic till next week :) full strength grow and bloom as per feeding chart :)
hey Las, thanks for the advise. :lol: i hope your girls are doing well.;-)
yes, there were peppery hints in the Jack, really beautiful taste and high. I love the quick sudden euphoric high that I get as soon as I exhale. wow what a blast!bongsmilie
bongsmilie With Jack Herer. I really fallen hard for jack herer. I mean bad. I was never expecting it. I really never new about him at all. But now he is all i can think about. Day and Night i just cant believe how delicious and mind alteringly wonderful he is.
He smells like a sweet fruit but the smell is so friutful and abundant, i cant exactly put the smell into words,or tell you what fruit it is.. except for sweetly fruity and an underlying flavor chocolate.
So chocolate covered strawberrys, yeah that is what he smells kinda like.:lol:
I have yet to reseach what exactly Jack's strains consist of but whoever breed this variety was an ABSOLUTE GENUIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
it has every trait i like.
This is NOT a creeper buz.
This dope hits hard and fast.The taste and flavor is exceptional. It still maintains that chocolate strawberry flavor when i hit it in the bong. bongsmilie
Immediate onset of a soaring high, a high energy buzz.
then it drops you down to a relaxed state. There is a constant up and down that is so well balanced. It puts me into a really happy happy mood. I would say it got me introspective, chilled, humorous, creative, relaxed and actually made me really hungry.
This strain is wonderful for relaxing your eyes . I would highly recommend it to glucoma patients. :lol:
HE burns so slow and evenly. I really just cant say enough good things about Jack Herer. Im growing this next round. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Dr. Amber - I just purchased and received the Jack Herer beans and this post makes me very excited to get it going. Unfortunately Jack died last year see this.....


If you have not read his book "The Emperor Wears No Clothes" you must get it it is a must read for anyone who enjoys a joint every now and then. Had a mason jar of this stuff about 4 years ago and still remember it as being one of my favorites. This strain won a cannabis cup or 2 back in the late 90's early 2000's. Got the beans from Attitude and even better they are Green House Seeds (the guy who invented Lemon Super Haze (Arjan)) Can't Wait!
HI Greenice, thanks for stopping by and letting me know about Jack. Funny, i was just on amazon reading reviews about his books and DVDs. The guy was a genius. Im very interested in getting to know him better. I love reading Biographys so im going to order that book you recommended. Its so wonderful to find another strain that i really like. let me know when you start your journal i would love to watch you grow Jack. and. I wish you the best with your grow! take it easy.:lol:


super lemon haze scrog, i wonder if i should take the screen away?

Hate to say it but that screen is not doing anything for the plant other than providing a little support. You probably know this but the idea is to start training plant early to spread out as widely as possible while trying not to let any one branch or shoot dominate in height over any others. This keeps the plant competing with itself to race to the top. Always remove any branches below the screen so all nutes go straight to the tops and when your plant first starts to hit the screen table start weaving the shoots into your screen so it spread further and encourages new shoot to start doing there thing. Essentially when it is spread correctly you will end up having many, many kola buds in the end.

Here's a good photo of a scrog setup



HI Greenice, thanks for stopping by and letting me know about Jack. Funny, i was just on amazon reading reviews about his books and DVDs. The guy was a genius. Im very interested in getting to know him better. I love reading Biographys so im going to order that book you recommended. Its so wonderful to find another strain that i really like. let me know when you start your journal i would love to watch you grow Jack. and. I wish you the best with your grow! take it easy.

Dr. A
I will definitely post a journal and look for you to let you know when it is up! You've got some nice flavors brewing and looks like they will be ready soon. Enjoy :eyesmoke:


Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
super lemon haze scrog, i wonder if i should take the screen away?

Hate to say it but that screen is not doing anything for the plant other than providing a little support. You probably know this but the idea is to start training plant early to spread out as widely as possible while trying not to let any one branch or shoot dominate in height over any others. This keeps the plant competing with itself to race to the top. Always remove any branches below the screen so all nutes go straight to the tops and when your plant first starts to hit the screen table start weaving the shoots into your screen so it spread further and encourages new shoot to start doing there thing. Essentially when it is spread correctly you will end up having many, many kola buds in the end.

Here's a good photo of a scrog setup

cool picture Greenice! that looks a lot like OtterMukey and Bagerbagers way of scroggin'!

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
hey greenice we was trying to do this

My previous round, grow number 4 :) Finished December 2010 ------------ 76 days 12.12 ---------- 7 week veg

Lemon Haze clone gifted so not 100% on genetics but fairly sure its the Super Lemon Haze from GHS :)

but we didnt get the screens ontime. she;s got the screens (sent from the UK by myself) now so we will be proper scroggin next round. we just decided to run with it this round, more of a practice for next time :)


Nice job Las Fingerez!!! They look delicious and the scrog thing worked well for you considering the circumstances. Looks like the real deal LSH but it is so hard to tell from a picture with all the strains out there these days. My LSH (bought direct from GHS) has a wicked crystal coating to the point where sometimes it looks like there are little drops of water on the buds that glimmer in the light. Gotta love any strain that does that. So far it is my favorite strain but I am a strain hunter that never stops so every 5-6 months I buy another 4-6 flavors and start a new project.

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
Nice job Las Fingerez!!! They look delicious and the scrog thing worked well for you considering the circumstances. Looks like the real deal LSH but it is so hard to tell from a picture with all the strains out there these days. My LSH (bought direct from GHS) has a wicked crystal coating to the point where sometimes it looks like there are little drops of water on the buds that glimmer in the light. Gotta love any strain that does that. So far it is my favorite strain but I am a strain hunter that never stops so every 5-6 months I buy another 4-6 flavors and start a new project.
what circumstances are u talking about mate???


"got the screens (sent from the UK by myself) now so we will be proper scroggin next round"

Sorry Las.....misunderstood the above. I thought it was great to begin with and misread thinking you were expecting better the next round.....my bad. Kind of confused me because I really don't know how much better it could get without going to a permanent table or something and allowing more height.....making much more sense now and I now get that you were speaking of Dr. A which makes even more sense

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
yeah the doc is my pupil lol "master las fingerez" *samurai ninja voice* haha just messing the doc asked me to help her out a little on the grow and she's learned loads already, cant wait to see the scrog screens in action next time :)


HAHAHAHA! TOO funny I have the same type of scenario here only I call it a "young jedi knight" and once you advance you become "Obee One Kanobee" and when you are a grand master you are a "Yoda" You are a good Yoda for sharing your skills my friend!


Well-Known Member
what las said but without all that ranting, lol...spreading love then coming back with a rep backhander.

i thought this was cool so wanted to share...will put more on my journal thread if you can find it, if you can't yer fucking 2by4!

Oh what big teeth you have Granmaw,

Peace, DST
I love how it says cannabis too

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
:leaf:HIGH you guys!!!!! nice to have you back! listen to this killlller tune!!!!!!!!

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this painting i did this weekend goes out to women everwhere using the herb to help them with their pain and sickness. :peace:

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have you ever seen my lovely bong.. hahahaha. nice and clean . I love this bong! nice and simple. Heavy glass, hard to break, and easy to LOVE!:peace:

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I made a collage in my garage next to my tent. I can now stare at this wall while im stoned riding my stationary bike..ahahahahahahaha and listeing to good music and watching my beautiful plants grow!

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hahaha, super lemon haze.. i took these following photos just prior to the onset of a buddage explsion. I feed them some biogrow and big injection of bio bloom.. they absoluetly wet freakin MAD following this. I saw a super lemon haze cola on my Medusa grow a fuckin inch in like 8 hours!!!!!!!! it was INSANELY FUN!!!!to watch

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Snow white

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something yummy:peace::mrgreen:
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something even yummier!!!!!:mrgreen::mrgreen:
Ok the secret to the Chocoloupe is to drink a chocolate beer, eat some dark chocolate and some canteloupe with a big bong hit. ..
This chemical reaction sets you into a wild almost hallucinajenic state of mind. I kid you not.!!!!!!! ive unlocked the secret.. and unlocked my mind...lmao try it yu'll like it !!!!!!!:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:

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what tribe painted these?lol

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this is one of my fav colas.. Super Stoner Barbie auto Blueberry. I fimmed teched the top of her and she did not separate into other braches but what she is doing now is quite amazing. She is far bigger and fatter than the auto that was not topped even being about 3 weeks younger!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mrgreen:

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super lemon haze
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The super stoner barbie cola sized up...this ones for you WOWgrow...lol:joint:

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Super Lemon Haze, REgan , what a killer pheno.. man look at those sativa leaves.. i can not believe i got this pheno!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahahaha... Happy Doc in the house!

Have a wonderful week, Amber:peace::peace:

